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MobiLinc X for iOS/Android AVAILABLE NOW!


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Currently using ISY Portal with Mobilinc Pro for my Insteon devices. I also use ISY Portal to control my Alexa skills. If I move to MobiLincX and eliminate the ISY Portal, will I have to start over with my Alexa integration?

Short answer, yes. You will have to redo the integration. You will also lose access to Polyglot Cloud.

ISY Portal and Mobilinc Connect use different methods for storing the spokens.

ISY Portal stores in the portal service itself (allowing more than one spoken per action).

Mobilinc Connect stores in the ‘spoken’ field of devices in the main ISY console.
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@MWareman @glen.holmes As a clarification, our Alexa/Google Home integration only reads the spoken notes field of devices and scenes in the ISY. Anything set here is used by MobiLinc Connect to provide to Alexa/Google Home. MobiLinc X adds in a much easier way to set spoken names by setting these directly in the MobiLinc X app via the edit option on each device/scene. MobiLinc X’s deep integration with our servers means that setting spoken names here we’re able to update Alexa/Google Home in real-time. See my previous post. No syncing required. 

If you have any questions, please see our website: https://mobilinc.com/features/echo/ or you can email us direct: support@mobilinc.com


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[mention=2553]MWareman[/mention] [mention=4448]glen.holmes[/mention] As a clarification, our Alexa/Google Home integration only reads the spoken notes field of devices and scenes in the ISY. Anything set here is used by MobiLinc Connect to provide to Alexa/Google Home. MobiLinc X adds in a much easier way to set spoken names by setting these directly in the MobiLinc X app via the edit option on each device/scene. MobiLinc X’s deep integration with our servers means that setting spoken names here we’re able to update Alexa/Google Home in real-time. See my previous post. No syncing required. 
If you have any questions, please see our website: https://mobilinc.com/features/echo/ or you can email us direct: support@mobilinc.com

All true. But ISY Portal does it in their servers via their server integration rather than the much older way of storing it in the field on ISY itself.

The question was about migrating from one to the other. And the way to do this is by setting it up again.
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I am relatively new to the ISY and have been using MobiLinc HD for about a year. I liked the combo so much I convinced a family member to upgrade from the basic Insteon hub. So, I'm using a trial of MobiLinc X because it sounds like the old app will become obsolete. Can I use push notifications and geo-fences within the MobiLinc X app? It looks like I can do some things with IFTTT, but that is not a great solution to the problem. I also don't see how to use the old Insteon (non HD version) cameras with Mobilinc X. Any help is appreciated!

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Hi @feistyacorn

Yes, the plan is to add native notifications and geo-fencing to MobiLinc X, but until that's ready/stable notifications and geo-fencing is supported with our official IFTTT channel: https://ifttt.com/mobilinc It's very easy to set up a location trigger with IFTTT or pick anything on your ISY with the MobiLinc IFTTT channel to use as a trigger to send a notification. IFTTT is supported under the "Connected" and "Family" tiers of MobiLinc X service.

Another option if you don't want to convert to IFTTT is to keep MobiLinc HD around for these notifications/geo-fencing that you already have set up as you can continue to use MobiLinc HD and MobiLinc Connect for the ISY added to your MobiLinc X subscription. 

ONVIF cameras are supported in MobiLinc X. I know the HD cameras from INSTEON support ONVIF (personally have and tested these) if you turn on ONVIF in the camera settings. For the old non-HD cameras, I don't know if these support the ONVIF standard or not. I suspect not. Check the camera settings to see if ONVIF is a setting you can turn on.


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@InsteonNut That's great to hear that notifications and geo-fencing will be native. Trying to convince family members that they need to sign up and run two apps on their phones to accomplish a task is challenging. Any eta on this feature? I want to know if my other family members (with the new ISY) need to purchase Mobilinc HD or be patient for a few months with MobiLinc X.

I'll have to search again for ONVIF support for the non-HD cameras, but I don't think that they do either. Probably not a big deal with the old cameras, but I was looking to switch to something more serious like Unifi Protect and I see that they don't support ONVIF either.... dang!

