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Is UDI Mobile iOS available yet?


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I've been trying out the occupancy V2 module and couldn't seem to find the iOS UDI mobile app for my wife's phone. Ironically the Android one was in the play store but my Androiod devices don't have issues with geofencing but my wife's iphone can't get it work most of the time between 3 apps (2 trigger ISY and BI as wells as their own app-which on works if she opens it).

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I saw V2 announced recently and the associated android app, but not ios so I have to believe its not available yet.

The good news is that locativ is in the app store and continues to work fine with V1 of the occupancy node.

Not sure how you've  defined the zone, but I know it works better for me if its a few hundred yards away from the house.


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Yeah the help tab on V2 says there's iOS app but it doesn't seem so just yet.

That's the first app I tried on her phone and it didn't work well, I still have it along with another paid app IIRC is call beacon.

The ibeacon part on her phone is also in consistent, sometimes when her geofencing actually works I can hear the front door unlock when she's just got out of the car and other time I don't hear the beacon apps welcome notification until she's in the kitchen. 

A lot of the time it will several days since the last time any of the programs have been trigger by her geofence, I have it set up to also use variables out side of ISY portal.

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Ok. my log shows it catching everything, with 2 caveats on use:

  • things worked predictably when the geofence radius was a ~200 yards or more away from my property. It easier to know that the fence has been crossed, and it gives the longer than expected chain of events time to complete.  Might want to try it with only one location app an see how that works. Not sure how multiple location apps running in the background get prioritized.
  • Its location services are set to "allow location access always" under Location Services. 


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The issue seems to be that iOS doesn't always allow the apps to run in background even though I have them set to do so. Actually the reason nothing has worked at all for how every many days it's been recently is both apps run in background had got switched off (I know the wife didn't go in and turn it so I guess iOS did it-I assume iOS has a battery saving mode for low battery level also, maybe that did it but didn't switch back on once charged) but that doesn't explain why it works for 3 days then doesn't for 2 then works the next. I had to turn off using my wifes phone's Blue Iris geofence to trigger away profile because it only works if she opens the app but then it would go into away profile if I wasn't home but she was, so I set up ISY to trigger the away profile in BI but that still hit and miss. 

I actually have 2 geofences set up related to being home. One that has several block radius (on my Andriod device this also turns on settings to make location tracking faster/accurate) this prevents triggering things on those times that your location drifts outside of a normal sized geofence while in doors (I don't see that happen often but it does happen) and the ibeacon going in/out of range (the new one I put in last night has enough power that my phone never goes out of range while on my property but wife's iphone kept going in/out while sitting on the couch-it should help with the hit/miss of the door unlocking before I get to it). The second one just covers my cul de sac.

Anyway I reconfigured my wife's phone for the V2 module last night and it worked when she left but the ibeacon variable didn't change when she went out of range (not sure what happened with that one as I watched triggering it while it was going in/out of range last night-maybe inadvertently change something when I went in to turn off the notification for the ibeacon).  

As for the 2 apps, it really shouldn't matter having both. They're both just using built in services and just posting the same thing that ISY doesn't care if it gets more than one. I only set up beacon app because Locative was inconsistent. I think I might have to keep both but I'll set them to do different things. I like that I can set an audible welcome notification with beacon so my wife can know ahead of time if the auto unlock is going to work or not but it doesn't seem to allow me to set a large geofence(at least I figure out how to last night).

This would be so much easier if my wife didn't become an iSheep, not only can you do so much more on Andriod but I know how to do it. 

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Its been a while, but I think there have been times I've had to launch locativ after a reboot to get it to work, even though its location based background app. After that its fine. Since its a firm provided phone with an mdm container, it does get forceably rebooted remotely, and I usually know when that happens when I am forced to use my passcode to login. I restart locative then.

Yeh not an ios fan either, but I will not carry 2 phones, so I have just my firm's provided phone. They let me pick my provider/phone/os (from tangoe). But from an app perspective, ios is the really the only workable option for integration and collaboration. I said "uncle" on this a few years ago and carry an iphone. 

You've probably looked at your logs, but I've found that the portal always sends the message to the ISY, but sometimes the 'if' of my ISY program was doing what I told it to do.. vs what I meant.


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It looks like the new V2 module is getting trigger much better (Ironically all I changed was pasting the new URL) at least so far. I believe I currently have both apps set tot rigger this so I think tonight I'll disable it in Locative

I've also set up 3 beacons related to the front door and set up 2 of them on Beacon app and 1 on Locative, this morning when my wife left only the variables for the ones set up on Beacon changed to the leaving range. I leave it set up like this for a while and see how things go but I'll probably move the beacon I plan to keep for the front to be trigger from Beacon app.

The beacon app seems exactly what I'd expect for an iphone app tailored more for the typical iphone user for setting up and using many of it's abilities (ironically they're both far more difficult to set up a beacon than my Android app). At this point it seems to be working better than Locative which I'm a partially disappointed. On one hand It doesn't seem to allow me to adjust the size of geofences so I'll still need to use Locative for at least one geofence (I think I'll use it for the geofence variables and Beacon for the V2 module). On the other hand it has audible notifications (maybe Locative can do this too but I haven't noticed an option) so I can set it so my wife knows the door has unlocked.

