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zWave not sure if switch is repeating to Kwikset lock


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Hey, you Z-wave guru's...

(See screenshot)
Looking at the log... and trying to interpret...
Since v5 ISY, i have more problems with zwave comms to my lock...
(It was working great on V4, didn't pay much attention to it before ISY v5...)
(by the way, @Michel, v5 looks freakin awesome... great job you did!!!)

-Node 1 is ISY "Primary" controller
-Node 2 below is a Leviton DZPA1-1LW Plug-In Appliance ON OFF Module
-Node 3 is KwikSet door lock
-Node 4 is a Zwave Aeon Siren (AEOTEC Doorbell ZW056 Gen5)

The ISY seems to be just at the border of the lock
The Leviton is between the doorlock and ISY
The AEOTEC is right beside my ISY (just to ding when my dryer is done right now lol)
I'm hoping the zWave path is IST -> LEVITON -> KwiksetLock
I'm not seeing "Repeater" for LEVITON, should i?
Is the AeonSiren doing the repeating (it's close to ISY, about 30ft from lock so may be marginal)

Can i force the routing to use the LEVITON as preferred?
This "Zwave Heal" thing seems to be a HEAL&PRAY type of thing, no?
What is the effect if i unplug the AEOTEC and do a heal, then plug AEOTEC back in?
(or should i move it further away maybe, then HEAL&PRAY)?
If i heal after that, will it route thru the AEOTEC, or just keep healing til i get what I'm hoping for?

Insteon is so easy, it's everywhere, more devices, better, move things, no problem...
I'm not really loving this Zwave config, don't move too much, HEAL&PRAY stuff...
Maybe me too, but diagnostics for Zwave SUCKS! (without paying a fortune)

Can i plug a Z-stick in as secondary to see what is going on? 
(I'm happy to buy one if it can provide some good troubleshooting)





Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 10.00.05 AM.png

2 hours ago, johnstonf said:

Hey, you Z-wave guru's...

(See screenshot)
Looking at the log... and trying to interpret...
Since v5 ISY, i have more problems with zwave comms to my lock...
(It was working great on V4, didn't pay much attention to it before ISY v5...)
(by the way, @Michel, v5 looks freakin awesome... great job you did!!!)

-Node 1 is ISY "Primary" controller
-Node 2 below is a Leviton DZPA1-1LW Plug-In Appliance ON OFF Module
-Node 3 is KwikSet door lock
-Node 4 is a Zwave Aeon Siren (AEOTEC Doorbell ZW056 Gen5)

The ISY seems to be just at the border of the lock
The Leviton is between the doorlock and ISY
The AEOTEC is right beside my ISY (just to ding when my dryer is done right now lol)
I'm hoping the zWave path is IST -> LEVITON -> KwiksetLock
I'm not seeing "Repeater" for LEVITON, should i?
Is the AeonSiren doing the repeating (it's close to ISY, about 30ft from lock so may be marginal)

Can i force the routing to use the LEVITON as preferred?
This "Zwave Heal" thing seems to be a HEAL&PRAY type of thing, no?
What is the effect if i unplug the AEOTEC and do a heal, then plug AEOTEC back in?
(or should i move it further away maybe, then HEAL&PRAY)?
If i heal after that, will it route thru the AEOTEC, or just keep healing til i get what I'm hoping for?

Insteon is so easy, it's everywhere, more devices, better, move things, no problem...
I'm not really loving this Zwave config, don't move too much, HEAL&PRAY stuff...
Maybe me too, but diagnostics for Zwave SUCKS! (without paying a fortune)

Can i plug a Z-stick in as secondary to see what is going on? 
(I'm happy to buy one if it can provide some good troubleshooting)





Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 10.00.05 AM.png

You can run a network heal to see if that helps. Does your leviton switch support secure beaming? If not I would swap it with the siren, do a network heal and see if communication improves.

Posted (edited)

Here's a few more screenshots... for perusal...
of me getting info from the lock itself...
After a heal, i think it's looking good... listed as a neighbor (I'm assuming that means ONE HOP?)


Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 12.50.13 PM.png

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Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 12.48.36 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 12.47.45 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 12.46.54 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 12.45.27 PM.png

Edited by johnstonf
38 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

It means it cannot be linked directly to another zwave switch.

i had posted that i had figured it out, but it didn't get put up... basically, the ability of one device to DIRECTLY control another.
(Limited form of a scene)

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