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Programming before installation?


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Hello everyone. :)

I'm doing a small installation and is quite a bit far from the office, so I would like to do as much as I can without spending much time there. This happens quite often in here, so I tried to add a new device with no address and it didn't let me, I also tried giving a fake random address and didn't work either.

My idea is to add the devices in beforehand and then setting the addresses when everything is finished and installed.


So the question is, is there any way to set all the devices and devices without being linked or without address? if not, is there any workaround?

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No, you can't do that.


However, you can easily log into your ISY from a remote location after the installation and program it from there.


It would be possible to add your devices at a work bench, one a time by temporarily hooking them up to power adjacent to your ISY/PLM.  Once you add them all, you will have errors on each device, but you can still put them in programs and add them to scenes.  I don't think you need the ISY pro, but you might.  I think it will still store all the device writes until they come back online (for setting up scenes)

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If you have all devices prior to the install, you can add them to the ISY beforehand and then take it to the location for the installation.


That is how I handle mine. This allows me to factory reset devices and verify they are working before installing them. By verifying, should there be issues, I'm not troubleshooting a defective device thus saving time

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