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iOS 13 & MobiLinc Pro connection issues


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First off I want to thank Wes for his help in trying to troubleshoot the issues, but wanted to open this up to others on here that might have the (old) MobiLinc Pro/HD with UDI Portal/direct connect and recently updated to iOS 13/13.1. I have used MobiLinc Pro without issue for the last 2 years. 

ISY Firmware: 4.7.3 / UDI Portal account active

Network Router: TP Link M9+ (port forwarding on & working just fine for 5+ months - using non-standard (not 443) https port) 

Connection through router DDNS (again, worked fine for 5+ months)

ISP: Comcast

As soon as iOS 13 released I started having issues connecting to the ISY while remote. Nothing else in my home network changed. I couldn't get anything to load status and it would fail to sync. If I re-entered my password in the app it would sync right away. It was as though the app had a bad password in it. (I did change my password about 30 days ago, but everything had been working fine until iOS update installed). 

I figured it was Apple changing how things can run in the background or store password, but this has now been going on over a week and nothing I've tried has improved. I have removed the app and reinstalled and am still having these connection issues.

Wes says there haven't been any other reports with iOS 13 having issues so I wanted to check if others worked out any kinks already. 

Any ideas of what's causing this not to update? 


2019-09-25 11.40.47.png

2019-09-28 11.48.56.jpg

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Hi @Geddy

Thank you for posting those screenshots. When remote, are you remote on a Wi-Fi network or remote over the T-Mobile network? The screenshots show you are connected to Wi-Fi. Have you tried a pure cell connection only when remote? I wouldn't think that would matter if the issue resolves with a password re-entry...but it's something worthwhile to try to eliminate any filtering that's happening on a remote Wi-Fi network.


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Good point. I know crossing the geofence I would be on cell only, but the screen shot above was taken once I got to my destination and had already connected to wifi before taking the screenshot.

I have tested it while only on cell and it results in the same process. Tricky to test currently only on cell as I have poor cell service in the office, but will try while at lunch just to confirm. But, I know in the testing I was on cell only. Even just sitting at home I turn wifi off so I am on cell and that's when I know it wouldn't connect and I knew for sure the home network wasn't having connection issues or other random issues so I could monitor the home internet connection in real time. 

I wouldn't think that the ISY would have conflicts with admin console open and app attempting to connect, but I have also tried that differently too. Having admin console open on a local network computer and try to open the app and the admin console closed (again, both were to make sure the home network was stable and ISY was stable). Trying to take the possible home network blip out of the equation. Same result when app was only on cell data (and I made sure the "sync over cell' option was on) that if I just entered the password again it worked on first try. But prior to that just hitting "sync to ISY" gave network error. 



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Are you able to telnet to the ISY on that port and get a reply? Test this from a machine on the same network.

If that works something on your port forwarding is broken causing it to not work from externally. And as for your iPhone not connecting internally I would suggest a reinstall of Mobilinc assuming you are sure you have it configured to connect properly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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20 hours ago, atmarosi said:

Are you able to telnet to the ISY on that port and get a reply? Test this from a machine on the same network.

If that works something on your port forwarding is broken causing it to not work from externally. And as for your iPhone not connecting internally I would suggest a reinstall of Mobilinc assuming you are sure you have it configured to connect properly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I will try then when back home.

Since just re-entering the password seems to make it work fine it's hard to track down. 

I removed and reinstalled MobiLinc over the weekend so that step has been attempted. 


@Scottmichaelj thanks for checking! I'll keep trying.



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Thanks everybody for the replies. Looks like it might be a DDNS issue with my router manufacturer (TP-Link). I have the Deco 9+ mesh router that only uses TP-Link DDNS. If I change the MobiLinc settings to directly connect to my home IP rather than through the DDNS server it seems to work as expected. I chatted with TP-Link support, and they acknowledge there might be URL resolving issues on their DDNS servers. The agent I had couldn't tell much, but did say there were errors seen in the test they ran while I was on chat. Hopefully they can fix the issue and I can use the DDNS setting in the future. I don't have a computer on enough at the house to update other DDNS services. 

Fingers crossed it was just a router/DDNS issue and it's resolved.


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