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Scene button trigger a program?

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Your life will be complicated by a couple things:

  • You cannot directly control the lights behind the B - H buttons from the ISY.  You must assign them to a scene and then have the ISY turn that scene ON or OFF
  • Whenever someone physically pushes a button, the light behind it will come ON or go OFF (depending on the toggle mode that has been set for that button).  You can't stop that from happening, but you can react to it.
  • As you discovered, Button A is special.  You can't stop it from controlling the load that is connected to the keypad.  You can, however, turn its LED ON and OFF directly without having to put it in a scene (well technically you're turning it ON and OFF and the light merely follows)
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OK so far I have not experienced anything like that but you are saying because this particular keypadlinc we are discussing is being addressed by our program instead of rigid scenery?


I am excited now and hopefully with a combination of scene membership and addressing buttons in conventional programs I can at least discover my ultimate limitations with this.

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On 3/15/2019 at 1:02 AM, kclenden said:

After you've created the scene above, create a program - let's call it "Master Bedroom Fan Button On"  Select "Condition" under "Add To Program" and then choose the A button of your keypad similar to what I show below and click "Add to If".


Then you want to add the B button like this and click "Add to If"


At this point you have a program that will react to the either of the two buttons being turned ON.

Should give you something that looks like:

Test - [ID 00AD][Parent 002B]

        'FR-Keypad-Button A' is switched On
     Or 'FR-Keypad-Button A / FR-Keypad-Button B' is switched On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

You would then add whatever you wanted to happen in the THEN part of the program.  Then you would have to create a similar program for when the buttons are turned OFF.


Hi, can you explain how the / works in the second or command?

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     After having trouble with variables and nested logic for hours, what I ended up doing was including that bottom wide button (which is capped over two bottom buttons of an 8 button keypadlinc so it has independence from the top wide button) in all the scenes as a responder EXCEPT the medium where it is the controller.  That way the bottom wide button will always shut off the fan when it is running, and it will start the fan in medium mode if the fan is in the off state.  It gives it a little juice anyway to get it started and medium is the speed most used.  I guess it could be tailored to which room it is in.

I'm thinking that this situation may be unique in the firmware for the fanlinc?  It worked out awful convenient.

Down the road I will try to have logic kick in after this jump start and bring the fan back to it's last used speed, but for now I have accomplished most of the main goal.

1.  I don't need to use the small speed buttons above it to start and stop the fan I can just tap the big bottom button.

2.  The top wide button can be used for one of the primary lights or scenes in the room with full dimming and no click (it's upside down with buttons inverted since it's a relay $37 close-out keypadlinc).  My fans have no lights but this wide top button would be good for that!

3. No quirky wide button LED 1/2 button illumination problems.

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1 hour ago, Waterboy77 said:

Hi, can you explain how the / works in the second or command?

ISY admin console supports folders for programs, devices and scenes.

If you build a series of programs, devices, and/or scenes you can create a folder (a few deep) and drop your element into those folders so you don't have to see a massive list of things unless you want to. They are drag and drop.

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