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Scheduled reboots of ISY994

Bobby g

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In searching, I have not found a way to schedule a reboot of the ISY994.  I wrote this script (for macOS) to reboot every Sunday at noon (via crontab). 

Is there a better way? 

How often should the ISY994 be restarted?


# Name:
# -----
# restart_isy.sh
# Purpose:
# --------
# This job will be used to restart ISY994
# Customization:
# --------------
# IP        IP address of ISY994
# USERID    Userid to use
# PWD       Password to use
# Crontab Example:
# ----------------
# This example runs the job on Sundays at noon
# 0    12   *    *   0   /Users/me/bin/restart_isy.sh &> /dev/null

PWD=`cat $HOME/Boxcryptor/Boxcryptor-Encrypted/Keys/isy994.txt`

/usr/bin/expect -f - << EOF
	spawn /usr/local/bin/telnet
	expect "telnet>"
	send "open $IP\r"
	sleep 1
	expect "Username:"
	send "$USERID\r"
	sleep 1
	expect "Password:"
	send "$PWD\r"
	sleep 1
	expect "http://$IP>"
	send "RS\r"



The only times I've rebooted my ISY is the last time DST changed, and I think I moved it sometime last fall that required I unplug it.  But that might have been last summer, actually.

If you have to reboot your ISY periodically, there's something wrong with one (or more) of your programs.  Fix those, don't hack it with a reboot -- this isn't a windows box!

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I agree you should not have to do a reset on it periodically.

Mine only gets reset if there is a long power outage and the UPS it is connected to powers down. If I do a firmware update or restore from a backup function. They do a reset as part of the procedure.


When I had V4.x firmware my ISY was up for about 8 months without being rebooted (I have a variable that counts uptime--I was sad to actually have to break the streak and start it).   With V5.x i haven't been so lucky,  this last time it had been running about a month and something went wonky with subscriptions and i ended up restarting it from the portal.  I could never do an auto-reboot tho, anytime it restarts I have 17 wireless sensors that need to be opened and closed manually.

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Posted (edited)

Add me to the list of ISY Non-Booters....

I do have to boot my Windows Machine on a regular basis (twice a month) and also my DSL modem (Once a month).  

When the Windows Machine hangs up, I use the combination of an IOLinc hardwired to the On/Off Button of my Tower running Windows...I have a running program on the Windows machine that sets a variable in the ISY that lets me know if the machine has hung up.  (Heartbeat program). 

When I need a reboot of my DSL Modem, I use a combination Insteon 2444-222 Open/Close Micro module and the Normally Closed contacts of a 120 VAC Ice cube relay.  More than likely this could be a hardware solution for your problem.

These measures of reboots, which don't happen very often, are needed when I'm away from home and need a simple restart/reboot.


Edited by PhanTomiZ
Hardware Solution Option
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  • 1 month later...
On 4/26/2020 at 9:30 AM, MrBill said:

When I had V4.x firmware my ISY was up for about 8 months without being rebooted (I have a variable that counts uptime--I was sad to actually have to break the streak and start it).   With V5.x i haven't been so lucky,  this last time it had been running about a month and something went wonky with subscriptions and i ended up restarting it from the portal.  I could never do an auto-reboot tho, anytime it restarts I have 17 wireless sensors that need to be opened and closed manually.

Sorry, but when I read this last I missed your last sentence. 

I use this below to help avoid having to run around and manually set my battery operated wireless sensors.  Seems to work for me.  Mind you I really only have four or five that I really count on to keep the house at the right temperature and the entrance doors closed.  

I guess the key here is, if the ISY is out of service while booting and as long as the battery powered wireless devices haven't changed state while the booting is ongoing, then this will set programs to see the "last state" of the device and until there is a manual triggering of that device.

Mstr Bed Window (Variable Setup)

        Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed Window - Opened' is On
     Or Control 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed Window - Opened' is switched On
        $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened  = 1 (Open/Close Sensor)
        $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened Init To 1
        $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened  = 0
        $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened Init To 0


When any programs need reference to a wireless device, the if statement would look like this:

! If Side Door and Mstr Bed Window Closed then Normal Cooling Mode 

             Status  'Kitchen / Devices / Side Door Sensor-Opened' is Off
          Or $sO.C._Door_Side_Door_Opened is 0
    And (
             Status  'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed Window - Opened' is Off
          Or $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened is 0
        Run Program '! If Side Door or Mstr Bed Window Open Set Temp to 90° Or Mode Off' (Else Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
June 28/17 - Added OR to all battery powered Open/Close sensors and setup global variables for each.
This will cause the variable to be last state when ISY is rebooted until a full on/off cycle of the O/C Sensor is established
June 20/16 - Removed   If Status  'TStat Main / TStat-Main 29.25.2C' is Mode Cool ( Caused too many other programs to re-evaluate when querying the TSTat main)


Hope this is a new idea for you and if not, maybe for somebody else who happens to read this


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  • 3 months later...