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@feistyacorn I can't comment on an ETA. It's in the works, but it's part of a larger set of features in Cloud Events that I'm working on. I wouldn't recommend purchasing HD (although I wouldn't complain about the purchase ;) ) as using a free IFTTT account linked to the MobiLinc IFTTT channel accomplishes the same thing.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the idea of this, and it *looks* good, but I truly detest the SaaS/Subscription model, it's too expensive, and I have to rely on both an internet connection and a server the I can't run in my rack.


If this was $20-40 for the app and a year's worth of updates, *and* I got to keep using my current version (without purposeful gimping) after the year is up, I'd probably purchase it and hound you guys about either providing a linux server I can run in my home, or much better support for not using your (or anyone else's) servers.


FWIW, I run and support JRiver Media Center, which has a license model like I mentioned: each new major version (comes out yearly) is purchased, with a slight discount for upgrading, and comes with all the patches for that major version... and I upgrade yearly.


What's the difference? I can keep use JRiver if my subscription expires. I *own* a license for the software I paid for. And while JRiver, which runs my entire house's music and video is important, it's not as critical as my lights... oh, and it's around $25 per major version, I can get some outstanding features if I use their cloud (which I don't), but it still has all the features I really want without it.


To be fair, I don't lease a car, nor never will.

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  • 1 month later...

You kept telling us android updates and improvements were coming.  I now see why you never bothered updating mobilinc android for years.  You have been working on a way to charge more money on a new app instead of improving the app that we already paid good money for.  How long until you stop supporting android on this new app and only focus on iPhone again?  Other then that, it looks nice.  Do you offer discounts for people that own mobilinc?

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Hi @Blackbird

To recap our private conversation for others reading, I don't recall making promises to this effect and I can't find references to any commentary from me about "updates and improvements" that were coming but never materialized. I've always tried to be clear and transparent and set realistic expectations for the community that I can meet. 

The primary reason I needed to start over and rewrite MobiLinc from the ground up into a new app was precisely to support Android users. Maintaining two different code bases as an indie dev wasn't realistic or possible...at least not for me. The technology for devs to support both platforms with one common code base in real production apps has really only been possible starting this year. Unfortunately simply updating MobiLinc Pro for Android wasn't an option just as updating MobiLinc Pro on iOS wasn't an option either as it didn't solve the root problem of how to maintain and support two platforms equally. If you've noticed the rapid release cycle of MobiLinc X I'm updating both iOS and Android apps at the same time with the same feature set updates. This is something that even big companies struggle to accomplish with much larger budgets than mine.

The first iteration of MobiLinc X needed to be focused on cloud features as I can do really exciting and powerful things leveraging the MobiLinc Connect platform like instant on no syncing, full family account management, and settings sync between iOS AND Android devices on your account, not to mention taking this opportunity after 10 years to rethink how a UI should be streamlined and simplified for a modern mobile interface.

The next iteration of MobiLinc X I'm investigating is direct IP support and evaluating what I need to strip out in order to support a non-cloud version.

If you have any other questions for me, feel free to reach me direct at: support@mobilinc.com or DM me.


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I really love MLX and its been great for my customers. It just works. The “real-time” or “instant sync” is such a big deal and unless you try it for yourself you won’t understand how fast and great it is. I always noticed lag loading lighting/door locks/alarm status via direct IP and using the ISY portal. MLX resolves this with ML Cloud. Support from Wes has always been great just as the UDI team has. Setting up Alexa/Google Home is simple and intuitive. Now imagine being able to make and adjust your ISY programs from the MLX app! The add syncing to all apps regardless of platform. I for one am looking forward to the future of MLX and support Wes’s efforts.

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On 6/19/2019 at 12:45 AM, Blackbird said:

You kept telling us android updates and improvements were coming.  I now see why you never bothered updating mobilinc android for years.  You have been working on a way to charge more money on a new app instead of improving the app that we already paid good money for.  How long until you stop supporting android on this new app and only focus on iPhone again?  Other then that, it looks nice.  Do you offer discounts for people that own mobilinc?

