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Questions about the NS


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I always am hard at work when my wife gets home.
It can be a bit of a scramble but, the Echoes voicing...
.... 'garage door one has opened'
gives me enough time to spring into action, spray some simulated sweat around my armpits, and create the look.
The girlfriend hates the dark closet for extended periods, and I really need to replace the grip strips on the fire escape ladder, though.
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Sounds like you’re hard at work on the girlfriend, which is probably not too pleasing for any (stereotypical) wife.

Heard reference on this forum a while back to a California 3-way. Didn’t look into it too much though when I realized it was a light switch wiring configuration...

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  • 4 months later...

...so I feel really newb asking this but since I'm somewhat unclear on Polyglot, Polisy & ISY (994i anyways), and I don't want to fall down another over-marketed rabbit-hole (sorry :( HomeSeer?

To use the PushOver API, for a rather simple config of <100 or so devices (... for now) on just an ISY994, I'll have to use (for example) a headless RaspB Piii w/a bunch of Python scripts (cURL n such), and the ISY994i send emails to the RPI [well, @Least that's one way, perhaps others I'm sure].  Currently I'm using the RPI w/BlueIris for some efficiencies & external IR WiFi devices (ESP-8266 varieties), so it's no big deal.  However I just wanted some clarity from those of which have been immersed much longer.

I've been using the benefits on PushOver since losing the battle w/ATT for their API (work-around for limitations of their SMSC), thus adding flexibility to whatever service they may change to @work ?


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5 minutes ago, Inchwork said:

I don't want to fall down another over-marketed rabbit-hole (sorry :( HomeSeer?

LOL... what you don't like HS4?

6 minutes ago, Inchwork said:

To use the PushOver API

There's a couple of NodeServers that work with PushOver.  You have a rPi you can simply install Polyglot on that and make things easy on yourself as you seem technical so installing Polyglot should be very easy.

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I assumed from the beginning it could be a bit too much & too foggy for me.

Looks very promising.  The drop down in the Polyglot (Node Server Types) does not indicate anything other than Phillips Hue, Pulse & Kodi/XMBC;  I'm not sure, but i think I missed an additional install on the RPi (perhaps the PolyglotREST.py0.1.5 -looking over the Git docs, seems 1.5 is latest? but not sure), that's where I'm foggy, as I couldn't decipher whrre this step may have/should have been...

Or perhaps I just need to step back till later.....

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It's a one line install script in the wiki you should have used to do the install.  If you tried doing it manually I'm sure it's wrong.

If you have another rPi you want to use I have a rPi image with Polyglot and Node-RED pre-installed if you want to use it.  It's older and will need to be updated but the update is easy (click the update button).

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...yea, I'm getting frustrated now...

The README.md itself & under the section:
All information is on the Configuration Page which is the same as information included on the Polyglot Notification Nodeserver Configuration Page.
-->Doesn't discuss anything beyond installation of the Polyglot Virtual Node Server Framework, as far as my browser showed; nor is there indication how to restart the node server [unless it is the same as the ISY994 by yanking the plug (posted and no answers; another  assumption)].

13 minutes ago, simplextech said:

It's a one line install script in the wiki you should have used to do the install.  If you tried doing it manually I'm sure it's wrong.

used cpy/paste

Could you quote where this is?   My last available RPi is this (for now) & quicker to just flattn & Etcher another buster lite.



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17 minutes ago, Inchwork said:

...yea, I'm getting frustrated now...

The README.md itself & under the section:
All information is on the Configuration Page which is the same as information included on the Polyglot Notification Nodeserver Configuration Page.
-->Doesn't discuss anything beyond installation of the Polyglot Virtual Node Server Framework, as far as my browser showed; nor is there indication how to restart the node server [unless it is the same as the ISY994 by yanking the plug (posted and no answers; another  assumption)].

used cpy/paste

Could you quote where this is?   My last available RPi is this (for now) & quicker to just flattn & Etcher another buster lite.



Here's some info and links.  As things are not documented well/cleanly....

Main github



# Run the Install Script
wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2/master/scripts/install.sh | bash -e

PolyBox Image:


The Polybox image is something I put together.  It's based on Buster Lite and is mostly default.  Main thing is SSH is enabled by default so you can get into the box.  Standard user/password so change it.  This is older (September) so the Buster image will need updates and so will Polyglot.  Polyglot is installed as a systemd service "polyglot-v2" and can be controlled normally. 

First boot does the normal resizing, rebooting.  Second boot takes 5-10 minutes because Polyglot is initializing the mongoDB which takes a while.  Let this run until completion.  Once done you can access polyglot on the normal interface


Don't forget HTTPS (There's an S there).

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awesome, thanks! when I get some time this week, I'll reapply.

yea, the docs are perhaps muddled a tad but far better than ...some other enviro (more familiar w/Git);

...your earlier query, HS4 made little diff to HS3 (to me anyways; Zee Troller); No toe steppin, but absence of any Wiki, cult-like following & most of all the programming -I picked up on ISY like fish/water & I'm not all that educated; just insulting overlooking UDI months ago based on dislike of java installs ?

UDI is going somewhere .!.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@simplextech Tried your image for a bit, then the usual fire brigade somewhere, lost my thought train but not my notes, was tired, isolated everything on a vlan, then _finally_ got back to this just a bit after dinner tonight;

I just ran the prebuilt script; looking @ script, guess it don't matter (remove exist); a few credentials -Stores are loading!! -No Sleep For Me Tonight ?

Muchous Gracias, it's off to the races!

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