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Very Happy Guy - This thing is cool!

Mark Sanctuary

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I can't give the Beta all kudos, I keep changing back to 2.4 during weekdays so that my timers all function. I do have a good time creating programs with the beta :D


The ISY is the best Insteon programmer/controller I have seen. Of all the software and all the hardware in the small bit of world that I see. I think the developers are actually using the device, unlike some other software/hardware publishers :shock:


Oh, but many moons ago I promised myself I would not get overly enthusiastic about the ISY 8) That promise is hard to keep. I want to build a shrine to Universal Devices.


Michel and company are indeed doing a wonderful job! If any one or more of you people ever come into O'Hare Airport I hope to be able to buy you a beer and a hamburger, let me know so I can find some free time.

I know all the good bars. :o


Thank you,


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Michel & Chris. Thank you A BUNCH for all the help over the weekend. My new ISY is up and running perfectly. Next step is the high-speed install and help with the remote function. I'm not there and I hope ISY is keeping an eye on the place for me! Anyone who is reading this and questioning the valueof an ISY, trust me that this little box is unbelievable! It has a ton of functionality and was easier than heck to program (with these two guys help). I fly a 20MM jet and I expected this to take annual recurrent training to figure out. With my making just a few mistakes :oops: (OK Michel) maybe more, I had it pretty well mastered in a couple nights. I have NEVER in all my purchases of ANYTHING seen support like this company not only provides but offers willingly. I remmber when the Maglight came out, I though no company would ever have as much to offer. Universal Devices has surpassed that. I can't wait for ISY to provide enough revenue for UD to buy Smarthome.

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It was a pleasure!


With kind regards,



Michel & Chris. Thank you A BUNCH for all the help over the weekend. My new ISY is up and running perfectly. Next step is the high-speed install and help with the remote function. I'm not there and I hope ISY is keeping an eye on the place for me! Anyone who is reading this and questioning the valueof an ISY, trust me that this little box is unbelievable! It has a ton of functionality and was easier than heck to program (with these two guys help). I fly a 20MM jet and I expected this to take annual recurrent training to figure out. With my making just a few mistakes :oops: (OK Michel) maybe more, I had it pretty well mastered in a couple nights. I have NEVER in all my purchases of ANYTHING seen support like this company not only provides but offers willingly. I remmber when the Maglight came out, I though no company would ever have as much to offer. Universal Devices has surpassed that. I can't wait for ISY to provide enough revenue for UD to buy Smarthome.
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