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start.jnlp not installing admin console

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New user here.  I installed my ISY earlier this week and have been playing around with it.  I had some trouble getting the Admin console onto my computer in the first place.  I found some instructions to download the admin.jnlp file.  This works, but it installs UI 4.6.2.  

Now I'm getting an error message "Not implemented" when I start up the admin console.  Any programs that involve my insteon devices say "- Not Loaded-" under "activity" and "Out of Memory"  for "status."  I've done some searching, and it seems the problem is the mismatch in firmware and UI versions.  


So I followed the instructions to clear my java cache and run the ISY launcher.  I downloaded the start.jnlp file and ran it.  I get the Java logo and then a little box that says it's starting the application.  That box then disappears and nothing happens.  ISY launcher shortcut is now on the desktop.  When I try to run it, the UD logo comes up in the middle of the screen for a second or so, then goes away and nothing happens.  I've tried clearing cache and reinstalling a bunch of times.  Still nothing.  

Any advice?  



I figured out a work around for now.  I'll leave the post up for anyone else who might need this.  Or if someone can tell me the RIGHT way to do it, that would be great too.  

The post I had found to put the admin console on my computer directed to a link that directly downloaded admin.jnlp.  I noticed that the link had 4.6.2 in the URL.  I replaced that with 5.0.13D (my current firmware version) and guess what?  I got an admin.jnlp that installed version 5.0.13D!  It seems to me that the start.jnlp was created so that the UI will automatically update, and my method will require me to manually update UI whenever firmware is upgraded.  But at lease I now have a functioning UI!  My programs work now, too!


Here's the link.  Replace the "4.6.2" with the firmware version from you ISY and then run the admin.jnlp.  


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18 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

That does not work for me.  When I run start.jnlp, the Java window pops up and runs for a second, and then closes.  It leaves a shortcut for the ISY launcher on my desktop.  When I run the shortcut from my desktop, I get a UD logo in the middle of my screen for about a second, and then nothing happens.  

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