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Alexa command and actual physical switch differ for program


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Hi guys,

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post this issue here. If it's not the right forum I apologize.

I have a program for a bathroom fan.

Switchlinc is turned on and waits 25 minutes then shuts off. 

This works when I use the SWL but when I tell Alexa to do this it turns on fine but doesn't shut off after the 25 minutes.


Clearly the program works. Have a missed something with the ISY Portal?


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Yes, as a program (just double checked.)

I also made the spoken Bathroom Fan Timer as Bathroom Fan was already used by the SWL itself

I'd like to simplify that and whenever someone says turn on Bathroom Fan it would trigger the program.

I'm hoping this is possible

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No status or controls.

(I changed the timer to 10 seconds for testing only)


Bathroom Fan - [ID 0022][Parent 0001]

        Control 'Bathroom Fan' is switched On
        Wait  10 seconds
        Set 'Bathroom Fan' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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1 minute ago, andrew77 said:

No status or controls.

???  I see that your program DOES have a control condition.  My initial concern is that turning on the switch via alexa would not trigger such a program.  But you stated that you added the program directly to alexa, so I cannot say why this would not work.

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I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you meant as far as controls etc. (I wasn't thinking turning a switch on would be a control but it clearly says it in the program I pasted)

Should I just make a Routine in Alexa?

I Always try to get the ISY to do everything first as its tidier that way (I'm assuming)



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IIRC, alexa only activates THEN and ELSE clauses.  On for THEN, Off for ELSE.  I would guess it is turning on the fan as te spoke for the fan, but is not actually running the program.  THere is no statement to turn fan on in the THEN clause, so I don't think it is activating what you think it is.  You could try another program where you name FAN Test or something have the THEN statement turn on the fan wait xx mins and turn off and ELSE turn off.

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1 hour ago, TomL said:

IRC, alexa only activates THEN and ELSE clauses

That is my recollection, as well.

If the program was added to alexa, and then asked to be turned on, I would assume the THEN path would run but, apparently, it is not.  Perhaps alexa misunderstands and tries to turn on the switch, rather than the program.  Or, follow lilyoyo1 suggestion and change the condition to "status" rather than "control".  

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That is my recollection, as well.

If the program was added to alexa, and then asked to be turned on, I would assume the THEN path would run but, apparently, it is not.  Perhaps alexa misunderstands and tries to turn on the switch, rather than the program.  Or, follow lilyoyo1 suggestion and change the condition to "status" rather than "control".  

It's a simple test.


Try this.

'Alexa....dim the xxxx'

If it works you are not using the program.


The If triggered are not involved. The ISY portal is the trigger.


Sent using Tapatalk




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