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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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Answered my own question.  After some minutes the Polyglot NodeServer Store did update/refresh and show the WirelessTag Nodeserver with an "install" button.  So now I'm at least back to square one.
Glad it sorted out. If reinstall doesn't work let us know.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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Question, but first, a big Thank You to everyone who made this possible!

The ISY populated with 2 nodes, one named Home and the other named Wireless Tags Controller. Is this normal?

I have been trying to figure out why I have 3 nodes under the Home node and all the rest are not?

I am sorry if this has come up in the past. I scanned thru the thread but failed to see anything about it.




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1 hour ago, TJF1960 said:

Question, but first, a big Thank You to everyone who made this possible!

The ISY populated with 2 nodes, one named Home and the other named Wireless Tags Controller. Is this normal?

I have been trying to figure out why I have 3 nodes under the Home node and all the rest are not?

I am sorry if this has come up in the past. I scanned thru the thread but failed to see anything about it.




I seem to have the same issue, haven't had time to look into it further.

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4 hours ago, MWareman said:

I updated successfully...

It reports as 2.0 in the store, but on the details page under the dashboard it reports as 0.0.24. Minor thing, but the versions should probably be consistent.

Does a refresh or a force-refresh of the browser fix it?  Might just be an issue with it being cached.  But I did add an issue for it https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2/issues/17

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1 hour ago, TJF1960 said:

Question, but first, a big Thank You to everyone who made this possible!

The ISY populated with 2 nodes, one named Home and the other named Wireless Tags Controller. Is this normal?

I have been trying to figure out why I have 3 nodes under the Home node and all the rest are not?

I am sorry if this has come up in the past. I scanned thru the thread but failed to see anything about it.




The controller is the main node, and each tag manager will have it's tags grouped under it.  It has to be this way in case there are multiple tag managers. The ISY only allows one level of hierarchy for nodes, so that's the only option.  If some tags are not grouped under the tag manager, then select the tag, right click and select Group Devices.


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I tested several versions of different nodeservers. The version in the store page is the version available (latest). The version in the NodeServer (under Dashboard > Details) is the running version. If you hit update on the store, you have to restart the NodeServer to have it run the latest version (or if something in the update failed it's possible it didn't get updated) check the log to verify.

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In my case, I had updated the nodeserver and restarted Polyglot. So, the store version was the same as the running version - yet the difference persists.


Edit. Seems it was a browser cache issue after all. I just went in again and the two versions are now consistent. So, sorry for the false alarm!


Here are some other suggestions:


Allow us to ‘hide’ store entries, and add a session based ‘Show Hidden’. As the number of store entries increases it’s difficult to easily spot when there is an updated one, and there are many nodeservers that I’ll never use.


On the Dashboard page, show if any installed nodeserver has an upgrade available. Allow single click upgrades from that page. That way, most users would only need to visit the store to install something new.


Show the current installed version in the store for nodeservers that are installed - along with the current store version. So we can see what we are upgrading from and check the change log more easily to see if there are special processes for the upgrade (as was the case this time).






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I first want to thank einstein42 for helping with my install of polyglot on my Rpi.

I installed weatherflow node server on my home computer, it populated the Isy and is working great but I’m having issue with my other node servers on polyglot on my Rpi. I’ve downloaded and started a few and they are doing the same as CAO tag manager is doing so if I take care of it maybe I’ll get insight to get the others working

Here are some screenshots that may help. 










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25 minutes ago, drprm1 said:

I first want to thank einstein42 for helping with my install of polyglot on my Rpi.

I installed weatherflow node server on my home computer, it populated the Isy and is working great but I’m having issue with my other node servers on polyglot on my Rpi. I’ve downloaded and started a few and they are doing the same as CAO tag manager is doing so if I take care of it maybe I’ll get insight to get the others working

Here are some screenshots that may help.



One difference, in all my Polyglot node servers, the "User ID" is "polyglot" in the "ISY | Node Servers | Configure" menu.  Try "polyglot" (lower case), and see if it helps.

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2 hours ago, drprm1 said:

I first want to thank einstein42 for helping with my install of polyglot on my Rpi.

