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Is a heading in Polisy section for standard users (not geek, lol) planned?


My pro unIt arrived today and I was reading instructions. Most of screen captures shows Polisy working with ISY 5.0.15A but one section where it is listing issue of constant beeping says Polisy needs ISY 5.0.16+. Which is correct?


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I'd like to reiterate Hart2Hart's unanswered query: "Is a heading in Polisy section for standard users (not geek, lol) planned?"  since it wasn't addressed.  As a new Polisy owner, I'd like to be able to follow user's experiences and issues for a while before I brave an installation.

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With all the issues people have starting out that's posted here, I think the geek/polisy section should stay until the kinks are worked out.

Creating a new forum at this time will end up with these early experiences and issues spread everywhere. This would make it harder to follow and new people getting up and running. 

Once the bugs are worked out, I think a general section would be good. At the end of the day, whether it's called geek or something else it's just a name. It's still Polisy based.

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I can see your point. I guess I'm just anxious to get past the geekiness of working out the initial bugs. Meanwhile, I haven't even been brave enough to migrate to the 5.x code. I guess I'll focus on that while the Polisy implementation bugs are worked out.

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