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Backup Failing


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@Michel KohanimI am getting a zip file could not be created with another error "Could Not Retrieve File /CONF/NODES/UN0205.BIN while trying to backup.  I am running 5.0.16B and have successfully created backups previously with this version.

I see other issues that are similar in the forums but none with a .bin extension.  My question is, can I safely delete it and try again like the other similar issues?  Or do I just need to go back to a previous backup and restore?  I have several changes that I'd like to keep but if going back is the only way then I'll do that.  Thanks!

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@Michel KohanimI am getting a zip file could not be created with another error "Could Not Retrieve File /CONF/NODES/UN0205.BIN while trying to backup.  I am running 5.0.16B and have successfully created backups previously with this version.
I see other issues that are similar in the forums but none with a .bin extension.  My question is, can I safely delete it and try again like the other similar issues?  Or do I just need to go back to a previous backup and restore?  I have several changes that I'd like to keep but if going back is the only way then I'll do that.  Thanks!
New java update recently?

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