I installed weatherflow node server on my home computer, it populated the Isy and is working great but I’m having issue with my other node servers on polyglot on my Rpi. I’ve downloaded and started a few and they are doing the same as CAO tag manager is doing so if I take care of it maybe I’ll get insight to get the others working


Don't change the user, that must match the user on the RPi.

So there should not be all those lines "Click Authorize to link..." there should only be one, looks like a bug in my code or polyglot. Each one of those "Authorize" links will contain a port number. I can see you clicked on the one for a previous restart which was 35909, the latest port showing on the WirelessTags Controller node shows the current port is 58524.  Select the Authorize link that matches the port number currently shown on the node.

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Thought I read somewhere that the user name and password on the node server configuration  box was the name and password to open polyglot.Thats what I have it set to now. I’ve tried many things here starting off with the polyglot which was put in there automatically. I’ve tried user and pwd to tag manager too with no luck......Each of the “Click Authorize to link...” lines each tries to open a different port, none of the four specifies the port 59524. I changed the port number in the address line of the browser to 58524 but stil got the “unable to connect” page.

On the polyglot dashboard page,  on each NodeServer shouldn’t it show more than just one node on each?

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16 hours ago, drprm1 said:

Thought I read somewhere that the user name and password on the node server configuration  box was the name and password to open polyglot.Thats what I have it set to now. I’ve tried many things here starting off with the polyglot which was put in there automatically. I’ve tried user and pwd to tag manager too with no luck......Each of the “Click Authorize to link...” lines each tries to open a different port, none of the four specifies the port 59524. I changed the port number in the address line of the browser to 58524 but stil got the “unable to connect” page.

On the polyglot dashboard page,  on each NodeServer shouldn’t it show more than just one node on each?

You should not change the username/password on the ISY side, that is set automatically by Polyglot when you add the nodeserver.  You said you looked for one with a port of 59524, but the port shown in your pic says 58524, was there one for that or was that a typo?

Probably the best is to just restart Polyglot then you should hopefully only get one authorize link?

Each of your node servers only show one node that is the main 'controller' node.  Each one of those needs to have it's authorization completed, which is different for each one, before the actual nodes show up.

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That was a typo, sorry. To be sure, in the “Node Server Configuration” page the user and password is what is used to login to polyglot.?

Yes it was set automatically with the user id of “polyglot” on initial installation. I was changing configuration settings hoping to get it to work.....

I’ve restarted polyglot many times. Deleted and reinstalled the NodeServer in polyglot and in ISY. Still doesn’t work.

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3 minutes ago, drprm1 said:

That was a typo, sorry. To be sure, in the “Node Server Configuration” page the user and password is what is used to login to polyglot.?

Yes it was set automatically with the user id of “polyglot” on initial installation. I was changing configuration settings hoping to get it to work.....

Actually I was incorrect before, the user name should be 'polyglot', but I don't know what the password is since it's handled by polyglot itself, so I'll need @einstein.42 to answer that.  But, that configuration has nothing to do with the Authorization issue you were having before.  You can just delete the nodeserver in the polyglot web ui and re-add it to get the defaults set back properly and try the authorization link again.


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Deleted from polyglot. Added it back and this time I at least got an authorization. Rebooted ISY and opened AC. It shows up under node servers but no node was created. (Shows 0 nodes on dashboard)



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2 minutes ago, drprm1 said:

Deleted from polyglot. Added it back and this time I at least got an authorization. Rebooted ISY and opened AC. It shows up under node servers but no node was created. (Shows 0 nodes on dashboard)

Well, that is strange... But you shouldn't have rebooted the ISY, so that may have caused a problem. I just ran thru recreating mine from scratch and it worked.  Do you see the nodes in the ISY?  If not, then restart the nodeserver and it should create them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i am sure I am missing something simple here ...

I have installed, and in polyglot it reports that I have 3 tags, but my account shows correctly I have 5 tags.

I have deleted the nodeserver and re-installed multiple times.

Is there a refresh command I am missing ??

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i am sure I am missing something simple here ...
I have installed, and in polyglot it reports that I have 3 tags, but my account shows correctly I have 5 tags.
I have deleted the nodeserver and re-installed multiple times.
Is there a refresh command I am missing ??
So only 3 tags show in Polyglot and the ISY? If you hit discover button for the controller then it will check again. If you still only have 3 then go to the log page for the nodeserver and download log package and pm that to me.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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