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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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I'm getting the following error this morning after upgrading to the new Polyglot versions (both on the RPi version - 2.2.5, as well as on the Polisy version - 2.2.5):
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner   self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run   self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/wt_nodes/wTagManager.py", line 298, in _set_url_config_false   self._set_url_config(force=False) File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/wt_nodes/wTagManager.py", line 312, in _set_url_config   tag.set_url_config(force=force) File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/wt_nodes/wTag.py", line 246, in set_url_config   param = def_paramNameError: name 'def_param' is not defined

EDIT: This does not appear to be a fatal error.  The nodeserver continues to run.

There should have been an error before that line? It is an error in my code but looks like it's caused by an API change on their side.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL with Tapatalk

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Looks like there are three new params.

2019-10-29 20:25:43,984 ERROR    LakePadNew:Lake Laundry Freezer:1e67d5cc5149d3:wTag13F:set_url_config: Unknown tag param 'voc_normal' it will be ignored
2019-10-29 20:25:43,991 ERROR    LakePadNew:Lake Laundry Freezer:1e67d5cc5149d3:wTag13F:set_url_config: Unknown tag param 'too_smelly' it will be ignored
2019-10-29 20:25:43,993 ERROR    LakePadNew:Lake Laundry Freezer:1e67d5cc5149d3:wTag13F:set_url_config: Unknown tag param 'too_fresh' it will be 

I need some of those sensors :) I've made the fix and will try and release tomorrow.

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CAO Tags revert to degrees F when Polyglot (Polisy) Rebooted.

Polyglot v2.2.5 (on Polisy),   Wireless Tag v2.0.11,  ISY 5.0.16

I was configuring Polisy and came across an issue when Polyglot or the Wireless Tag NS is restarted. When this happens, tags that had previously been reporting temperature in degrees C are now displaying temperature in degrees F on the ISY Main page.

My work-around fix is to re-discover the tags from the root node each time the NS is restarted. (see screen shots). I set this re-discovery to occur via a program upon ISY reboot. (This assumes that a power fail takes down both ISY and Polisy. I need to remember to do this manually if the NS restarts)

Tag Web UI always reporting in degrees C.PNG

From ISY Main page - revert to degrees F.PNG

All good after re-discover all tags.PNG

Fix - re-Discover tags.PNG

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  • 1 month later...

Still contemplating getting some of these, had a couple questions I was hoping someone could answer.

I clicked the link in @Jimbo first post here to get to the site:

1. So basically any of the sensors that I from that site will work with this?

2. i noticed they don't recommend them for outside in moisture areas but sell a waterproof zip lock bag to put them in (cheap enough)...but I am wondering, how on earth can it sense humidity zipped up in a water proof bag?  If the bag works..then why not just seal up the unit in the first place?

3. Jimbo you mentioned adding support for tag 107 in the release notes, but you don't have one.  What tag is that?


Thanks.  Looking forward to trying these out.

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1. Yes, they all work afaik, as listed in the doc https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/blob/master/README.md#supported-sensors-types types 102 and 107 were added, but not in the doc yet

2. I have one outside, but not in where it can get rained on, units were not sealed because you have to open them to replace battery.

3. 102 and 107 are the new ones https://store.wirelesstag.net/products/ext-power I've ordered one of each, but others report they are now working except for minor issues.

Edit: List of tags is here, which is still missing the 107 http://wirelesstag.net/kumoapp/17/tags-kumosensors-kumostats

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1 hour ago, ulrick65 said:

i noticed they don't recommend them for outside in moisture areas but sell a waterproof zip lock bag to put them in (cheap enough)...but I am wondering, how on earth can it sense humidity zipped up in a water proof bag?  If the bag works..then why not just seal up the unit in the first place?

I have three of the PIR motion detector tags outside, though not in the direct rain, and they've survived two years so far.  I had four moisture sensors in the garden (batteries have now died) wrapped in plastic bags with a desiccation pack, and they survived three seasons in irrigated areas.

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11 hours ago, Jimbo said:


1. Yes, they all work afaik, as listed in the doc https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/blob/master/README.md#supported-sensors-types types 102 and 107 were added, but not in the doc yet

2. I have one outside, but not in where it can get rained on, units were not sealed because you have to open them to replace battery.

3. 102 and 107 are the new ones https://store.wirelesstag.net/products/ext-power I've ordered one of each, but others report they are now working except for minor issues.

Edit: List of tags is here, which is still missing the 107 http://wirelesstag.net/kumoapp/17/tags-kumosensors-kumostats

I have tested this build with type 107 and for the most part it is working fine. Jim is very responsive and takes care of any issues quickly.

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I got my order or tags, tag manager and such.  I have it running in Polyglot and it added the first two sensors that I added with the Android app.  I am a bit confused and could use some pointers on where to go from here.

