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Incorporate temperature into nofification


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I have a notification set up for too cold if the thermostat status temperature is below 55 and too hot if it is above 90.  It looks like I can use a custom email substitution variable so the email would include the current temperature being reported by the thermostat.

The wiki has a lot of detail to get many things about the thermostat, but I don't see an example of what to use to get the current temperature.  Maybe I use ST (the specified value with the thermostat address ?)

In any case there is a line  "Many properties are subject to device capability You can obtain all available properties for a specific node via the REST API at /rest/nodes/<address>"

I'm not a programmer, and don't know how to use this information,  but it seems really useful.  Can anyone help with where and how I would get the list of properties available ?



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Hi @Eric, Welcome to the forum.

If I correctly understand what you're trying to do, I don't think you need to use the REST API. You can do this with a program, like I do. I created a Integer Variable which I named "i.HVAC.Temp.Current". In my case it's variable 22.

Then I created a program like this:

        'Tstat / Thermostat' Temperature >= -50.0°
        $i.HVAC.Temp.Current  = 'Tstat / Thermostat' Temperature °
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

The if clause causes it to run every time there's a change in temp from the thermostat.

If I want to send the thermostat current temp by an email, I insert the variable i.HVAC.Temp.Current into the email which ends up looking like this ${var.1.22} which represents integer variable 22.

You could do the same thing with state variables if you want to use it to trigger a program to send the email notification. State variable 1 ends up looking like this in the email: ${var.2.1}.

Hope that helps.

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12 minutes ago, Eric said:

Dave,  as a first for variables,  what is the correct creation of that variable ?   

Go to Programs tab, then Variables tab under that. Press [Add] button, rename if you want by clicking in the Name of the newly created variable. Remember to press the [Save] button before you go anywhere else to use your newly created variable.


If you ever rename in the future, it's the Save button that changes the name also in any program you've used it in. Nice feature - easy to forget to do. :)


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Perhaps my software version is different from yours,  but I'm sorry to ask for more advice so soon.

I set up the variable with the same name you did,  but with initial value as 70 and value as 70.  When saved it looks like the value was set to 70.

I then worked on the program choosing the thing closest to what you had.


Status 'Thermostat - Main'  >= 1 (degree symbol) (Temperature)


i.HVAC.Temp.Current = (Not sure how to fill this in)  choice (Number or Variable).


So still working on it, and I see you just posted a reply,  so I will check that.




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1 minute ago, Eric said:


Perhaps my software version is different from yours,  but I'm sorry to ask for more advice so soon.

I set up the variable with the same name you did,  but with initial value as 70 and value as 70.  When saved it looks like the value was set to 70.

I then worked on the program choosing the thing closest to what you had.


Status 'Thermostat - Main'  >= 1 (degree symbol) (Temperature)


i.HVAC.Temp.Current = (Not sure how to fill this in)  choice (Number or Variable).

So still working on it, and I see you just posted a reply,  so I will check that.


"i.HVAC.Temp.Current" is the name I gave my variable. If you name yours likewise then you will see this when click on the then section


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Sadly,  I get stuck to the right of the  ' = ' in the then statement.  I have only a choice in the drop down of either NUMBER or VARIABLE.  Number lets me set any numeric value with the up down arrows,  and Variable only give the choice of i.HVAC.Temp.Current.  Do I need to define the thermostat also as a variable so it would show up as a choice in the drop down ?

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I also notice that my 'If' is not the same as yours, in that I have a status line there.

Here's a screen capture.   I can only think that it's a software or code difference or I am missing something obvious.   I am still on version 4.7.3.Thermostat.PNG.88f793ba13a40af0867454e91c5199e3.PNG



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I'm open to going to version 5,  and in fact I started down the path, but the instructions about the change led me to believe it might be quite challenging to get everything working again.  What was your experience going to v 5 ?


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Its been good, I've been on it almost 4 years (I started on an original alpha). Some if it depends on your technology mix. I was insteon only and don't do a lot of direct control with scenes. I've observed that programs that control scenes and some z-wave devices can take a little more effort to migrate. The biggest thing is backups... start with a clean backup of your current V4 setup before you attempt to migrate.