Locative was similar to what I'm used with Tasker for setting up geofences (pin for location and slider for range). I still can't believe that there's still nothing like Tasker for iphones, sure there's many apps that can do some of things it can but you have to install so many different ones. While Tasker may look complicated and be a bit overwhelming to new users once you get your head around how things work it can be much easier to set up a lot of automated task both on the device (even down to system levels) and off. With the Google home short cuts I'm going to use it fix/allow Google home to do this with ask auto voice to commands do things like make Kodi skip back X min XX sec or lock/open/close/unlock doors (I actually currently have Tasker set up to ask me if i want open the garage door when I'm driving up to my house with my own cars but now that I can get Andriod auto to ask auto voice and get rid of the ask auto voice with the Google home short cuts I may change so I ask instead of getting asked).

I never had a desire to get an iphone just because to the have it our way, but every time I have do something on my wife's phone I started to hate them. When all they had was tiny screens all that stuff about having a big screen is to hard use makes since with no back button and have tap at the top of the screen. While the Andriod stock keyboard isn't the greatest if you need use numbers and/or less common symbols/punctuation (I do so I use a third party one) but at least you can stay on the main key screen and use numbers and common punctuation, it's so annoying having to keep switching screens to type a string of letters/number/punctuation/symbols  (remember how I said it was more difficult to add beacons, well you can't just scan for them you have to type in the UUID and to make it worse they're a mixture of numbers, letters and dashes-Locative does support stock UUID's for some brands of beacons that I'm not using). I can keep going but I'll stop there.

Anyway it's starting to look like I'll be able to get things to work my reliably be using both apps but triggering things separately as long as Locative triggers large geofence (which I believe it has been, if not i may have do without-since it doesn't trigger any geofence performance enhancements like on phone i won't mind so much).

BTW, I uninstalled the UID mobile app from my phone as it added an unneeded battery load (since tasker already does the job just fine) but it seemed to work well and would be a good option for others that don't some thing else they'd prefer to use, plus it's way easy to set up (granted for a typical ISY user setting any of the others should be do able).

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Locative seems to be working OK for geofencing again so far(granted in the past it work for several days and then wouldn't) but doesn't seem to be working well at all for ibeacons.

Beecon seems to be working pretty well for either geofencing or ibceacons but I just learned that I can't use it for both because the ibeacon region is inside of the geofence region (yeah a freaking paid app and you can't even have over lapping regions-with apps like this it's no surprise there's nothing like Tasker on iOS).

Hopefully everything will continue this time.

Now I need to see if there's an iOS app the adjust phone settings based off ibeacons, from what I've seen so far I don't think it's likely.

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Locative has been working for me for a couple of years now with only minimal babysitting.  It used to crash sometimes when issuing the portal REST call and that would stop it from running in the background and monitoring the location, but that hasn't happened in a long time.  I found its beacon support to be worthless for anything approaching a geofence and gave up after trying a few different types of beacons.  The beacons are now just sitting in a bag at home waiting for me to come up with another project.

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Yeah that sounds like what might be going on with my wife's phone, likely cause is it trying to post to portal during wifi/data switch over as she drives away from home(if it continues to happen I'll trying making her home geofence bigger/smaller). That would also explain why it would work for several days stop and then start again(maybe she rooted phone or inadvertently opened the app to get it to restart). 

Same thing for me with Locative and ibeacons, but at least now that I've figured Beecon app region limitations it seems to be handling ibceaons pretty well (at least for setting variables in ISY-still way to limited for other things I do on my device with Tasker).

I did notice that according to ISY variable table the ibeacon variable for her phone didn't update when she left and came back(also didn't update when she left this morning yet-the other day it didn't for awhile so I'll if it does later) last time but the programs trigger by it's state ran as it should, so I'm not sure what's going with that.

I've been using beacons around the house for the past few years with my devices with good results, the toughest part was adjusting the the beacons to get them to trigger when and only when in the desired areas. I've been using them for things like switching wich Harmony hub Autovoice/Autowear would control, adjusting do not disturb/phone volume(I also use geofences for home/away volumes). More recently I adding one for the front door after switching over to Yale locks from August which aside from me intially using one of my Estimote battery powered beacons(with tx power turned down to save it's battery) it worked but was sometimes a bit slow to get picked do to short range with it's power settings so I put in an USB beacon that I run on max tx power.

I'd set one up to send URL to a security cam snap shot to people when they enter my property but that's mostly limited to devices with Chrome browser and I believe they removed from the iOS version so only Andriod. Hopefully physical web will be something that's standard and enable in the future because doing the above would be a good added deterrent for undesirables. 

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Yeah I tried the Andriod version, seamed to work fine but was a pretty good hit on battery so I just stuck with my originally Tasker set up which worked fine.

