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Hi! I'm new to internet of things and universal devices. I was wondering if anyone can either point me in the right direction or help me get started with some basic knowledge. I have a few questions:


Will I be able to develop an iOS app with the api? If so which one do I use?
I want to develop my own iOS app for some tiny homes that I'm building, could I possibly brand them with my own brand?

If I do develop an iOS app will I have to pay universal devices anything?



Thanks in advance for helping out! sorry for being a newbie haha :) 

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A long time ago, I used command fusion to build my own app to use with my ISY. Their Iviewer app would be the interface for your phone/tablet.


It is also possible to build your own apps as well if you have the know how.


I haven't touched it in a long time as I use RTI now so I really can't give you any details about it's full capabilities now.

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You have a number of options. You can interface your iOS app to the ISY in each home through the Web Service/REST interface hosted on the ISY device, but would have to setup the network infrastructure in each house to enable outside access. Alternatively, you can use the ISY Portal which requires a small annual fee for each account and you have to contact UDI to enable integration with the portal (I think they are probably very open to mobile apps and interfaces since they don't develop one themselves). The interface is the same - the portal simply acts as a cloud-based proxy for the ISY, along with some other integrations, such as Alexa and Google Home connectivity. 


All the information you need can be found here:



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Thank you so much for responding! So I'm starting to read the documentation and it is very clear. However I have two more questions before I dive deeper into this. Just to make sure I can access these endpoints if I'm coding in swift? Also can I use this for commercial use?

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Don't know swift, but I am certain it allows you to make HTTP and Web Service calls, either with native APIs or an add-on library.


If you want to go through the ISY Portal, you will need to contact UDI to discuss access. But you could code and test your application directly with your own ISY first and then the code should be an easy port to access customers' ISYs through the portal.

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Awesome! One last question, do you think you can explain What exactly ISY portal is? in the documentation it says its a tool basically, where it makes it easier to code the calls? Is that right? It also mentions it broadcasting to the ISY every 30 seconds. Is that just so it know if the devices are still connected?


Thanks a bunch for your patience! I really do appreciate it!

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Briefly, the portal allows integration with the Amazon Echo and Google Home devices. It also allows secure off-site access to the ISY. All without port forwarding.

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Specifically to your implementation, the portal would act as a proxy for web service calls to the users ISY. That is why you can code and test your iOS app with calls directly to your ISY and then simply add the portal connection piece when you are ready to roll it out publicly without having to change the rest of your code.

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Okay! Things are starting to clear up for me! I have been doing more research on my own and found a good starting point to tackle my problem! However a few more things are still a little unclear for me. If you can confirm that I'm on the right track that would be amazing!


ISY is just a hub that universal devices sells, such as ISY-994i series, if you have a suggestion for another hub that would be much appreciated. I am not sure if I am able to use other hubs such as the Insteon Hub.


Devices such as a light switch will connect to the ISY-994i series (I believe it tells you how to do this in the documentation, please correct me if i'm wrong! ) and then my application that I will make, will connect to the hub in order to control these said devices (locks, lights, etc...). The portal is there if I want to, lets say, turn off my lights when I'm at work?


On the website it also says that the ISY-994i series connects to Insteon products but it also says it supports Z-wave. Does this mean I will be able to any z-wave products such as Kwikset SmartCode 910 Z-Wave Smart Lock Deadbolt?


Thank you again for your patience! Sorry for the multiple questions! You all are super helpful! 

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The ISY is more than just a hub. It's a powerful Insteon manager that allows you to set some Insteon features depending on the particular device, such as On-Level and ramp rate using a computer (primarily) without having to push buttons to accomplish those tasks. The ISY also uses a browser interface to create scenes among devices.


But where the ISY really shines if the ability to create conditionals (programs). The only other methods that come close are software which requires that a computer be left running 24/7. The ISY does not require that. The only need for a browser is the initial set and to modify what's already created.


Devices do not literally connect to the ISY. Rather the ISY has an image of the device and can receive and transmit Insteon signals through the PLM which is the actual interface between Insteon devices and the powerline. The portal is not needed for that nor to connect to the iSY from an off-site location. But the portal does allow off-site control without the need to understand technical requirements such as port forwarding. The portal also provides a secure connection from an off-site location. Once again, the portal is nor required, but it does make such connections easier, most especially if you are not technically oriented.


In order to control Z-Wave device, a Z-Wave module is required, either when you firrst purchase an ISY or add it later.

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That was incredible! Thank you so much for explaining this! That clears up all my questions! I feel much more confident about this!

Again thank you!


EDIT*** I'm sorry final question I promise and I'll start trying to implement everything :)

if two houses are next to each other using Insteon devices, is it possible to dynamically find all devices within the house? or would I have to do that manual through the ISY interface?

Note: I know that each device has a specific address. 

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You would need either the insteon address and type that in manually or physically press the set button on the device.


When I install insteon, I will add it to the ISY prior to installation. During this time, I will factory reset the device and quick test it to make that it works. I then add and rename the device in the ISY.

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EDIT*** I'm sorry final question I promise and I'll start trying to implement everything :)


if two houses are next to each other using Insteon devices, is it possible to dynamically find all devices within the house? or would I have to do that manual through the ISY interface?


Note: I know that each device has a specific address. 


lilyoyo1 is correct. Mainly for security reasons and your hypothetical concern, you or your neighbor would need to know the Insteon ID or manually press the set button to find an Insteon device in the other house.


In addition, the signal would have a tough time traveling from one house to the distribution transformer and then back to the other house. The Insteon signal often can't make it back to the same house if the devices are on opposite legs of the split, single-phase electric supply. That's the specific reason for dual-band devices and Range Extenders which transmit via short range RF.


Don't hesitate to ask away. That's the reason for forums like this one B)

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