Why do some people feel a sense of entitlement because you paid $20 ten years ago, you expect free updates forever. Stop kidding yourself. Do you expect Wes to work for free forever? I can’t even buy a good steak for $20. If you don’t like the new pricing structure, well don’t buy it. There’s things I don’t like about the pricing structure myself but at least we have developers that are willing to support hardware that very few people are doing. MobiLinc X is polished and HD still works flawlessly. At the end of the day, nobody is forcing you to pay for an upgrade. As far as I’m concerned, after 10 years of the same software running my home, I’m excited for something different. Just like we should support Michel and UD, we should also support Wes and MobiLinc. 

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42 minutes ago, midrar said:

Why do some people feel a sense of entitlement because you paid $20 ten years ago, you expect free updates forever. Stop kidding yourself. Do you expect Wes to work for free forever? I can’t even buy a good steak for $20. If you don’t like the new pricing structure, well don’t buy it. There’s things I don’t like about the pricing structure myself but at least we have developers that are willing to support hardware that very few people are doing. MobiLinc X is polished and HD still works flawlessly. At the end of the day, nobody is forcing you to pay for an upgrade. As far as I’m concerned, after 10 years of the same software running my home, I’m excited for something different. Just like we should support Michel and UD, we should also support Wes and MobiLinc. 

Why do some people feel a sense of entitlement that think they need to negatively comment on others opinion?  I am far from the only one with this opinion.  Check the comments on Mobilinc X in the app store and see all of the negative comments that share my opinion.  You think I'm the only one?  LOL. 

We should all support Wes?   When Wes had no interest in supporting the vastly larger android market? Mobilinc gets plenty of support from endorsements from Smarthome/Insteon Wes isnt hard done by.  Maybe Agave should be given the same attention.    I supported Wes by purchasing the app because it was my only option and I did like the app (still do) and there was maybe 1 meaningful android update in the years I've had it.  Yes I do expect more for my $20 than 1 or 2 updates.  But James with Agave, on the other hand, is the one that should be supported and given at least the same attention Mobilinc has been given.  Wes dropped the ball with Android/ELK and James filled that void and did a very good job with it(still needs work). 

I dont feel ripped off by Wes and he has every right to make whatever app he wants.  I still use Mobilinc sometimes. 

Mobilinc X looks awsome even though parts look like it was taken from Google's app.  I do think a discount should be given to existing Mobilinc owners.  I just cant see my self getting this app with my fear that android will once again be left behind iPhone and cant justify the price he's charging.

Truth of the matter is I rarely use Mobilinc or Agave when I can just tell Google to turn on the lights and the lights turn on instantly without having to load up an app and wait for it to connect.

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2 hours ago, Blackbird said:

Why do some people feel a sense of entitlement that think they need to negatively comment on others opinion?

I am not getting into the debate on Mobilinc this or that. I use Mobilinc Pro everyday and have few complaints but others may.

As long as we remain polite and respectful, we should be able to disagree with one another in this forum. Lilyoyo1 and I sometimes disagree on Insteon vs Zwave but we are always nice to each other in our disagreements. It would not occur to me to complain about him, just because he is wrong (? just joking Lilyoyo1).  Disagreeing is not a sense of entitlement but the free expression of an opinion.

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4 hours ago, asbril said:

<snipped> Disagreeing is not a sense of entitlement but the free expression of an opinion.

No it's not! 


I still use mobilinc , but my needs for remote control is like asbril….out of date somewhat and very seldom. :)

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6 hours ago, Blackbird said:

Why do some people feel a sense of entitlement that think they need to negatively comment on others opinion?  I am far from the only one with this opinion.  Check the comments on Mobilinc X in the app store and see all of the negative comments that share my opinion.  You think I'm the only one?  LOL. 

We should all support Wes?   When Wes had no interest in supporting the vastly larger android market? Mobilinc gets plenty of support from endorsements from Smarthome/Insteon Wes isnt hard done by.  Maybe Agave should be given the same attention.    I supported Wes by purchasing the app because it was my only option and I did like the app (still do) and there was maybe 1 meaningful android update in the years I've had it.  Yes I do expect more for my $20 than 1 or 2 updates.  But James with Agave, on the other hand, is the one that should be supported and given at least the same attention Mobilinc has been given.  Wes dropped the ball with Android/ELK and James filled that void and did a very good job with it(still needs work). 