For example:

 I changed the name of one of the sensors in the Android app and it updated there, but it still shows the old name in Polyglot and ISY.  I restarted the Node Server a few times but still has not updated.

I added a couple more tags in the app, restarted the node server, but they are not showing up in the node server.  Everything is green and is showing online but I am not seeing the newly added sensors.  Is there something I am missing here?

I am a bit confused by the settings in the app as well...for example, do I have to Arm them there or ?  I am getting readings in ISY for the two that are showing there.  I am not really looking to use the Android app for alerts or anything, I just want the data in ISY so I can use it there...do I still need to "Arm" them in the app?  They are all set to disarmed as I assume that means that the app does some sort of monitoring.

Any help to get me pushed in the right direction would be appreciated.


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8 minutes ago, ulrick65 said:

I got my order or tags, tag manager and such.  I have it running in Polyglot and it added the first two sensors that I added with the Android app.  I am a bit confused and could use some pointers on where to go from here.

For example:

 I changed the name of one of the sensors in the Android app and it updated there, but it still shows the old name in Polyglot and ISY.  I restarted the Node Server a few times but still has not updated.

I added a couple more tags in the app, restarted the node server, but they are not showing up in the node server.  Everything is green and is showing online but I am not seeing the newly added sensors.  Is there something I am missing here?

I am a bit confused by the settings in the app as well...for example, do I have to Arm them there or ?  I am getting readings in ISY for the two that are showing there.  I am not really looking to use the Android app for alerts or anything, I just want the data in ISY so I can use it there...do I still need to "Arm" them in the app?  They are all set to disarmed as I assume that means that the app does some sort of monitoring.

Any help to get me pushed in the right direction would be appreciated.


- Name changes made in the App do not carry over to Polyglot, you'll have to change in both places, or delete in the Polyglot UI then re-discover

- After adding new tags, select the Controller and hit discover

- Arm is for arming the motion detection, but they still track motion when disarmed and everything else


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2 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

- Name changes made in the App do not carry over to Polyglot, you'll have to change in both places, or delete in the Polyglot UI then re-discover

- After adding new tags, select the Controller and hit discover

- Arm is for arming the motion detection, but they still track motion when disarmed and everything else


Aha...I didn't realize the discover button was in ISY, I was thinking I had to do it in Polyglot..that worked.  Now the new tags are showing up.

How do I rename it in Polyglot?  I don't see it there?

Also, I have all of them sitting on my desk...but the temperatures are all different.  One is off by 5 degrees low, the other two are within 2 degrees of eachother.  Shouldnt they all read the same (or pretty close)?


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Aha...I didn't realize the discover button was in ISY, I was thinking I had to do it in Polyglot..that worked.  Now the new tags are showing up.
How do I rename it in Polyglot?  I don't see it there?
Also, I have all of them sitting on my desk...but the temperatures are all different.  One is off by 5 degrees low, the other two are within 2 degrees of eachother.  Shouldnt they all read the same (or pretty close)?
You can't rename in Polyglot, only in their app and in the ISY.

I thought there was a way to set a temperature offset, but I don't remember for sure. Been a while since I setup new tags.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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Just now, Jimbo said:

You can't rename in Polyglot, only in their app and in the ISY.

I thought there was a way to set a temperature offset, but I don't remember for sure. Been a while since I setup new tags.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Ok, for consistency then probably best to just delete the node then rediscover it then.

I am also not getting any motion signals from the motion tags...they all just show zero's now matter how much I move them.  Is there something special to do to get that working?

Thanks.  This is very cool...really nice work here @Jimbo I appreciate the effort and the help getting me going.

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Ok, for consistency then probably best to just delete the node then rediscover it then.
I am also not getting any motion signals from the motion tags...they all just show zero's now matter how much I move them.  Is there something special to do to get that working?
Thanks.  This is very cool...really nice work here @Jimbo I appreciate the effort and the help getting me going.
Yes it's easier to rename, delete and rediscover, but don't do that if you are referencing them in a program it can cause issues. Maybe I am wrong about motion and you do have to arm them for it to track changes.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:

Yes it's easier to rename, delete and rediscover, but don't do that if you are referencing them in a program it can cause issues. Maybe I am wrong about motion and you do have to arm them for it to track changes.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Yes, just armed one and how it is showing motion.  I see how it works now, when you arm it you set a time to reset...where it goes from "Motion" back to Armed.  Now I am getting the hang of this I think!  :)

I will need to figure out how to calibrate the temp sensors....if anyone knows how to do that, please chime in.

Also, somewhere I saw I setting that said "don't light the  led when transmitting" but I can't find that again!  I will turn that off to save battery.


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One last question for now @Jimbo , it appears that when it moves I get the change in ISY virtually right away...but then it times out in the app and goes back to Armed...but ISY does not update.  It still shows motion as True and event of Detected Movement.  I have to right click the node in ISY and Query and then it resets.  Is that normal?  So I will have to setup some program or something to requery them on some interval?



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