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Help with IOLinc+gate+keypad


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I just figured out how to get both the sensor and the relay portions of my IOLinc to speak to my old gate controller and am feeing pretty happy! Now however comes my first foray into setting up an IOLinc with my ISY and keypad and I’m a bit lost. Here’s the rundown of the gate setup:


- My gate has a momentary toggle switch mechanism that will open the gate if it’s closed, stop it in place if it’s opening, and close the gate if it’s open. This is connected to my IOLinc N/O and COM pins.

- The gate controller also has a hookup that closes a circuit if the gate is open. This is hooked up to my IOLinc S and GND pins.


Inside my ISY admin panel, I’ve also configured a 0.5s hold time and Momentary C mode, which claims to trigger based on sensor input.


Here’s the problem: I assumed (based on an ISY wiki page for the IOLinc) that this would set it so the on and off commands to the relay would track the open and closed states of the gate, but the gate still only seems to respond to the on command on the relay, effectively behaving as if I were pressing the gate opener.


Here are my questions:


1) How do I configure the IOLinc in isolation to handle on and off correctly based on the sensor input?

2) What’s the correct way to bind the combined sensor and on/off control to a keypad button such that it lights up when the gate is open (even if the keypad had nothing to do with opening the gate, like if someone used the old fashioned gate opener). I tried creating a scene with it but was a bit confused about who would be a controller and who would be a responder for it, since it’s bidirectional.

3) I’ve noticed my ISY admin panel needs me to press query on the sensor before it updates the status properly. Do I need to set devices up to poll periodically or will the IOLinc push its status?

4) Is there a good way to handle the weird intermediate state of the gate so that the off command always closes the gate, even though it would require two button presses if you try to close it while it’s opening?




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