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What Do I need to Do Next


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12 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

Just a guess, but did you shut down your Polyglot instance on your RPi?  Did you restore your Polyglot backup from your RPi onto your Polisy?

I disconnected the Rpi. It sounds like i need to do more than that. What did I not do that I need to do? I did restore my Polyglot backup from my RPi onto my Polisy .


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28 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

Hard to know, but I'd restart Polyglot on my Polisy first, and my ISY second.  I don't know how this works, but it appears that the Polisy Polyglot instance sees the nodeservers as being run from elsewhere.

I had the same, but as per your suggestion, I uploaded the backup from my RPi and then  all the nodeservers worked perfectly. The only thing I needed to do was to again authenticate the Google Holiday Nodeserver.

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