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Variable for humidity % in Insteon Thermostat?


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I may not be seeing it but is there a variable I can access in an ISY program for the humidity level as reported by an Insteon Thermostat? (2441TH). I am using IR control to turn on and off an A/C unit based on the temperature and that works just great. But..I would also like the ability to turn the A/C unit to it's humidifier setting if the humidity rises to a high enough level. While I see the humidity level on the thermostat display I don't see any way to access that value in a program. Am I missing it? Thank you for any help.

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13 hours ago, GQuack said:

I may not be seeing it but is there a variable I can access in an ISY program for the humidity level as reported by an Insteon Thermostat? (2441TH). I am using IR control to turn on and off an A/C unit based on the temperature and that works just great. But..I would also like the ability to turn the A/C unit to it's humidifier setting if the humidity rises to a high enough level. While I see the humidity level on the thermostat display I don't see any way to access that value in a program. Am I missing it? Thank you for any help.

Do you see the Humidity in the ISY 2441TH device in the Admin console?

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1 minute ago, GQuack said:


Then in Programs create a variable and assign the Humidity value in the device.  Click the button below repeatedly until you something like this.


Coincidentally I was working on the same thing.  I use a Insteon relay to close a circuit from the furnace fan to the humidifier.  I use an IF set of rules including indoor/outdoor temps and humidity as well as next day temp forecast to determine weather to close the circuit.  Not sure about your case.


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Huh? Where is this? Where is "assign the Humidity value in the device?" I don't see that option in the program section..Thank you for your help, this is exactly what I was looking for. I just need to set up a program to periodically query the variable, right?


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9 minutes ago, GQuack said:

Huh? Where is this? Where is "assign the Humidity value in the device?" I don't see that option in the program section..Thank you for your help, this is exactly what I was looking for. I just need to set up a program to periodically query the variable, right?

Go into Then section to assign, not the If section to assign the variable.  Periodically - this is how I do it.


dht11 is a temp and humidity sensor device

wu is a weather service


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33 minutes ago, GQuack said:

I am sorry mmb, I don't see that option at all. I am in the Then section. The only choices I have are set to another variable or a number. I don't see that right arrow option anywhere. Is this perhaps a new option? I am running 4.7.3

I thought you were trying to pull the Humidity from the insteon thermostat - you said: is there a variable I can access in an ISY program for the humidity level as reported by an Insteon Thermostat.  In this case look for the thermostat and grab the variable.

As for the IR control, it looks like you're trying to set variables and have it do something.  That I have no clue about but would be nice to have.

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21 hours ago, GlowingHair said:

In the 4.x release, I had to use a network resource to be able to use the humidity, in an email in my case.

I wrote my Humidifier program in v5 in the spring - it's very stable.  I had the Program disabled until this week and experienced a few problems C/F handling but they're sorted out now.

So when you're in "Then" you click the arrow for variable assignment, you don't your devices like I do?


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Geeeez. That brings back the memory of trying to extract the  temperature from an Insteon thermostat 2441ZTH using a bank of programs. One program per degree to test for each degree from bottom to top. What a PITA.

Been using v5 for about four years now and have a hard time remembering the silly things we had to do.

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If version 5 is stable, why hasn't UDI made that the "official" version? They show 4.7.3 as the official although 5.0.16 is now available.

4.x has been the official branch for a few years. UDI has been updating the underlying architecture and working towards Z-wave certification in the 5.x branch. 5.0.16 (rc1) is solid and there is no reason to hold back. I was very conservative but made the move in June to 5.0.15A. Not a single issue.
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27 minutes ago, GQuack said:

If version 5 is stable, why hasn't UDI made that the "official" version? They show 4.7.3 as the official although 5.0.16 is now available.

Not sure, but v5.0.16 rc1 has been very stable for me.  I initially migrated to 5.0.15a and have updated a couple of times without issue.

Also v5 brings Polyglot making the ISY an even more powerful automation platform. I have a few node servers (Nest, weather service, temp/humidity devices) running through polyglot to the ISY.

For me it was worth the upgrade.

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