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Trying to Make a Decision for Alarm - Abode, SimpliSafe, LiveWatch, etc.


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My sister just purchased a condo, and I promised her that I would put in some type of alarm system. I don't know the best option. She wants home automation for lights, front door, etc, so I was planning to use ISY/Insteon/Mobilinc. I suppose I could also use the Insteon Hub, but it seems like the ISY is more reliable. I use it personally, and it's been great. 

She has a second floor unit, so there is really only one point of entry (aside from the windows). Her needs are pretty simple, but I know she would want monitoring and a mobile app. I've seen different options like Abode, SimpliSafe, LiveWatch, and others, but I don't have any experience with them. I'm not even sure if it's worth integrating with ISY, as I feel like the standalone features are sufficient. I see that people like Abode, because it interfaces with Z-Wave. Does anyone have any ideas for a good option? I'm overwhelmed by all of the choices.

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There are a lot of decisions. I need to replace my old DSC wired system also. I am heavily invested in Insteon and ISY, so it would seem obvious that I would choose ELK, but it is way over priced, IMO, and I don't see the need for most of it's features. I just need a simple wired and wireless panel to replace my old one with internet access for reporting and controlling it (i.e. no land lines). One thing I am not going to do is to buy a system that is locked into one monitoring company. I want to have choices for monitoring and that means competition. 

I have had three DSC systems in my homes and office, so I am used to the programming features, so replacing my existing DSC with a DSC (from Amazon) would be much simpler and allow me to use my existing sensors and keypads. 

Everyone's needs are different so you have to figure out whats best for your sister and you.

FYI, my old DSC hasn't failed, it is using a very old protocol that isn't being supported by some of the new (less expensive) internet monitoring companies, it requires a land line and doesn't have the wireless features for remote access/monitoring. 

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If security is really the prime importance focus upon the force protection elements. No bells and whistles are going to stop a person from kicking down the door for a smash and grab. Install grade 1 lock sets and dead bolts from Medeco for starters. Install a breach kit from Armour Concepts which reinforces the hinges, strike plate, and door jambs. While at home install a door guardian to prevent anyone breaching the door or via lock picking.

With a properly installed *Door Guardian* its near impossible to breach a solid door.

Ideally, all sensors from the security alarm system need to be hard wired as this ensures two way communications is always present. No matter how good wireless RF has come along the weak point is the human. Human will never ever be ready or prepared to inspect, measure, replace the batteries which happen in inopportune times. Based on the systems you listed up above I would humbly ask you to reconsider the alarm systems as they are not going to offer you any real protection.

Security is a lifestyle not simply a thing or service . . .

Regardless of any security alarm system in place, force protection, the only thing that will make you whole is proper home owners insurance. Your sister needs to sit down with her insurer and discuss her real world needs and IF her worldly possessions are properly covered. Failure to have the proper (amount / type) of coverage will leave you in the dirt. No matter what anyone ever tells you self monitoring is not acceptable and those who do have no clue or care as to what's important.

A certified CS (Central Station) is the only *Thing* that will ensure fire, police, EMS, who ever will come and render assistance when needed. Having a properly installed and certified grade 2 alarm and monitored will also offer a insurance discount too. 

Lastly, no matter the alarm system in place (hardwired vs wireless) annual *Walk / Load Tests* must be performed.

99.999999999999999999% of the population never do them never mind know what the hell a walk test / load test is! Anyone who works in business with solid computer security processes knows user names and passwords need to be changed at intervals. I can tell you with 100% confidence there isn't a soul on this board that changes their user name, password, challenge phrase, duress code, ever . . .

Duress Code?!?!?

What the hell is that??? Go look it up and then sit back and think about everything I just wrote about.





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I don't disagree with Taken at all on this.  If you are waiting for the police now days, the game is over before they show. I had a 911 call 3 weeks ago and the police took 4 hours to respond. and yes there was a real threat on property at the time. They had a "work slow down" going on in protest of their retirement funding. So much for protecting and serving. 

So use Taken's advice to slow them down and get her a .357 with CHL training to stop them as a last resort.  When I finally talked to the police, they agreed that I need to be armed next time. It is a shame that it has come to this in society. 


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On 2/14/2018 at 4:11 PM, LFMc said:

 I need to replace my old DSC wired system also. I am heavily invested in Insteon and ISY,

I was in the same situation so I bought an Envisalink network interface for my DSC and found an open source Python-based interface to monitor the DSC and send notifications to the ISY Network interface.  The "Alarmserver" runs on a Pi.  Probably sounds complicated but it was so simple.  I actually setup the same system for others in the family.  You can also run EYEZON's apps and they also have a monitoring service as well.  Lots of options...

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2 minutes ago, mmb said:

I was in the same situation so I bought an EYEZON network interface for my DSC and found an open source Python-based interface to monitor the DSC and send notifications to the ISY Network interface.  The "Alarmserver" runs on a Pi.  Also EYEZON has a monitoring service as well.

Thanks for the reminder. I think I looked at EYEZON a while back. Not sure why I didn't pursue it. My DSC may be so old it doesn't support it either. It would be nice to get rid of that old Hayes 1200b modem that I keep to program this old panel. :(

I was correct, I have the PC1550 panel and they don't list it as compatible. 

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On 2/14/2018 at 2:10 PM, chris87 said:

My sister just purchased a condo, and I promised her that I would put in some type of alarm system. I don't know the best option. She wants home automation for lights, front door, etc, so I was planning to use ISY/Insteon/Mobilinc. I suppose I could also use the Insteon Hub, but it seems like the ISY is more reliable. I use it personally, and it's been great. 

She has a second floor unit, so there is really only one point of entry (aside from the windows). Her needs are pretty simple, but I know she would want monitoring and a mobile app. I've seen different options like Abode, SimpliSafe, LiveWatch, and others, but I don't have any experience with them. I'm not even sure if it's worth integrating with ISY, as I feel like the standalone features are sufficient. I see that people like Abode, because it interfaces with Z-Wave. Does anyone have any ideas for a good option? I'm overwhelmed by all of the choices.

I've had Simplisafe for 2 years. It gets an 8 from me as an integrated alarm system and a 3 for iot integration.

The good

  • Easy to install
  • System - works
  • Monitoring - works
  • App - works (pin authentication)
  • Integrated smoke/co
  • Has cameras, I don't use them

The bad

  • Bespoke Simplisafe monitoring (COPS).. No Alarm.com, etc
  • Very low level iot. They have tons of requests and long threads asking for iot (IFTTT, Stringify, etc) integration, and 3 years of "we'll ask the team"... I gave up

I have a Rube Goldberg machine in gmail to parse their email and IFTTT using maker. I can have my ISY know the state of the system, but can not control it from the ISY.


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3 hours ago, LFMc said:

Thanks for the reminder. I think I looked at EYEZON a while back. Not sure why I didn't pursue it. My DSC may be so old it doesn't support it either. It would be nice to get rid of that old Hayes 1200b modem that I keep to program this old panel. :(

I was correct, I have the PC1550 panel and they don't list it as compatible. 

The old DSC PC1550 panel isn't compatible with any of the integrations, but that isn't a reason to get rid of all the hardwired sensors.   You could get a new brain and new keypads, and just ditch the panel itself.

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17 hours ago, KeviNH said:


Thanks Chris for bringing up this topic.  While the DSC and Eyez-on solution would be great as a lower cost entry for the high tech hobbyist,  I wouldn't probably recommend it for your sister. That would probably mean you become her service person and would be attached at the hip to her security. 

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