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Polyglot weather station node servers


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23 minutes ago, bgrubb1 said:

I am helping a friend install WeatherflowPoly on his new Polisy (runs fine on mine:-) )

everything seems to start fine until I get the following error



I believe WeatherflowPoly is attempting to hit the weatherflow server and doesn't like his station ID

I have confirmed the station ID in the app and through their website

Am I missing anything obvious ??

Thanks in advance


It looks like something is wrong in the data stored on the WeatherFlow server.  It's failing because it finds a device that has no serial number which is not right.

   "device_meta": {"agl":0.0,"name":"HB-00014559","environment":"indoor","wifi_network_name":""}
   "device_meta":{"agl":0.65032128,"name":"Lon's Sky","environment":"outdoor","wifi_network_name":""},

Notice the first device.  It's named like it's a hub but it missing a lot of information.  I suspect that something went wrong during the initial set up of the system that resulted in this bad entry in the WeatherFlow database.

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Weather flow said their norm in a case where a device is replaced is to leave that data in their database so it’s normal and should be handled by the app. That said they reluctantly removed it from the database and all is functioning now.  Thank you for the support


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30 minutes ago, bgrubb1 said:

Weather flow said their norm in a case where a device is replaced is to leave that data in their database so it’s normal and should be handled by the app. That said they reluctantly removed it from the database and all is functioning now.  Thank you for the support


Thanks for the feedback.

That response from WeatherFlow doesn't really make sense to me.  If the device was replaced, wouldn't the serial number be different?  So why remove it? Also, why remove all the hardware information from the record, seems like if you're going to keep the data it would be real important to know what hardware was used to capture that data.

I can certainly handle that case, but it looks more like a bogus record than a replaced device to me.

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I've installed the Climacell nodeserver on Polisy and it is showing up fine in ISY. I set the "Units" to US in the configuration, as the instructions said, but I'm not getting the correct temperatures. It has the "F" after the temperature, but the number is clearly the celsius value. Here is an image below. Is there a setting I've missed or entered incorrectly? Thanks for any help you can provide!


Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 12.59.25 PM.png

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9 hours ago, Dean said:

I've installed the Climacell nodeserver on Polisy and it is showing up fine in ISY. I set the "Units" to US in the configuration, as the instructions said, but I'm not getting the correct temperatures. It has the "F" after the temperature, but the number is clearly the celsius value. Here is an image below. Is there a setting I've missed or entered incorrectly? Thanks for any help you can provide!

The service is supposed to supply the data in US units when that's specified. It seems to be working for other values so I'd have to say it's a problem with the data coming from Climacell. Setting the debug log level will cause the node server to dump the data it gets from the service to the log so you can check that.

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I'm attaching the log for a picture in time, but the setup is definitely "us". The screen image shows units as Fahrenheit, but the values are definitely Celsius numbers. Only the temperatures appear incorrect, other measurements appear fine. Here is the first line of information coming from Climacell (long and lat blocked out) and the Screen Capture of ISY below that. Those lines of code look like they're asking for Fahrenheit and tagging it as such, but the values returned are celsius. There's no conversion. I'm stumped, unless there is some type of temporary bug at Climacell.

lat=XX.XXXXXX&lon=XX.XXXXXX&unit_system=us&fields=precipitation,precipitation_type,temp,feels_like,dewpoint,wind_speed,wind_gust,baro_pressure,visibility,humidity,wind_direction,fire_index,sunrise,sunset,cloud_cover,cloud_ceiling,cloud_base,surface_shortwave_radiation,moon_phase,weather_code,epa_aqi,epa_primary_pollutant,pm25,pm10,o3,no2,co,so2,epa_health_concern HTTP/1.1" 200 None
2020-06-08 08:37:02,553 NodeServer polyinterface      DEBUG    climacell:query_conditions: {'lat': 34.087538, 'lon': 84.387135, 'temp': {'value': 39.2, 'units': 'F'}, 'feels_like': {'value': 37.4, 'units': 'F'}, 'dewpoint': {'value': 14, 'units': 'F'}, 'wind_speed': {'value': 4.47, 'units': 'mph'}, 'wind_gust': {'value': 6.71, 'units': 'mph'}, 'baro_pressure': {'value': 29.2347, 'units': 'inHg'}, 'visibility': {'value': 6.21371, 'units': 'mi'}, 'humidity': {'value': 34, 'units': '%'}, 'wind_direction': {'value': 263, 'units': 'degrees'}, 'precipitation': {'value': 0, 'units': 'in/hr'}, 'precipitation_type': {'value': 'none'}, 'cloud_cover': {'value': 17, 'units': '%'}, 'cloud_ceiling': {'value': None, 'units': 'ft'}, 'cloud_base': {'value': None, 'units': 'ft'}, 'surface_shortwave_radiation': {'value': 716, 'units': 'w/sqm'}, 'fire_index': {'value': 8}, 'sunrise': {'value': '2020-06-07T23:12:03.841Z'}, 'sunset': {'value': '2020-06-08T13:33:49.270Z'}, 'moon_phase': {'value': 'waning_gibbous'}, 'weather_code': {'value': 'mostly_clear'}, 'epa_aqi': {'value': 33}, 'epa_primary_pollutant': {'value': 'o3'}, 'pm25': {'value': 0, 'units': 'µg/m3'}, 'pm10': {'value': 5, 'units': 'µg/m3'}, 'o3': {'value': 41, 'units': 'ppb'}, 'no2': {'value': 0, 'units': 'ppb'}, 'co': {'value': 0, 'units': 'ppm'}, 'so2': {'value': 0, 'units': 'ppb'}, 'epa_health_concern': {'value': 'Good'}, 'observation_time': {'value': '2020-06-08T12:37:02.296Z'}}

