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IOLinc status is wrong

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I just got a second IOLinc. The first one was for the garage door and it is working properly. This second one should detect over heating in my cabinet and start a fan when it is too hot.


The sensor and the program seem to work fine, but the status in the ISY is wrong.


I created a debug scene where the IOLinc sensor is a controller and my office light is a responder. The light goes On and Off with the sensor properly.


The thing is, whenever I manually query the sensor from the admin console, the sensor always appears as "Off", despite it is On the the office light remains On.


The IOLinc is plugged in the always on part of an OutletInc. The controlled outlet is the one managing the fan.


The Outletlinc status is right in the console and it is switched On and Off easily by the controller.


Any idea what can be wrong ? Should I change / review any option in the IOLinc ? I configured them the same way they are in my first IOLinc...


Thanks for your help,



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thanks for your fast reply.


No, the Trigger Off option was not checked. I selected it and it did not fix the problem : a manual query of the sensor from the ISY always returns "Off".


Any other idea ?



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the firmware of the controller is 2.7.0 and the IOLinc is marked as 2450 v1.1. The ISY controller detects it as an IOLinc v.33.


When unplugging / re-plugging the IOLinc, I pressed the LED button on its side. It turned bright On and now the ISY detects it as On.


I think that something like the relay I had to force reset automatically for my garage door management.


I will keep debugging on my side, but for sure any help would be very appreciated.





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I'm not sure if it will fix your particular issue, but there have been I/OLinc fixes and updates with newer firmware releases. If you can, I'd recommend upgrading to beta firmware 2.7.5 which has been very stable and, in my opinion, better than 2.7.0:




Once you're on 2.7.5, I'd recommend removing your I/OLinc from the ISY, factory resetting it, and adding it back in.


Let me know.

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thanks for your suggestion. I followed them and my sensor is now working properly.


I did the firmware upgrade to 2.7.5.

I removed the IOLinc form the ISY.

I factory-reset the IOLinc.

I replugged it and re-linked it to the ISY.


Now, I can query the IOLinc manually and the result is right.


I will post a note about the update. Kaspersky is really not ISY friendly : even the download from Internet gets corrupted by it!


Thanks again,



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Wondering if the status report from the i/o link continues to function correctly after you try adding it to a scene. I found with mine that my status was working fine immediatly following 2.7.5 and a factory reset of my i/o linc. However it stopped reporting correctly when I added it to a scene w/my Keypad Linc. :shock:

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mine is not part of a scene. I use it as a trigger for programs, but it is not linked to any scene. I can try to add it in one and do the test, but for the moment I must debug my ----- OutletLinc in my garage ceiling.



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HI Guy's


Was having a problem in getting the status to change with the action. So I took the IOLINC outl, factory reset and back in the ISY.


The problem is the IOLINC makes contact with the ISY, as I can hear the click. The problem is it no longer opens the garage door? All the wires are contect.


Any ideas?



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Hi AnthemAVM,


As for the garage door, the relay must be reset before it can send a new signal to the motor.


In the "How-to & Tutorials", I posted my complete garage door management program. You are free to review it and to adapt it to your own need.


The reset of the relay is a part of it.


Hope it will help,



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  • 4 months later...

I'm having the same issue. I just bought my ISY and 4 new IOLincs. Two of the IOLincs are connected to low-voltage sensors with "Trigger Off" not checked. The other 2 IOLincs are controlling my 2 garage doors with "Trigger Off" checked as per the instructions on the Wiki. The ISY is running 2.7.6


Here are the results of a queries to the sensors:


- IOLincs for the low-voltage sensors with "Trigger Off" unchecked show as OFF regardless of the actual state. The scenes they control also show as OFF.


- IOLincs for the garage doors with "Trigger Off" checked show as ON regardless of the actual state. The scenes they control also show as ON.


All 4 sensors are controllers in independent scenes.


After opening and closing the garage doors manually several times, ISY will correct itself and the scene whch they controll will go back to normal.


It is the QUERY device action that throws it off.

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Originally it was the Query All at 3am that caused the problem. I turned off this schedule to prevent the problem from happening.


I can recreate the behaviour by right-clicking on the IOLinc sensor and choosing query.


The query will change the status of the sensor to ON regardless of what the sensor should be. This is the behaviour for IOLincs with "trigger off" checked. The reverse behaviour occurs for another IOLinc that I have where the "trigger off" is unchecked.


Here is a sequence:

1. Open the garage door then ISY shows the sensor as ON

2. Close the garage door then ISY shows the sensor as OFF

3. Query the sensor then then ISY shows the sensor as ON


So to sum up:


If "trigger off" is unchecked and the current status is ON then after the query, ISY will show the sensor as OFF regardless of what the sensor should be.


If "trigger off" is checked and the current status is OFF then after the query, ISY will show the sensor as ON regardless of what the sensor should be.



Thank you so much for looking at this and for the immediate support. This is a great product.

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Hello Jamester,


Thanks so very much for the detailed analysis. This is surely going to help us figure out what we should do with the query. In the meantime, I am going to forward this post to our SmartHome engineering contact and ask for clarifications of what the query should do.


I will surely keep you posted and I am so very sorry for all these issues you are having.


With kind regards,


Originally it was the Query All at 3am that caused the problem. I turned off this schedule to prevent the problem from happening.


I can recreate the behaviour by right-clicking on the IOLinc sensor and choosing query.


The query will change the status of the sensor to ON regardless of what the sensor should be. This is the behaviour for IOLincs with "trigger off" checked. The reverse behaviour occurs for another IOLinc that I have where the "trigger off" is unchecked.


Here is a sequence:

1. Open the garage door then ISY shows the sensor as ON

2. Close the garage door then ISY shows the sensor as OFF

3. Query the sensor then then ISY shows the sensor as ON


So to sum up:


If "trigger off" is unchecked and the current status is ON then after the query, ISY will show the sensor as OFF regardless of what the sensor should be.


If "trigger off" is checked and the current status is OFF then after the query, ISY will show the sensor as ON regardless of what the sensor should be.



Thank you so much for looking at this and for the immediate support. This is a great product.

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