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Conditional Logic - Reader Board ~ Show me the way


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I have been working on a long term project which seems to have no end in sight. There are several facets to this project from basic to very advanced in the way the systems in my home communicate to the end users. At a high level my goal has been to have various devices relay important information to me and the family visually and orally. 


The system has three tiers from basic (KISS), medium, to advanced display & messaging.


At the moment the basic alert notification is something I finally found the time to work on due to other competing projects. So here are the objectives and hope the forum members can offer their input for the best conditional logic to make this work. Please let me know if there are gaps or missing details that would be helpful to craft these conditional logic programs.


KPL Display:


Imagine custom keys that represent energy, security, temperature, etc. A set of keys are labeled as low temp, mid, temp, high temp. What is the ideal program to light up a single key to reflect such a condition without conflict of the others?


So for example I have defined a low temp of 0 ~ Minus X, mid temp 10 ~ 24, high temp 25 ~ X. 


What would that program(s) look like to light up those single keys and avoid a conflict? If during the evening it was 0 ~ 9 that low temp key would be lit. As the day progressed it got warmer now its past 9'C and into the 10 ~ 24 range that key would be lit and extinguish that low temp key etc.


I already have a general idea of how the programs would look but wanted a fresh perspective in case I missed the obvious. As the logic needs to be rock solid and bullet proof. If this basic (KISS) program works out as I hope then the other mid and advanced reader board elements can be integrated with very little problems.


Thank You!  

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Non-expert's opinion:  This doesn't have to be complicated for the test case you have presented


Based on your previous posts I am assuming the data is in a state variable loaded from one or more external sensors that would trigger evaluation of programs on any change.  Correct?


1)  Program for each temp range, only need a Then to turn on scene if temp in range

2)  Scene for each temp range with all three buttons as responders:  100 0 0  ||  0 100 0  ||  0 0 100   guarantees only one button will be on

3)  May need a program to initialize on reboot, depending on how variable is fed

4)  May need a program to respond to any physical button presses that will run the if clause of the three temp programs so that the LEDs will reset if someone meddles.

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Just a thought for using a KPL.


The LEDs indicating the temperature level could be turned on, one  for each temperature range or...


Turn on LEDS only on the one side of the KPL and all ones underneath it with your scene definitions. This would give the bar graph effect for the indicators up one side of the KPL instead of a single LED spot. Easily visible indication from a distance.

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