For those of you who never have to reboot, are you using Mobilinc as the connectivity service?

I find that every few weeks I go into my Mobilinc program on my iPhone and it cannot connect to the ISY.  I look on the ISY and under portals it shows that the connection is offline.  Once in this state, it does not recover and the only way I've been able to get connectivity back is via a reboot from the Admin console or an RS via the telnet interface.

Because of this, I want to be able to, under program control, reboot the ISY.  I have set up an IFTTT activity to set a variable.  If that variable is not seen by some programs I've written, I know it and would like to reboot in this condition.

It's very frustrating when you tell Alexa to turn off a light and it tells you the light is malfunctioning!  Its the connectivity between the ISY and Mobilinc that is malfunctioning!

Any input would be appreciated.


12 minutes ago, coreywilner said:

For those of you who never have to reboot, are you using Mobilinc as the connectivity service?

I find that every few weeks I go into my Mobilinc program on my iPhone and it cannot connect to the ISY.  I look on the ISY and under portals it shows that the connection is offline.  Once in this state, it does not recover and the only way I've been able to get connectivity back is via a reboot from the Admin console or an RS via the telnet interface.

Because of this, I want to be able to, under program control, reboot the ISY.  I have set up an IFTTT activity to set a variable.  If that variable is not seen by some programs I've written, I know it and would like to reboot in this condition.

It's very frustrating when you tell Alexa to turn off a light and it tells you the light is malfunctioning!  Its the connectivity between the ISY and Mobilinc that is malfunctioning!

Any input would be appreciated.


I would work with Wes at mobilinc to try and fix the problem vs putting a band-aid on something that could potentially cause more problems than it solves. If your still want to go down that path, the easiest way would be to get a cheap wifi switch AMD plug the isy into that. Then you could use their app to turn on/off

For those of you who never have to reboot, are you using Mobilinc as the connectivity service?
I find that every few weeks I go into my Mobilinc program on my iPhone and it cannot connect to the ISY.  I look on the ISY and under portals it shows that the connection is offline.  Once in this state, it does not recover and the only way I've been able to get connectivity back is via a reboot from the Admin console or an RS via the telnet interface.
Because of this, I want to be able to, under program control, reboot the ISY.  I have set up an IFTTT activity to set a variable.  If that variable is not seen by some programs I've written, I know it and would like to reboot in this condition.
It's very frustrating when you tell Alexa to turn off a light and it tells you the light is malfunctioning!  Its the connectivity between the ISY and Mobilinc that is malfunctioning!
Any input would be appreciated.

There’s an issue with MobiLinc, at this point I’m certain.

See here and please post there. I think it’s helpful to have these issues in a single thread for Wes to see:


Edit: you can also look into ekeypad. I haven’t had the same problem with that app and actually it seemed to have a way of connecting and smoothing everything over when MobiLinc effed up my connection.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

@coreywilner I had that problem with mobilinc pro and actually quit using mobilinc for that and another reason.   After the thread the @TrojanHorse linked came around I tried to get mobilinc to fail again, it never does, but we also don't use it like we used to, so it's hard to say why it happens, but you're not dreaming.  My recommendation is for Agave as a replacement.  Agave actually makes it easier to connect directly on your home network when home or through the portal when you are away.  there is another half dozen items that are a toss up as to which is better in some cases agave wins in others mobilinc pro.

I agree with others tho, auto rebooting the ISY in not the answer.


I've tried one of the recommendations I saw and that was to change the DNS server in the ISY.  I went from the standard Xfinity DNS server to and so far, I've had connectivity without fail. I do have a ping coming in every hour and if I fail to see it, I'll get a message.  At that time I'll check the error log and see what's up.

18 hours ago, coreywilner said:

I've tried one of the recommendations I saw and that was to change the DNS server in the ISY.  I went from the standard Xfinity DNS server to and so far, I've had connectivity without fail. I do have a ping coming in every hour and if I fail to see it, I'll get a message.  At that time I'll check the error log and see what's up.

Comcast has HORRIBLE DNS, and one of the problems is they may redirect fails to advertising.   Haven't used google DNS in years, because I hate google's data collection and profiling, at one time google DNS was also sluggish at times (but since I haven't used it in recent history I can't say).  I point everything on my network to my router (ubiquiti) for DNS, the router caches and uses (cloudflare), (open DNS), or (Quad9) in that order for any required lookups.

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