I definitely like the V2 better, it actually updates with current occupancy after rebooting ISY so all my away triggered programs don't run even though I'm home (to bad my ISY takes nearly 15min to finish booting on v5.0.12, because it takes over 10min for views to load).

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6 minutes ago, lovemyram4x4 said:

Yeah I tried the Andriod version, seamed to work fine but was a pretty good hit on battery so I just stuck with my originally Tasker set up which worked fine.

I definitely like the V2 better, it actually updates with current occupancy after rebooting ISY so all my away triggered programs don't run even though I'm home (to bad my ISY takes nearly 15min to finish booting on v5.0.12, because it takes over 10min for views to load).

The admin console booting is very dependant on client CPU capability. From my 2GHz 1 core Netbook taking about 5 minutes+  to load,  my 3GHz 8 core taking about 1.5-2 minutes to load. Contrary to popular belief I never run admin console on a Palm Pilot. :) More ISY element makes longer times. Backup takes about 10 minutes now.

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The admin console booting is very dependant on client CPU capability. From my 2GHz 1 core Netbook taking about 5 minutes+  to load,  my 3GHz 8 core taking about 1.5-2 minutes to load. Contrary to popular belief I never run admin console on a Palm Pilot.  More ISY element makes longer times. Backup takes about 10 minutes now.
I'm using the same i7 CPU laptop since day 1 and until this last update it took very little time. It's also clear that it's not just the admin console that's taking long to load as run on start programs don't run until the system busy clears and you start seeing the event viewer updating normally (it does get sometimes get a handful of events after the refreshing views but that's things stall).

There seems to be some other things having issues now too. After editing some programs when the conditions match the programs don't switch to true unless I manual run if. Not sure when this started but I also can't control anything from ISY via nodelink but I get status in ISY and network resources work.

I'm going to try to reload firmware and see if that helps.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, lovemyram4x4 said:

I'm using the same i7 CPU laptop since day 1 and until this last update it took very little time. It's also clear that it's not just the admin console that's taking long to load as run on start programs don't run until the system busy clears and you start seeing the event viewer updating normally (it does get sometimes get a handful of events after the refreshing views but that's things stall).

There seems to be some other things having issues now too. After editing some programs when the conditions match the programs don't switch to true unless I manual run if. Not sure when this started but I also can't control anything from ISY via nodelink but I get status in ISY and network resources work.

I'm going to try to reload firmware and see if that helps.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

I got into bad problems like that when I mixed my UI and firnware version between v4 and v5 once. I finally did a factory reset on my ISY and reloaded my programs back in. This changed everything with new speed again and many problems went away. Unfortunately my best backup was older and I had to recreate some programs and updates from scratch.

I would open a ticket with UDI and I am sure they will fix you up.

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Yeah, it's starting to feel like that's where I might need to head next. I really don't want to have to start from scratch(I have exported my programs but if I have re-add all my z wave stuff then that won't help all that much), I'll put in a ticket but I think it'll lead to this.

I reloaded firmware last night but I only let it do the first reboot so it took a long time to start as it should on the first boot, it did remind me that I'm basically seeing that long boot like after an update but on every reboot. Unfortunately those new/edited programs that didn't seem to be paying attention to the conditions still require me to manually run if to get them to change true/false state.



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Yeah, it's starting to feel like that's where I might need to head next. I really don't want to have to start from scratch(I have exported my programs but if I have re-add all my z wave stuff then that won't help all that much), I'll put in a ticket but I think it'll lead to this.
I reloaded firmware last night but I only let it do the first reboot so it took a long time to start as it should on the first boot, it did remind me that I'm basically seeing that long boot like after an update but on every reboot. Unfortunately those new/edited programs that didn't seem to be paying attention to the conditions still require me to manually run if to get them to change true/false state.
I assume you have viewed the event log, the program tree and summary sorted by event time, to determine if you have a program oscillating and eating the ISY engine time.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

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While I have done that before by inadvertently selecting the inverse of what I wanted, I don't have any of that going now.

Aside from it taking nearly 15min for it boot everything runs as quick as it always has once it gets past that. All the other programs are working as they should even the ones that aren't now where until I changed their conditions and added a few new ones that work along with them. All of them are part of my pool pump timers, I few programs that work as a set and a few sets (pump starts and runs for a few hours at low speed, at the end it checks water temp and puts into a timer that varies off that temp to give give total run time of 1hr/10F, at the end of that it changes to a higher speed and starts another timer). Each program set is mostly controlled 3 integer variables (originally only the second above was and the other 2 used waits) by greater/less than logic. I made the changes to make so I can stop the pump any time during the run cycle to empty the pump strainer or any other reason including power outage and it automatically start where it left off (the waits would have to start over).

I have a lot of programs that are running off state variables that are still working, but the oddest thing is the program that was already running off integer variable quit once I added new ones using this type. Maybe I'll try changing the condition to using a state variable and some lines in the timer to make the state equal the integer as it gets set and counts down).

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