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Disabling KPL's when grand kids visit!


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Is there any simple way to disable a KPL when my grand kids visit?  I know I can pull the air gap but the kids tend to just press the air gap button in when playing with the KPL.  Is there any way to have a program in the ISY to accomplish this by disabling scenes? disable the KPL?

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Yes, right click on the device in the device tree and click on Disable

or in a program you can do the following:



   (device name) Disable


The program's "then clause" can be called by a timer, or the push of a button on another KPL, etc.


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I disabled the KPL in the admin console and all scenes associated with the disabled keypad still function as normal?  Disabling the KPL does not disable the KPL!  Seems

strange as no progress bar showed up when disabling the kpl!


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Apparently the scenes still are enabled when the keypad is disabled, I thought otherwise. . All the links for the scenes are stores in the devices themselves.  I guess your only other option is to pull out the air gap switch on the keypad as  there's no way to disable a scene.

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I was not sure whether disabling the device would disable scenes.  Apparently not.

if important enough, you could remove the keypad-in-question as scene controller and, instead, trigger programs from the keypad buttons.  Doing so would allow you then to disable the programs and, consequently, responses to button presses.

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Disabling the keypad only makes the ISY ignore it. When the ISY creates scenes, it programs the insteon links into the switches pushes the work to the switches and its all insteon at that point. While its bad for this case, its good in that scene based lighting controls will continue to work if the ISY and/or the PLM die

All you can do is use programs for the keypad functions only, and not scenes as oberkc recommended.. It will be slower, but controllable.

You can put those programs in a folder and have a way.. manual or another switch that they can't reach, and set the logic of that folder to be false when the grandkids come over.


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1 hour ago, keribi said:

Thanks for all the ideas on a solution.  May just pull the air gap for the time being.  Switching to programs  instead of using scenes should be a good solution as they can be disabled easily. 

The slight delay for human operated switches to lights or devices isn't that bad.  When it's in between an MS and a light/lamp then it seems like forever.

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I ended up cutting a piece of clear poly carbonate  about 2" x 3.5" then used clear double sided tape to make a temporary cover for the KPL.  Worked great to keep the kids off the KPL's and is easily removable.  A lock feature built in to the KPL firmware would be a nice addition.

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1 hour ago, keribi said:

I ended up cutting a piece of clear poly carbonate  about 2" x 3.5" then used clear double sided tape to make a temporary cover for the KPL.  Worked great to keep the kids off the KPL's and is easily removable.  A lock feature built in to the KPL firmware would be a nice addition.


If the KPL was all ISY program driven you could use my combination lock for enabling / disabling the programs.


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After converting all KPL buttons to programs only, create a program that automatically shuts down the KPL associated programs:

(using pseudo code...)

add 1 to static variable xx (Sxx) when any KPL buttons are pushed. 

If Sxx > 0, decrement Sxx by 1 every 5 seconds

If Sxx > 5 disable all associated programs for 1 hour. (adjust to your needs)

       Flash KPL background lights for 5 seconds, sound buzzer for 5 seconds. Flash all lights on/off multiple times.

       Tell Alexa to say "Stop screwing around with the switches kids or the boogie man in the basement will come get you". 

That should do it or else make it more fun for them to keep doing it.  (-:


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I need this for my mother in law.    She used to think funny how the house re-acts when 'i just click around with it'.   

My simple fix was to add a thermostat setpoint change.  IF  KPL.H OFF then turn HEAT to OFF.   Took her 2 days to figure it out but it worked.


As for grand kids; the program above if we could get Alex to talk would be grand

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