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Me and my ISY need help!

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I've been banging my head against the wall for 3 days now trying to figure out what is going on. 

A week before this stared I had updated from 5.0.13A to 5.0.14 with no issues. I also installed a z-wave dongle, and had played with adding a few devices, but was having some issues getting a solid network with just a couple of devices. I deleted the devices with the intention of ordering more devices to create a stronger network.

Randomly a few nights ago I noticed that the portal was down to my ISY. I logged on to the admin console to see what was happening and things have gone downhill since. 

The admin console started moving at a snails pace. I noticed the internet access wasn't enabled, but when I tried to enable it would return a Failed Enabling Internet Access error, no programs would run even if manually clicked run then, insteon devices respond very slowly, or not at all. I was booted out of the admin console, and had to log back in repeatedly.... which took all of time to log back in each time. I have attached the error log leading up to the problems.

Here is a list, I think in order of everything I have tried. In hind sight maybe not the best trial and error, but in the heat of the moment you gotta do what you gotta do. I was able to get a backup stored... but it literally took all night of having to log back in to the admin console to get it to save. 



factory reset and reinstall from backup, reboot

removed z wave dongle , factory reset, reinstall from backup, reboot

change PLM and restore modem, reboot

factory reset

reinstalled previous backup, reboot

change PLM back to the original and restore modem, reboot

Fired up a new ISY I randomly had coming in the mail for a new project. Without a backup loaded I was able to enable internet access and log into the portal no problem. Then I loaded the 5.0.14 backup. All of the same problems occurred again, then I..

Disabled all programs, reboot

factory reset

Downgraded to 5.0.13A (I realized I didn't do this before) and installed previous 5.0.13A backup. used 5.0.13A admin console, reboot

changed PLM and restored modem (I kind of lost track which PLM is which), reboot


None of these steps have made things any better. Some times I can enable internet access, most of the time it gives me an error. 


Any help would be so greatly appreciated!






error logs.pdf

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A little perseverance has made some progress.

I went back to my original ISY with the z wave dongle installed, and reinstalled my latest backup on 5.0.14. The ISY is still running unusably slow, and the admin console constantly has me sign back in. I was able to enable to internet access, and the portal access briefly worked.. although that has now gone offline and won't refresh. Insteon status is working showing correctly, and I am able to control my insteon devices... although this seems much slower than normal. None of my programs seem to be working, even if I trigger them manually. Network resources are working, but again very slow. 


I have attached the logs and error logs from this morning. 


Thanks for any help!

ISY Log.v5.0.14__Tue 2019.01.15 08.28.30 AM.pdf

ISY Error Log.v5.0.14__Tue 2019.01.15 08.29.00 AM.pdf

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Lots of moving parts here.  I assume that you made a backup of 5.0.13A prior to the 5.0.14 and Z-Wave upgrades and the PLM swaps, when everything was working great?  If so, you've got a good point to revert to.

Were this me, the first thing I'd be doing may be what you've already done in your third troubleshooting step -- remove the Z-Wave hardware, factory reset the ISY, install the good 5.0.13A backup, and restore the PLM.  Since that doesn't work, then I'd suspect issues on my home network (meaning that the AC, the ISY and the Portal are having a hard time communicating).  The ISY shouldn't have any problems talking to the portal, no matter what your device list looks like. 

Additionally, there's generally no need to "Enable Internet Access" on your ISY.  That doesn't allow the ISY to see the Portal at all, and is generally considered a security risk -- the Portal solves the remote access problem for you. 

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Taking a quick look at the error log you just posted makes me think you have a failing SD card.  That could account for the performance issues you're seeing.

EDIT: Way to many -110022 errors, which mean:



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I was considering the SD card as well, but ruled it out as I was experiencing the same issues on the new ISY I tried with the both back up files from 5.0.13A, and 5.0.14.


I had no problem upgrading to 5.0.14 and installing the z-wave dongle. Although, I could never get a firmware update to work on the dongle. I had a good solid backup, and after the install it ran great for 5 or 6 days.


I had always read about the no need to enable internet access, but I have never been able to get the portal to work for me unless it was enabled. I don't know if it was just a coincidence as I didn't have portal issues that often, but it did seem to line up. 


Thanks for the help!



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You've probably got the new dongle, for which there are no firmware upgrades available, or even possible.  Since you've ruled out an SD card issue, and the problems persist with both ISY's, then I suspect you're back to looking at your network.  Is it possible that you have an IP address conflict or a DNS issue?

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My last thought would be: any new or recent programs that may be running in an infinite or tight loop?  You can check for flickering icon colors in the Programs | Details tab.

If nothing's happening there, I'd be thinking about a creating a support ticket.

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Michel was a huge help as always.

The two things that I ended up working were changing the PLM location, and far more importantly unlinking Simple Control. The PLM move helped I'm sure, but as soon as I unlinked Simple Control everything went back to normal.... actually far better than normal. I had gotten used to network resources reacting slowly.... now they are rocket fast. 


I appreciate your help @Bumbershoot working through it with me.


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  • 2 months later...
On 1/18/2019 at 1:53 PM, adamthp said:

Michel was a huge help as always.

The two things that I ended up working were changing the PLM location, and far more importantly unlinking Simple Control. The PLM move helped I'm sure, but as soon as I unlinked Simple Control everything went back to normal.... actually far better than normal. I had gotten used to network resources reacting slowly.... now they are rocket fast. 


I appreciate your help @Bumbershoot working through it with me.


I had that problem with a previous version of Simple Control 5 and ISY 5.0.13D. After upgrading Simple Control to 5.7.x and ISY to 5.0.14, things are working fine --now I'm just waiting for Sonos to release its APIs so SC5 can fix the Sonos favorites.

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3 hours ago, wintermute said:

now I'm just waiting for Sonos to release its APIs so SC5 can fix the Sonos favorites.

I'm running this node.js server on my RPi, and I have access to the Sonos API.  Favorites included.  It just takes some simple Network Resources to make it happen on the ISY.


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