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Beep on button press - Switchlinc Dimmer


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I have a Dual Band SwitchLinc Dimmer (2477D) that all of a sudden started beeping when I press a button.  According to the manual, this feature is off by default and can only be turned on by software.  As far as I can tell ISY (firmware 5.0.14) does not offer this option, so I'm not sure how it got turned on in the first place.  I did a factory reset on the switch, and verified the beep was now off.  I then did a restore device from the admin console and afterwards, the beep was back.

Anyone know of a way I can turn the beep off?

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5 minutes ago, excessivechaos said:

I have a Dual Band SwitchLinc Dimmer (2477D) that all of a sudden started beeping when I press a button.  According to the manual, this feature is off by default and can only be turned on by software.  As far as I can tell ISY (firmware 5.0.14) does not offer this option, so I'm not sure how it got turned on in the first place.  I did a factory reset on the switch, and verified the beep was now off.  I then did a restore device from the admin console and afterwards, the beep was back.

Anyone know of a way I can turn the beep off?

Under the devices tab in the admin console you should find an "Options" button on the device's page. There ire some  options there.

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1 minute ago, excessivechaos said:

The only options listed are "Program Lock", "LED on TX", and "No LED".

I would try the factory reset again. It can be tricky with SwitchLincs because if the buttom stops at the neutral position and it is On for even a half second the factory reset will fail.

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9 hours ago, larryllix said:

I would try the factory reset again. It can be tricky with SwitchLincs because if the buttom stops at the neutral position and it is On for even a half second the factory reset will fail.

I know exactly what you are talking about.  This is what happened the first time I tried to factory restore it.  However, I was successful the second attempt.

I just tried it again this morning, per your advice.  Here is what I did.
1. Pulled out on the lower set button, observed the LEDs on the switch turned off, and the switch was no longer operational.
2. Waited more than 10s and then using the tip of a knife I pressed the button all the way in and held it.  It beeped once, I continued to hold it for about 10s.
3. I released the button and then it beeped twice and the LEDs turned back on.
4. I observed the switch no longer made a beep when I pressed the on or off button, and it no longer controlled the scene it was in.

Based on this behavior it would seem that the switch was successfully reset, would you agree?

I then did a restore device from the admin console.  After this it controlled the scene it was in fine, but the beep on button press is back.  It would seem that something the ISY is writing to the switchlinc is causing it, because prior to restoring the device, it does not beep.

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3 minutes ago, excessivechaos said:

I know exactly what you are talking about.  This is what happened the first time I tried to factory restore it.  However, I was successful the second attempt.

I just tried it again this morning, per your advice.  Here is what I did.
1. Pulled out on the lower set button, observed the LEDs on the switch turned off, and the switch was no longer operational.
2. Waited more than 10s and then using the tip of a knife I pressed the button all the way in and held it.  It beeped once, I continued to hold it for about 10s.
3. I released the button and then it beeped twice and the LEDs turned back on.
4. I observed the switch no longer made a beep when I pressed the on or off button, and it no longer controlled the scene it was in.

Based on this behavior it would seem that the switch was successfully reset, would you agree?

I then did a restore device from the admin console.  After this it controlled the scene it was in fine, but the beep on button press is back.  It would seem that something the ISY is writing to the switchlinc is causing it, because prior to restoring the device, it does not beep.

You seem to be quite aware of the factory reset difficulty and have done that quite well....agreed.

I would check the ISY log to see if it recorded a beep sent right after receiving signals from it. Then swap the device and see if it corrects itself.

You could try completely deleting the device from ISY. Power cycling ISY to make sure it really forgets it, and then relinking the SwitchLinc.
I didn't think there is even an option for software to cause a beep on paddle operation. This could be  a defective device.

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23 hours ago, larryllix said:

You seem to be quite aware of the factory reset difficulty and have done that quite well....agreed.

I would check the ISY log to see if it recorded a beep sent right after receiving signals from it. Then swap the device and see if it corrects itself.

You could try completely deleting the device from ISY. Power cycling ISY to make sure it really forgets it, and then relinking the SwitchLinc.
I didn't think there is even an option for software to cause a beep on paddle operation. This could be  a defective device.

I agree it may be a defective device.  Completely deleting and relinking will be a lot of work since it's tied to a bunch of scenes and programs, so at this point I think I just will live with the beeps, and then maybe replace the switch later on.

Thanks for the help.

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54 minutes ago, excessivechaos said:

I agree it may be a defective device.  Completely deleting and relinking will be a lot of work since it's tied to a bunch of scenes and programs, so at this point I think I just will live with the beeps, and then maybe replace the switch later on.

Thanks for the help.

Here is how I would do it.

Rename your existing switchlinc by adding an 'XX' to the end of the name
Get a new device and link it to ISY, naming it the same name (no 'XX').
In the program tab right click on any program title and select 'Replace'
Select the deviceNameXX in the From box
Select the deviceName in the To box
Click 'Replace All'

Done. Ohhhhh Except you may have to modify your scenes manually. Check them.

ISY admin console also has a replace device feature but I have never been able to make that work, and I can never remember how it works.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I read somewhere that HouseLinc offered the option to change the "Beep on Button Press" Option.  I hooked my PLM up to my PC and installed HouseLinc.  It does not offer this option either.  This is strange since the user guide mentions this option as a software only option, and clearly the switch is beeping when I press a button.  Anyway, once I linked the switch so HouseLinc could see it, the beeping stopped.  Very strange.

I plugged the PLM back into the ISY and everything is working fine.  I did not attempt to do a restore of the switch.

Thanks for the help and advice.

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I doubt it's the device since it doesn't beep until it's added to the isy via the restore. If it were a bad device it would beep once reset and outside of the isy.

If you don't feel like going through re-adding it to the isy and the scenes it's part of, a replacement device would be the easiest fix. The downside is whatever configuration is causing the problem will likely be transferred to the new product as well. 

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  • 7 months later...

Just stumbled on this thread after experiencing a very similar problem with a 2477D (v.45) and ISY-994i (software 5.0.16B).

Throughout this switch's lifetime (months if not years) it has been totally silent on local button presses.  This morning, I did a factory reset on the device.  Still silent, as expected.  Then I did "Restore Device" from the ISY-994i, and after the restore, I started getting a beep on every local button press.  Controlling the switch remotely (i.e. from the ISY admin console or from a scene) remains silent.  I've done the factory reset + restore device cycle several times now with identical results (no beep before restore device, beep on local button press after restore).

The Options screen for this device shows "Program Lock", "LED on TX", and "No LED", all of which are unchecked.

This particular device went through at least one factory reset + restore device cycle under older ISY-994i software (probably 4.7.3), and that didn't enable the beep on local button press.

Any suggestions for easy things to try?  (Swapping the switch is possible although something I'm not especially eager to do, since in this respect it was working great up until this morning.)




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1 hour ago, lilyoyo1 said:

Sounds like something in the ISY is triggering it to beep. I would remove the device from the ISY, factory reset it, and re-add it vs restoring it. Note the scenes and programs that its part of and and it back to those once done

Aha, that did the trick...thanks so much for the idea!


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