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Low Battery


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1 hour ago, Kentinada said:


I was getting a low battery indicator on a motion sensor which didn’t surprise me since the motion sensor is outdoors and the battery is a year old. I changed the battery but I’m still getting the Low Battery alert. How do I reset that?



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Which MS version do you have?

The original MS doesn't have a heartbeat. and the lowBatt sgnal is only sent once.
I have seen reports to use a query of the MS in an ISY program to clear that past indication. ISY only indicates the last thing it was told by the device.

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20 minutes ago, Techman said:

Query the low battery node, that should reset it.

From what I have heard (somewhere :) ),  the manual query doesn't do it. I don't know why there there would be (or could be) a difference between program Queries and manual queries.

The MS doesn't respond to manual queries anyway. Of course putting it into linking mode may help.

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