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 8.42.44 AM.png

Edited by Dean
left out the temperature numbers being accurate
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I have no idea whether it's related or not, but report this on the odd chance that it's related and knowing it might help. Separate from the nodeserver (not connected to it at all), at least one temp sensor that reports to the ISY - the Homeseer FS-100 - oddly reports its temps only in Celsius, despite showing as Fahrenheit with other automation controllers (e.g., Homeseer itself). No one seems to know why, each company blames the other, and I've just learned to live with it. It might not be related to this problem at all, of course, but if it is, you now perhaps have another data point.

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I updated today to WeatherBit 1.06 Running in PolyGlot cloud. My Screens all populate with data. But when I assign Evapotranspiration from Forecast 0 to a variable I always get 0 returned. If I use Forecast 1, I get the data from Forecast 1 (As I should)





Edited by ronbo
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I think this is the problem, But I have no means to rebuild


drivers = [

  {'driver': 'GV19', 'value': 0, 'uom': 25}, # day of week
  {'driver': 'GV0', 'value': 0, 'uom': 4}, # high temp
  {'driver': 'GV1', 'value': 0, 'uom': 4}, # low temp
  {'driver': 'CLIHUM', 'value': 0, 'uom': 22}, # humidity
  {'driver': 'DEWPT', 'value': 0, 'uom': 4}, # dewpoint
  {'driver': 'BARPRES', 'value': 0, 'uom': 117}, # pressure
  {'driver': 'GV13', 'value': 0, 'uom': 25}, # conditions
  {'driver': 'GV14', 'value': 0, 'uom': 22}, # clouds
  {'driver': 'GV4', 'value': 0, 'uom': 49}, # wind speed
  {'driver': 'GV5', 'value': 0, 'uom': 49}, # gust speed
  {'driver': 'WINDDIR', 'value': 0, 'uom': 76}, # wind dir
  {'driver': 'GV6', 'value': 0, 'uom': 82}, # precipitation
  {'driver': 'GV7', 'value': 0, 'uom': 82}, # snow
  {'driver': 'GV8', 'value': 0, 'uom': 82}, # snow depth
  {'driver': 'GV18', 'value': 0, 'uom': 22}, # pop
  {'driver': 'GV16', 'value': 0, 'uom': 71}, # UV index
  {'driver': 'GV10', 'value': 0, 'uom': 56}, # ozone
  {'driver': 'GV15', 'value': 0, 'uom': 83}, # visibility
  {'driver': 'GV9', 'value': 0, 'uom': 56}, # moon phase
  {'driver': 'GV20', 'value': 0, 'uom': 106}, # mm/day
  uom = {'GV19': 25,
  'GV0': 4,
  'GV1': 4,
  'CLIHUM': 22,
  'DEWPT': 4,
  'BARPRES': 117,
  'GV11': 25,
  'GV12': 25,
  'GV13': 25,
  'GV14': 22,
  'GV4': 49,
  'GV5': 49,
  'GV6': 82,
  'GV7': 82,
  'GV8': 82,
  'GV16': 71,
  'GV20': 107, ****
  'GV15': 83,
  'GV18': 22,
  'GV10': 56,
  'GV9': 56,
  'WINDDIR': 76,
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39 minutes ago, ronbo said:

I think this is the problem, But I have no means to rebuild

Thanks!  I just pushed an update with that fixed.  That should have effected all forecast nodes so I'm not sure that's the problem, but let me know.

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22 minutes ago, Dean said:

I restarted the node. Do I need to restart Polisy?

Dean, that's not a node server problem. The node server is correctly reporting the values it's getting from Climacell.

