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Insteon Motion Sensor II

Dr Pepper

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Sorry if this has been answered before.  I HATE this new forum its impossible to follow anything or find anything.  I rarely even go on the forum anymore.


Can anyone advise if the Motion Sensor II is now fully functional with the ISY?   They are on sale but its a waste of money if they wont work well.  Last I remember reading months ago was Smarthome never gave UDI everything they needed to fully implement it.


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Hi all,

This device is fully supported in 5.0.13 (to be out shortly) and only through massive reverse engineering by Chris. And, at the end, we had send a huge list of bugs to SmartHome ... for instance, if you use the too hot/too cold nodes, the sensor may go into an infinite loop. And, to get out of that state, you need to factory reset. So, even though we'll release it, I am having nightmares ...

With kind regards,

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4 hours ago, Brian H said:

Thank you for the information.

Thanks to Chris for trying to work this out. Sounds like Smartlabs under Richmond Capital Partners is not anymore cooperative from the old owners. ?


Or less. My fear is that Richmond Capital Partners will utlimately not put anything into extending or evolving Insteon. Rob Lilleness looks like one of those guys who fancies himself an Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos and has too many irons in the fire. That acquisition may be the death knell to Insteon. Let's hope Zwave continues its progress.

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14 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Hot or cold depends, first and foremost, on existing customer satisfaction. Then, it depends on sales. The only reason we went through all this trouble was because of the former.

With kind regards,

I thought he was asking about the "too hot" and "too cold" nodes and going into an infinite loop. ?

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Just now, Michel Kohanim said:


Let's hold judgement till mid next year! They have been very cooperative alas it's very hard to completely extricate the team from the past.

With kind regards,

Oh, I will be in Insteon for a long time considering the investment I have in it. There's always hope.

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@Goose66, you are RIGHT … my nightmares make me see things that are not true!

@ELA, apologies. Here's the full list we sent to SmartLabs:

1)      When ‘very hot’ setpoint is met the PIR goes into an infinite loop sending ‘On’ (Group 0x12)  .. only recourse so far was to factory reset it.

2)      ‘Hot’, ‘Not Hot’ (Groups 0x07, 0x09) do not send status .. we have Hot bit flag 7 = 0,  Hot Bit flag 4  = 1

3)      Does not send a heartbeat.  What is the difference between ‘heartbeat’ and ‘alt heartbeat’ ? (Groups 0x04, 0x0B)  (We have tried it both with the heartbeat flags On and Off)

4)      When the device is moved, or even shaken, the ‘moved’ group never sends a message (Group 0x0F)

5)      What is the ‘Status’ group (Group 0x0C) used for, there doesn’t seem to be a description anywhere.

6)      Could you have someone go through the document and verify that the disable/enable description for each flag is not reversed (i.e. it says disabled when set, but actually means enabled).

a.       For example, in the Group Descriptions table for group 6 it says “If light bit flag 7 and/or dark bit flag 7 are are set, a broadcast to this group will be sent after crossing the day or night threshold”, yet, the description of Light bit flag 7 is “Light Disabled – Broadcasts triggered by Day are disabled”.  Which is it, does setting it enable it or disable it?  This is not the only one, there are several inconsistencies throughout the doc.

7)      Please add descriptions for groups 0x0B – 0x13 in the Group Descriptions table.

8) cold/not cold/very cold has the same issue as hot/not hot/very hot

9)      Do you have any documentation on how your light harvest works, and how the following work together.  I notice it sends a Light On/Off if Harvest Enabled is set, but unsure what criteria it uses, and have never seen a Bright/Dim command.

a.       PIR bit Flag 6 – Harvest Enabled

b.      Light bit Flag 1 – Target Harvest (it mentions it uses the Day threshold and that it sends bright/dim, but is very cryptic and unclear how it works)

c.       Light Harvest Constant – What is this?

With kind regards,

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I can tell you the beta testing of motion 2 hardware was interesting, ran long and shipped multiple devices.  Best part, testing just ended with no notice...   I too was thinking to get a few on sale to replace a few of v1 that go haywire with low batts.  



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20 minutes ago, junkycosmos said:

I can tell you the beta testing of motion 2 hardware was interesting, ran long and shipped multiple devices.  Best part, testing just ended with no notice...   I too was thinking to get a few on sale to replace a few of v1 that go haywire with low batts.  

How did you find the battery consumption on the V2 vs V1 MS? I proactively replace my MS1 batteries twice a year and don't wait for the alert..the alert comes to late IMO.


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I have the same question:  how long do the batts last in Motion Sensor 2 ?

It's been more than a year for the Alpha / Beta samples I have on hand. All of them are still running fine but since there are no supported features I won't know until it stops operating!! ?

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On 6/29/2018 at 8:55 AM, Michel Kohanim said:


@ELA, apologies. Here's the full list we sent to SmartLabs:

1)      When ‘very hot’ setpoint is met the PIR goes into an infinite loop sending ‘On’ (Group 0x12)  .. only recourse so far was to factory reset it.

2)      ‘Hot’, ‘Not Hot’ (Groups 0x07, 0x09) do not send status .. we have Hot bit flag 7 = 0,  Hot Bit flag 4  = 1

8) cold/not cold/very cold has the same issue as hot/not hot/very hot


With kind regards,

Thank you Michel,

    I do not have one of those sensors. I took a look at the manual to see if I could find a definition  of the  "too hot / too cold" concept?

I was hoping you or someone else might define what that means?

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On 6/30/2018 at 4:52 PM, Techman said:

Does this mean that the firmware in the Motion Sensors that have been sold thus far is unstable and basically unusable?

It sounds like they are dumping junk with this sale based on all of the bugs mentioned and the lack of ability to update firmware.  I will pass on them then. 

Thank you for all of the replies.


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On 6/30/2018 at 4:52 PM, Techman said:

Does this mean that the firmware in the Motion Sensors that have been sold thus far is unstable and basically unusable?

Hard to say. 

Probably most of the basic motion sensor functions work but some of the nice feature someone though was good idea doesn't work or may quietly disappear.

Before they closed the Developers Group abruptly. Some of the developer notes, for some module had features listed that never where implemented or just didn't work as documented and disappeared.

They have a history of updating firmware . Not telling us what was added or fixed. Not allowing firmware updates in the field or a factory reprograming  to do it. We saw what happened when someone changed their minds on getting UDI the needed firmware for their own designed PLM. That I am confident would not blow power supply capacitors after the two year warranty was used up.

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