I dont feel ripped off by Wes and he has every right to make whatever app he wants.  I still use Mobilinc sometimes. 

Mobilinc X looks awsome even though parts look like it was taken from Google's app.  I do think a discount should be given to existing Mobilinc owners.  I just cant see my self getting this app with my fear that android will once again be left behind iPhone and cant justify the price he's charging.

Truth of the matter is I rarely use Mobilinc or Agave when I can just tell Google to turn on the lights and the lights turn on instantly without having to load up an app and wait for it to connect.

It not necessarily that people on here are trying to demonize you and your opinion. This community is close knit in such a way that when someone comes here and attacks someone who's been a major part of this community in the way you worded your post, people take offense and defend them. It's similar to fighting with your own family. YOU can pick on your little brother but someone else better not. By com

You also have to realize that everyone has an opinion. Once you put yours out in the open you do open yourself to hearing from others. If you can't handle that then you shouldn't put your opinion out there for someone to comment. That's what DM is for. Your feelings could've been voiced directly to Wes and no one here would e been able to comment. However you chose to comment openly which allows others to chime in. 

As @Asbril stated, you can have a difference in options and still be respectful. Despite his poor choice in automation systems, I have the utmost respect for him. I've debated with him and many others many times due to differences but would go out and have a drink with any of them as well. 

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1 hour ago, lilyoyo1 said:

It not necessarily that people on here are trying to demonize you and your opinion. This community is close knit in such a way that when someone comes here and attacks someone who's been a major part of this community in the way you worded your post, people take offense and defend them. It's similar to fighting with your own family. YOU can pick on your little brother but someone else better not. By com

You also have to realize that everyone has an opinion. Once you put yours out in the open you do open yourself to hearing from others. If you can't handle that then you shouldn't put your opinion out there for someone to comment. That's what DM is for. Your feelings could've been voiced directly to Wes and no one here would e been able to comment. However you chose to comment openly which allows others to chime in. 

As @Asbril stated, you can have a difference in options and still be respectful. Despite his poor choice in automation systems, I have the utmost respect for him. I've debated with him and many others many times due to differences but would go out and have a drink with any of them as well. 

I did have a private conversation with Wes and Wes was professional and polite and we had a good conversation about it then after he posted a response publicly, I was going to leave it alone until Midrar had to leave what I felt was a rude response to my post.  I have just as much right to comment as anyone else.  I never came at Midrar and I didnt appreciate his comment. 

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6 minutes ago, Blackbird said:

I did have a private conversation with Wes and Wes was professional and polite and we had a good conversation about it then after he posted a response publicly, I was going to leave it alone until Midrar had to leave what I felt was a rude response to my post.  I have just as much right to comment as anyone else.  I never came at Midrar and I didnt appreciate his comment. 

@midrar responded to a post you left which is what I was referring to. It was the tone that you used in it that made him feel the need to defend Wes. That's why I stated what I did. You are entitled to be able to voice your opinion. We all welcome each other's opinion. At the same time one you decide to voice your opinion, you do open yourself to support as well as criticism. You can't have it both ways.

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1 minute ago, lilyoyo1 said:

@midrar responded to a post you left which is what I was referring to. It was the tone that you used in it that made him feel the need to defend Wes. That's why I stated what I did. You are entitled to be able to voice your opinion. We all welcome each other's opinion. At the same time one you decide to voice your opinion, you do open yourself to support as well as criticism. You can't have it both ways.

Fair enough

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11 minutes ago, Blackbird said:

And that is exactly what I did in my post. 

Thank you Larryllix

Thank asbril! I didn't post that!  Talk about a thread getting confused when people comment about people commenting about people commenting! :):) 

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1 hour ago, lilyoyo1 said:


As @Asbril stated, you can have a difference in options and still be respectful. Despite his poor choice in automation systems, I have the utmost respect for him. I've debated with him and many others many times due to differences but would go out and have a drink with any of them as well. 

Heck with asbril?, I would go out and have a drink alone, and just yell his name out loud in the bar! :)

ISY made me do it!

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