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Resuming Normal Programming?


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I do not recall a "resume" type of command.  While I imagine creative programming techniques could achieve your goal, I am not sure that there is a canned command for this.

Without thinking too much about this, I wonder if you could insert a condition in your programs which would trigger them at the conclusion of your 15-minute wait period. 

What I imagine might be even harder would be to resume prior status, regardless of whether the result of a program, or manual control.

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Hey Pat

Getting them all on 100% is easy,

  • create a scene, include all of the lights as responders and set them to 100%.
  • To turn them all on, make the switch you want to activate them a controller in for the scene, and turn it on

Its potentially a little trickier going back.

  1. Are the lights all at certain levels at certain/different time periods?
  2. Or, could they be at random levels because the occupants turned them on or off independently?

If its 1,  it could be accomplished with a few programs and scenes by

  • creating individual scenes for each time period,
  • writing programs that respond to the light being turned on and being in that time period
  • .... then counting down and then turning the specific scene for that time on

If its 2, I agree with Oberkc that I'm not aware of a resume insteon feature


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