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Child Bedtime Saftey Lighting (if a door is opened)?


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My son (2.5 year old) will sometimes wake up in the middle of the night & wander in the dark to our room for mommy. I want to make sure he does this a little safer as he has walked out & walked into a door or railing.


I came up with this but I am not sure it will work properly.


I would like it that if the door is opened after 12am, that the 3 lights come on at 20% light for 1 minute, then shut off.


I would also like it so that if we happen to look in on him after 12am, that if we shut the door, it will turn itself off earlier.


How does this look:


       From    12:00:00AM
       To       6:25:00AM (same day)
   And Control 'Door: Steven Room Open' is switched On

       Set 'Upstairs: Hallway' 20%
       Set 'Bedroom: Steven Light' 20%
       Set 'Bedroom: MBR Light' 20%
       Wait  1 minute 
       Set 'Upstairs: Hallway' Off
       Set 'Bedroom: Steven Light' Off
       Set 'Bedroom: MBR Light' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




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Do you know how i could 'cancel' the action by closing the door? Meaning, if I shut the door the lights go out (say its me checking on my son)?


It might make more sense as is in case he shuts the door behind him (not likely though).




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Hi Rich, try this:


       From    12:00:00AM
       To       6:25:00AM (same day)
   And Control 'Door: Steven Room Open' is switched On
   And Control 'Door: Steven Room Open' is not switched Off

       Set 'Upstairs: Hallway' 20%
       Set 'Bedroom: Steven Light' 20%
       Set 'Bedroom: MBR Light' 20%
       Wait  1 minute 
       Set 'Upstairs: Hallway' Off
       Set 'Bedroom: Steven Light' Off
       Set 'Bedroom: MBR Light' Off

       Set 'Upstairs: Hallway' Off
       Set 'Bedroom: Steven Light' Off
       Set 'Bedroom: MBR Light' Off


Personally, I would create a scene with the three devices so you can control the ramp rates as well as the levels.



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