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Outlook.com SMTP fails TLS negotiation


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I can't get email to send from the ISY994i using the same SMTP settings that I use from my email client. I'm getting a Mail server failure message [TLS negotiation failed]. If I uncheck to use TLS I get another Mail server failure message [unsupported authentication method].


I'm wondering if anyone else has been able to use Outlook.com with the ISY994i?


The SMTP settings I'm using are;

SMTP Server:  smtp-mail.outlook.com

Port:  587


thanks,   -phil




I outlook.com as my personal email and remember going though this at one time and never got it to work. I tried allowing POP, alternate port 25, etc. 

You might get this to work: under account.live.com/activity is recent activity / session.. you can tell it accept your failed login location as acceptable to talk to. Simple to try. However, if that works, I could imagine that it will break if your ISP internet IP changes and definitely if your ISP changed; ....you'll have to remember that.


I did use my outlook.com account as the destination for ISY notifications for a while, but sent them from my ISY through a gmail account I set up to handle any house/HA functions that are email based. Gmail works great as a relay, and its filter/rules engine is helpful splicing up, filing and relaying email messages from other systems (my router's IPS/virus alerts, alarm system's email alerts, idrive cloud backup status, ... ect).. gmail gave me a good stair step in integrating all of that, and I think is more helpful if you think you'd eventually go to a notification service like pushover.



Yes, there are many alternatives to Outlook.com. I'm currently using my own domain's email provider and it works fine, but, since retiring from my IT day job I'm trying to downsize and eliminate much of that work from my home perspective. I'm fazing out my domain so I needed a new email provider and looking at Outlook.com. I try to avoid anything Google.


I thought that since all my other programs are working with the Outlook.com SMTP why shouldn't ISY.


timeout is 1,000 ms.

Not sure about the security settings for HTTPS client. I don't see anything for that in the ISY settings. Where do I find that?


Changing the timeout didn't help.


The security instructions you linked to appear to be outdated. They refer to firmware 4.5.4+ and I'm running 4.6.2 so the Network settings are in a different place. I find them on the Configuration/System page and there aren't any settings for Client and Server. You know better than I, but, I wouldn't expect those to come into play for just sending SMTP mail. Anyway, I don't see anything for HTTPS Client.


On 2nd look I see something that I've never used before. Those security instructions are referring to running the ISY Dashboard which I've never seen before. I've always used the Universal Devices Administrative Console. So I can run the dashboard and see the same Network configurations as in the instructions. The Client settings are Protocol:  TLS 1.2 and Strength:  All.


On 2nd look I see something that I've never used before. Those security instructions are referring to running the ISY Dashboard which I've never seen before. I've always used the Universal Devices Administrative Console. So I can run the dashboard and see the same Network configurations as in the instructions. The Client settings are Protocol: TLS 1.2 and Strength: All.

What about the ‘Verify’ checkbox? That likely needs to be unchecked....

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