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Christmas light question


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Have an inline linc controlling a post light (and an outlet tied into same line).  At holidays, I have decorations plugged into the post/outlet.  I have ISY turn the post light on at sunset, off at sunrise.  If I have decorations, obviously they too run at the same time.  The entire circuit is outdoors.  Id like a way to have the outlet turn on at sunset, but off at 10PM.  I can't simply use an outletlinc because it wouldn't be seen until the entire circuit powered on at sunset.  In addition, the box is in a wet climate and wouldn't hold up.  Has anyone made a waterproof exterior outlet that could plug in on the post circuit, be seen by ISY and run separately.

Had I known when I built, of course I would have run a separate circuit...

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I am not sure that ANY outlet is waterproof.  The question, I think, is the ability of the insteon electronics to survive the temperatures and humidity.

I still have a couple of X-10 devices that work well outdoors for such things.  It is like a short extension cord with the brains built-in.  I also have a similar (though larger) z-wave module.  Perhaps something like this would work for you.

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I would remove the inlinelinc and use an Insteon micro dimmer switch in the post immediately before power goes into the post light.  In this fashion, the outlet would now be hot all the time.  Then you can plug the outdoor on/off module listed above into that outlet and turn it on/off at any time of the day or night.  The micro dimmer is quite small (on purpose) so you can locate it like that.  The micro dimmer is not waterproof, but the j-box you place the micro dimmer within in your light post should be.

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I use a couple of the Insteon 2634-222s as suggested by DennisC with no problems. My climate is in the Ottawa Valley in Canada with lows of -25F and many snow storms/ice storms etc. Insteon doesn't describe them as "waterproof" only as "outdoor". The case has several cracks where water could get in if submerged but they seem to get through driving rain/snow storms just fine. Note the specs only rate this device to operate down to -4F and unto 90% humidity.

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I have one in my backyard running my pond aerator.  We have had insane rain here.  It has basically rained every single day for over a month and in the last 48 yours we have had about a foot of rain.  Plus it was 100% humidity all night long every night the last month.  My outdoor on/off switch is not protected, it is plugged into an outlet that is on a post, out in a field, and is dangling down below the protective door.  It is working fine.  Mine is pretty old too, it is pre-dual band.

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