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Ok. I don't really look that much at temperature, but why don't they send the data correctly. I can see from the API the reference to "us" is standard or royal units, not metric. Of course, I asked a rhetorical question. :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I've installed the WeatherPoly, and I have a meteo bridge setup using "Home Weather Station - Weather34" and I all get is the Node Server is online, but no data.  The Meteobridge shows upload connection is successful.  Looking at the doc, not quite sure how to add the nodes I want from the uploads.  Am I missing something?  One basic example would help me.  I see the log updating every 20 seconds, which is the interval I setup in Meteobridge, so I think its connecting. Thanks!

Edited by pkauf
More info
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2 hours ago, pkauf said:

OK, I've installed the WeatherPoly, and I have a meteo bridge setup using "Home Weather Station - Weather34" and I all get is the Node Server is online, but no data.  The Meteobridge shows upload connection is successful.  Looking at the doc, not quite sure how to add the nodes I want from the uploads.  Am I missing something?  One basic example would help me.  I see the log updating every 20 seconds, which is the interval I setup in Meteobridge, so I think its connecting. Thanks!

You have to create a mapping between the Meteobridge data field number and the node server node value for each value you want imported into the ISY.  There really isn't any easy way to set this up with the configuration framework provided by Polyglot.

You'll add a custom parameter for each value you want. The "key" will be the node server's name for the value and the "value" will be the Meteobridge field number. For example to map the main temperature value:

temperature-main = 2

2 is the Meteobridge field number for th0temp-act:-- which is the main temperature.

This will create a node on the ISY with a temperature value. 

I have a list of Meteobridge field number here: https://github.com/bpaauwe/WeatherPoly/blob/master/METEOGRIDGE.md 

The valid list of node value "keys" is here https://github.com/bpaauwe/WeatherPoly/blob/master/NODE_VALUES.md

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38 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

You have to create a mapping between the Meteobridge data field number and the node server node value for each value you want imported into the ISY.  There really isn't any easy way to set this up with the configuration framework provided by Polyglot.

You'll add a custom parameter for each value you want. The "key" will be the node server's name for the value and the "value" will be the Meteobridge field number. For example to map the main temperature value:

temperature-main = 2

2 is the Meteobridge field number for th0temp-act:-- which is the main temperature.

This will create a node on the ISY with a temperature value. 

I have a list of Meteobridge field number here: https://github.com/bpaauwe/WeatherPoly/blob/master/METEOGRIDGE.md 

The valid list of node value "keys" is here https://github.com/bpaauwe/WeatherPoly/blob/master/NODE_VALUES.md

Thanks so much, I thought that was it, but didn’t know where the list of field numbers were.  Awesome job, this is exactly what I needed. 

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10 hours ago, bpwwer said:

You have to create a mapping between the Meteobridge data field number and the node server node value for each value you want imported into the ISY.  There really isn't any easy way to set this up with the configuration framework provided by Polyglot.

You'll add a custom parameter for each value you want. The "key" will be the node server's name for the value and the "value" will be the Meteobridge field number. For example to map the main temperature value:

temperature-main = 2

2 is the Meteobridge field number for th0temp-act:-- which is the main temperature.

This will create a node on the ISY with a temperature value. 

I have a list of Meteobridge field number here: https://github.com/bpaauwe/WeatherPoly/blob/master/METEOGRIDGE.md 

The valid list of node value "keys" is here https://github.com/bpaauwe/WeatherPoly/blob/master/NODE_VALUES.md

Are there descriptions available for the Meteobridge field numbers anywhere?  Names are a little cryptic . . .  but I can use trial and error if not.

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4 hours ago, pkauf said:

Are there descriptions available for the Meteobridge field numbers anywhere?  Names are a little cryptic . . .  but I can use trial and error if not.

Not that I know of, but I just pulled that list from the Meteobridge website so there might be more information there.

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22 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Not that I know of, but I just pulled that list from the Meteobridge website so there might be more information there.

OK, thanks.  I have just been playing with them, and using the values returned to find what I'm looking for.  I have a strange issue.  I have set the incoming units to metric, and units to US.  This seems to work fine for the Temperatures.  But for Precipitation is shows wrong.  It is showing the metric value (mm) and using a inches label.  What am I doing wrong?  See screenshots.  Thanks again for all the help.



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2 hours ago, pkauf said:

OK, thanks.  I have just been playing with them, and using the values returned to find what I'm looking for.  I have a strange issue.  I have set the incoming units to metric, and units to US.  This seems to work fine for the Temperatures.  But for Precipitation is shows wrong.  It is showing the metric value (mm) and using a inches label.  What am I doing wrong?  See screenshots.  Thanks again for all the help.


Not sure, maybe the log would show some information to track down what's happening.  I don't see anything wrong in the code, if it's reported as MM and you're wanting inches, it should be doing the conversion.  It's the same logic for precipitation as it is for temperature.

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