Then once you migrate, don't start new programs (like the above) even though its tempting. Give everything at least a few days to make sure its working and all programs have run. Then once it looks like you migrated what you had successfully, move on to updating programs. The reason is, any changes you make to your ISY on V5 can not be backwards migrated to V4, if you were to decide you didn't like V5. However most people who have migrated to V5 have been good with it and moved on.


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Ok,  I'll give it a go when I get home and am not trying to work remotely.   Do we think this is the reason I am not seeing the program choices mentioned in Dave's original reply ?  I want to be sure I'm not going down a path that does not actually solve the original problem.





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23 minutes ago, Eric said:



Ok,  I'll give it a go when I get home and am not trying to work remotely.   Do we think this is the reason I am not seeing the program choices mentioned in Dave's original reply ?  I want to be sure I'm not going down a path that does not actually solve the original problem.





I addition to what Paul was telling you, most of the conversion errors are marked with yellow? program icons. They knew it wouldn't convert correctly but was too difficult to do it properly or they couldn't trust the result and it has to be done by the human.

I converted as soon as V5 came out also and the problems were quite obvious. I had some programs and a few scenes that didn't convert perfectly. Most just had to be OKed by me and saved.

Yes. IIRC, V5 added the ability to save device parameters into variables. I can't imagine not being able to save the level of a lamp, flash it as a warning, and then restore it like nothing happened.

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30 minutes ago, Eric said:

Ok,  I'll give it a go when I get home and am not trying to work remotely.   Do we think this is the reason I am not seeing the program choices mentioned in Dave's original reply ?  I want to be sure I'm not going down a path that does not actually solve the original problem.

My recollection is that the little triangle option for variables showed up in V5... been a while though.

Definitely do not attempt remotely. I would suggest waiting till the first part of the weekend or when you have a couple of day period free to make sure nothing breaks (even though that's unlikely). My system has become "production" over the years and I can't risk the phone calls at work if something were to happen.


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Thanks to all.  I did the upgrade to version 5 last night and had a few minor things to fix,  but so far so good.

I have a program that runs at sunrise and sunset, sending out notifications by email and text.  It's mostly to verify that the ISY is alive and has a good internet connection each day.   Now with your help, my notification includes the system date, system time and current temperature being reported by my thermostat.

I'll start working on more interesting things.

I'm happy with the program that runs in my Insteon thermostat,  but perhaps I'll move it to the ISY so it's a bit more customizable, and I could invoke things like a vacation mode.

I also have a question  about the new admin and user logins that are possible, but I'm going to look at the wiki and perhaps start a new thread here if I have questions.


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31 minutes ago, Eric said:

Thanks to all.  I did the upgrade to version 5 last night and had a few minor things to fix,  but so far so good.

I also have a question  about the new admin and user logins that are possible, but I'm going to look at the wiki and perhaps start a new thread here if I have questions.


Awesome that you upgraded well!  For the passwords... admin is just your local admin account and passwords. The others (1-9)are related to nodeservers... I haven't needed to use them yet.


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3 hours ago, Eric said:

Still learning, so I'm not sure about a what a node server is for.


Its a core capability of V5 that allows modern network appliance type devices like sprinkler controllers, thermostats, rumbas, cars, etc.... intergrate with the ISY.

Network Applicance <-> Nodeserver Device (e.g. Raspberry Pi) <-> ISY. 

If you look in the UDI Forums under polyglot or Automationshack / Nodelink, you'll see all sorts of devices that can integrate with the ISY via nodeservers


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Very interesting as I expand my network.

I do have another basic question,  and i may have been covered somewhere,  but I didn't find it yet.

In my custom alert text,  I wanted to get the degree symbol to show and i used " ALT 0 1 7 6 " on the keyboard.  It shows as a degree symbol in the custom text,  but in the text messages I get a ?   I'm guessing text messages perhaps don't support the symbol ?    I just put in the word degrees, so it's no big deal...just wondering.

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