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Home built HA light switch with 3D printer


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Should be able to use via Polyglot, or just flash with open source firmware which supports GET/POST control, maybe with a simple username/password.


It uses cheap sonoff wifi modules.


Cheap, non-UL-listed Sonoff modules in a non-UL-listed enclosure, hooked up to line current and enclosed in a wall box.   What could go wrong?

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I've tracked the progress of the Sonoff products since they came to market several years ago. I'm still on the fence because the whole *Provide your user name and password for your network* is simply bull sh^t via their smart application / cloud hosted services. Kevin is working on this project now and indicates these devices can be flashed with open source firmware to negate the dependencies of the above.


But the whole flash process for these devices is yet another silly endeavor to get them DIY.


Last year the company had a self recall for the product because there were many instances of the device burning up and catching fire. I understand the latest product has resolve this issue so that does speak for the vendor in terms of care and control for the product.


I'm going to revisit this product later in the year as I see great value in their temperature / humidity / energy monitor module(s). For the price you really can't go wrong with having a few to play with in a passive manner like monitoring the environmentals. In terms of connecting these devices to 120 / 240 VAC not on your freaking life would I ever do that in my home . . .


For a test box that's isolated to perform a DIY *Proof of concept* Rock On . . .

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I've tracked the progress of the Sonoff products since they came to market several years ago. I'm still on the fence because the whole *Provide your user name and password for your network* is simply bull sh^t via their smart application / cloud hosted services. Kevin is working on this project now and indicates these devices can be flashed with open source firmware to negate the dependencies of the above.


But the whole flash process for these devices is yet another silly endeavor to get them DIY.

All the ESP8266 (e.g. Sonoff reflash) and ESP32 firmwares I've worked with, require hardcoding all credentials -- including any MQTT or other username & password, and the SSID and WPA2 key for WiFi.   But at least with the free IDE the keys are stored locally in flash, not in the cloud.


One downside to Sonoff and such (as compared to buying a devkit) is that the packaged products almost always omit the programming pins, making it difficult to flash -- the devkits are designed to make it easy to load code, and the open source firmwares are moving towards full support for over-the-air (OTA) update, including security.


Last year the company had a self recall for the product because there were many instances of the device burning up and catching fire. I understand the latest product has resolve this issue so that does speak for the vendor in terms of care and control for the product.


I'm going to revisit this product later in the year as I see great value in their temperature / humidity / energy monitor module(s). For the price you really can't go wrong with having a few to play with in a passive manner like monitoring the environmentals. In terms of connecting these devices to 120 / 240 VAC not on your freaking life would I ever do that in my home . . .

Agreed -- catching fire is ungood, non-UL-listed devices for high-current applications are double-plus ungood.


I've been working on using ESP32 devkits for monitoring (e.g. heating fuel level), and just ordered some cheap AM2302/DHT22 modules to start collecting temperature and humidity where I'll have an ESP32 and an unused IO pin. 

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Not sure I like using non UL devices in my house.  If something were to happen the home owner's insurance would have the right to dispute the claim.


On the other hand,  they certainly peak my interest.  However, if I have to write code to interface with them instead of a Z-Wave, then I would do this on a computer and not use the ISY.  The ISY is what makes HA easier to deal with and saves coding for special projects.


As a side note check out SuperHouse Episode 27, https://www.superhouse.tv/ It is a tour of the Sonoff factory.

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However, if I have to write code to interface with them instead of a Z-Wave, then I would do this on a computer and not use the ISY.  The ISY is what makes HA easier to deal with and saves coding for special projects.

I think that (moving coding to a "computer" and integrate back to ISY) is the point of PolyGlot/Node Server?


Since I'm trying to use an uncommon analog sensor (the "Magnetopot"), my choices were either to hook it up to an EZIO or write code.    As more people start using the ESP32 for automation stuff, there should be several pre-written solutions for integration with home automation.   In the long term, especially given the dirt cheap bulk pricing for bare ESP32 modules, I'm sure somebody will package this all up and start shipping a product with the sensors and MQTT/IFTTT/etc code already installed.



Thanks so very much for the information. It would also be absolutely wonderful to see whether or not we can get Polyglot V2 running on ESPx dev kits.

Seems to be within the realm of possibility; likely the best approach would be to port to  MicroPython, like the Micro Node Server POC?

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