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Administrative Console "ALL ON" or "ALL OFF"


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In the Administrative Console (v 4.6.2), the homescreen displays an item "ISY" and shows three buttons: "Query", "All On" and "All Off".  When I select "All Off", about half of my devices controlled by the ISY go off.  The device screens show that all devices are On or Off, but in reality, they don't change state. If I select one of the devices that is still On after an "All Off" signal and ask for it to be Query'ed, the ISY does determine and reflect that the device is actually On. What might be the explanation?

Any idea what might be causing this behavior? 


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I believe that two or more years ago the "All On/All Off" command was removed from many Insteon devices.  So you're probably seeing your older devices respond to the "All Off" command and your newer devices ignore it.  By design, I don't think devices ever sent a reply to "All On/All Off" commands because that could cause a huge flood of activity on the powerline all at once.  So it's likely that the ISY just assumes that after it sends an "All Off" command that all devices have switched off so it changes the status of all devices to "Off".  Then when you do query a device that is still on, its reply tells the ISY that it is still on and the ISY changes its status accordingly.

If you want one command to be able to turn all your devices off, you'll have to create a scene that includes all of your devices.  Then you merely turn that scene off.

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Isn't that what "ISY" is?  Many places in this forum and in some documents contain references to "scene ISY query".  If I trace the activity during the ISY query function, it appears that ISY is walking the device list getting status from known devices. Am I really off-base thinking that "scene ISY on" would turn all the lights on?

Not saying you're wrong; I certainly have a mix of devices going back many generations so your explanation makes sense but not in the direction I was hoping. My last house had over 125 devices; manually creating a single scene holding all of them would be a mess to manage.

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UDI has only implemented what the SH devices offer.

It was felt by SH that the All-On command incorporated in devices was related to the random "All-On" ghost phenomenum. Eliminating the command in the devices would cure the problem. Newer versions of Insteon devices probably do not support the "All-On" command.

A scene of the same style can be created in ISY quite easily by it's drag and drop method.

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