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Polyglot weather station node servers


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Changes coming the WeatherFlow node servers.

WeatherFlow is changing their API to no longer accept a "developer" API access key and transition to requiring Personal Access Tokens instead.

Today, the developer API key allows access to any station observations for stations that are marked public.  After the transition, the Personal Access Token will limit access to the account it was issued for and only stations associated with that account.  Shortly, I'll be releasing new versions of both the WeatherFlowPoly and WeatherFlowPGC node servers that implement this change.  

This mean:

  1. If you're using these node servers to access stations you don't own, you'll lose access unless the owner of the station provides you with an access token.
  2. For WeatherFlowPoly you'll have to generate a access token for your WeatherFlow account and add it as a new custom configuration parameter in the node server when you update to the new version.
  3. For WeatherFlowPGC you'll be automatically upgraded when stopping/starting the node server and will have to generate and enter an access token to continue using the node server.

I expect the current versions of both node servers to simply stop working when WeatherFlow flips the switch which is expected to happen at the end of 2020.

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  • 1 month later...

New version of NOAA node server (version 1.1.0)

The NOAA node server now includes data on alerts from alert.weather.gov.  You can specify a county or zone code in the configuration and it will start polling for alerts for that area. 

There are a couple of limitations.

  1. Currently, this only supports getting a single alert. If the area has more than one active alert, you'll only see the last one listed.   I haven't figured out a good way to present a dynamic list in the ISY.  If you have any ideas, let me know.
  2. The ISY can't really deal with time, thus one important piece of information about the alert is missing; the time/date it expires.
  3. I believe this will only work with ISY firmware release 5.3.x,  It might work with 5.2.x but I haven't tested it.  It most certainly won't work with anything older.
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Climacell node server update.

Climacell has recently made some changes that effect the node server.    The node server was written to work with version 3 of their API.  Version 3, is now approaching end of life and they have stopped issuing API keys that work with version 3.  As accounts with version 3 API keys expire, you will no longer be able to renew the key and will be forced to get a new API key that works with version 4 only.

Since version 4 API keys don't work with the version 3 API, the node server needs to be updated to work with the version 4 API.  I've made these changes and will release them shortly. 

This is a breaking change.  Once you update to version 1.1.0 of the node server, you will need to get a new version 4 API key.

There are a couple of changes based on the data available from the version 4. API

  1. accumulated precipitation is gone.  It is not available via the API
  2. moon phase moves from the current condition node to the forecast nodes as it's only available via a day query
  3. the weather condition codes have changed
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Hi Bob,

I was just doing some "holiday maintenance" and thought I'd take care of this change while it's in front of me and I remember it! But going into my free Climacell account I don't see any reference to an API version. Their dashboard is very simple and I just see a key and an indication my account will auto-renew when it expires in June. So I'm somewhat confused as to what if anything I'm supposed to do about this change.

Unrelated to the above, while in the Climacell dashboard I saw their widget that graphs the number of API calls being made by my account. That number has dropped from around 900 daily until December 10th, when it dropped precipitously to 256 calls on Dec 11th and since December 12th it's been recording zero per day. The ISY Admin Console shows the nodeserver as online, though the current-day forecast is for Saturday, but today is Sunday, suggesting I do indeed have a problem A quick review of the Climacell log doesn't have anything that screams out at me, though I wouldn't really know what to look for. It'd be nice if somewhere a field indicated when contact was last successfully made with the Climacell servers.

Before restarting the nodeserver I thought I'd check in with you in case you wanted me to do something first.


- Andrew




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2 hours ago, andrewm said:

It'd be nice if somewhere a field indicated when contact was last successfully made with the Climacell servers.

Hi Bob,  I agree with Andrew regarding having the date of last update for any weather nodeserver (or any sensor nodeserver for that matter) available in the ISY data.  While connection to polyglot is always reported, however, data can become stale if connectivity to the originating service is lost.  If the nodeserver connection is lost, the ISY has no way of knowing when the nodeserver went down and therefore whether the data the ISY has is still of any use.

Just a thought...  Happy New Year and thanks for your diligent efforts.

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Unfortunately, the ISY doesn't have any way to display a date/time other than as a raw integer which doesn't really help.

I was very confused by what Climacell was doing.  When I went to my account, there seemed to be two different ways to log in.  One would accept my info and take me to a dashboard that said my key was expired, but provided no way to renew it.  The login would not accept my info and I ended up creating a 'new' account to get in that way.  When I did, it had a different dashboard and allowed me to create a new key.  

Their API documentation does say that the version 3 API will be discontinued in Feb 2021.  

From what I could tell, the two logins are unrelated.  One generates keys that work with version 3 only and other generates keys that work with version 4 only.

I've updated the node server to only use version 4 of the API. 

@andrewmI'm surprised that it says it will auto-renew in June. That seems to imply that you may be using the new account that I thought would only work with the version 4 API.

From the main climacell web page there are two options under login  1) climacell platform and 2) weather API

If I select weather API, I get a dashboard that says plan expired and no way to renew or change plans.

If I select climacell platform, I get a dashboard with a secret key that says active.  This is the key I'm using with the node server now.

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Have had the climacell nodeserver working great for some time but I'm now having problems getting conditions and forecast data to populate.

I read about the new version and it needing a new key so I deleted everything from nodeserver store, downloaded it, went to climacell and got a new API key (I assume ver 4), and loaded all into configuration but still no luck...Tried my old key with no luck too.

I went to Climacell website and noticed my calls went to zero middle of december which probably coincided with their change.

I am using the login to Climacell platform and am using the secret key there  under active.

Not good at deciphering log so I've enclosed it. Hopefully a configuration issue

I do see this " DEBUG    climacell:query_forecast: FORECAST: {'code': 401001, 'type': 'Invalid Auth', 'message': 'The method requires authentication but it was not presented or is invalid.'}


Thanks Bob! 


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@drprm1 The log has this "The method requires authentication but it was not presented or is invalid." from Climacell which sounds like the API key is not valid for that request.

I suspect that means you're still using a key for version 3.   

Like I pointed out above, it looks like they have 2 completely different systems now with different logins.  You need an account and key for the Climacell Platform, not the Weather API.

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2 hours ago, Panda88 said:


On the weatherflow - how do I add my personal key for my tempest station - I do not see how to do it - I did generate the key but not sure how to add it the the node server


The current version of the node server doesn't use the key.  Is it not working with just the station ID now?

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@bpwwer I just confirmed my Climacell website credentials only work with the "Weather API" login. Their dashboard still shows I'm making zero API calls, but the forecast in the ISY Admin Console at least shows the correct weekdays now, so I think the Poly is talking to something, though I didn't restart it.

I don't need this to be working until I start irrigating in a few months, so I think I'll wait for clarity - presumably sometime after the supposed February switchover. Climacell are really making things confusing!


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I asked a while back on GitHub but thought I would post here for discussion.  

I have multiple hubs from weather flow because I test beta firmware on one.   

one has tempest which I have connected and one has the original weather flow.  

is there any way to get both on ISY with polisy?   I use node link to add the second as of now but hate running a server just for that  



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10 hours ago, andrewm said:

@bpwwer I just confirmed my Climacell website credentials only work with the "Weather API" login. Their dashboard still shows I'm making zero API calls, but the forecast in the ISY Admin Console at least shows the correct weekdays now, so I think the Poly is talking to something, though I didn't restart it.

I don't need this to be working until I start irrigating in a few months, so I think I'll wait for clarity - presumably sometime after the supposed February switchover. Climacell are really making things confusing!


I believe you'll need to create a new account for the Climacell Platform and use that.  

Someone from Climacell has reached out to me asking for a meeting to discuss this. I'll see if anything useful comes of that.

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48 minutes ago, macjeff said:

I have multiple hubs from weather flow because I test beta firmware on one.   

one has tempest which I have connected and one has the original weather flow.  

is there any way to get both on ISY with polisy?   I use node link to add the second as of now but hate running a server just for that  



No, not currently.  It adds a lot of complexity to support multiple hubs.   And with PG3, it should be possible to run multiple copies of the node server, one for each station.

I also have multiple hubs (3) and have written software to support them so I do understand what's required to make it work.   I did write a stand-alone (non-polyglot) based node server for WeatherFlow that does support multiple hubs/stations.  It's probably a bit out-of-date now.

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31 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

I believe you'll need to create a new account for the Climacell Platform and use that.  

Someone from Climacell has reached out to me asking for a meeting to discuss this. I'll see if anything useful comes of that.

I created a new account for the Climacell Platform. It shows active but unfortunately the key doesn't work.

Fortunately Dark Sky works

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1 minute ago, drprm1 said:

I created a new account for the Climacell Platform. It shows active but unfortunately the key doesn't work.

Fortunately Dark Sky works

Unfortunately, Dark Sky is going away sometime this year.

I'm not sure how to debug the authentication failure you're seeing.  I'm not seeing that with my platform key.  If they do actually follow through and meet with me, I'll ask.

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I signed up as a developer and generated an api key and it worked fine.  I did have the old API key which would not work as documented.   

I seem to remember having to search for a place to get the new key vs old as they still offer both.  I can’t do it now but if you have no luck maybe I can look in browser history tonight.  

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1 minute ago, macjeff said:

I signed up as a developer and generated an api key and it worked fine.  I did have the old API key which would not work as documented.   

I seem to remember having to search for a place to get the new key vs old as they still offer both.  I can’t do it now but if you have no luck maybe I can look in browser history tonight.  

My old key will only log in to the Weather API. Generated a new key two days ago which will only log into Climacell Platform. Still no joy.

Would definitely appreciate your help.


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I remember when I generated the key I put the key in the screen and luckily I copied and pasted it into my notes because when I went back into my account it still showed the old key as my key.  I hope I can find the info you need and I will try tonight.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to be getting online but regardless of how many days of forecast I select it shows them all as the same forecast.  Forecast 0 shows the exact same values as Forecast 1 through Forecast 14.


Appear to be running Climacell 1.1.0 on Polyglot 2.2.3

NOTE: I created my account and added the node just this morning.

NEVERMIND: I did an AdminConsole restart and all seems to be OK.  The temperatures show me the F temperature but still say "C"....but that is minor.

Evaluating this vs. OpenWeatherMap.

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4 hours ago, x046866x said:


NEVERMIND: I did an AdminConsole restart and all seems to be OK.  The temperatures show me the F temperature but still say "C"....but that is minor.

Evaluating this vs. OpenWeatherMap.

If the temperature display doesn't correct with the next query of the service, then something probably didn't get fully installed.

When the node server is installed, it copies a few files to the ISY that control how everything is displayed on the Admin Console.  However, the ISY does have limited network resources and sometimes a file will fail to copy which can lead to display issues like that.

On the current condition node screen, there's a button on the bottom labeled 'Load Profile'.  That will make the node server resend those files to the ISY.  After doing that, you will have to restart the admin console so that it can re-read those same files from the ISY.  That should correct any display issues.

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