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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

ISY-26 Product Requests


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Don't know if this will help (I am not sure if your using Java for the GUI code) with the tree but here is the docs on using the java built in tree class. They have a dynamic example that you would just need to add the drag and drop feature to. How to Use Trees


If a Java tree widget would help...let me know if your not working on this feature quite yet, because I might fiddle with getting you guys a working widget with the drag and drop built in. If your already working on it don't wait for me though.


I concur on the missing links... Still digging into it though. For example, I have a controlinc that is not yet recognized by ISY and a switchlinc relay that is. There was a button on the controlinc that controlled the fan. This is no longer the case. The only thing that I have done with the switchlinc relay is to attempt to include this in a group(scene) for an all-off scenario. Maybe this was enough to lose my link? Also, the all off scene doesn't allow me to set the switchlinc relay to 'off'. Am I doing something wrong?

Don't know if this will help (I am not sure if your using Java for the GUI code) with the tree but here is the docs on using the java built in tree class. They have a dynamic example that you would just need to add the drag and drop feature to. How to Use Trees


If a Java tree widget would help...let me know if your not working on this feature quite yet, because I might fiddle with getting you guys a working widget with the drag and drop built in. If your already working on it don't wait for me though.


Mark, thanks so very much for the offer.


That's precisely what we are using. The issue is not the coding; it's prioritizing ...


Thanks again,

With regards,

I concur on the missing links... Still digging into it though. For example, I have a controlinc that is not yet recognized by ISY and a switchlinc relay that is. There was a button on the controlinc that controlled the fan. This is no longer the case. The only thing that I have done with the switchlinc relay is to attempt to include this in a group(scene) for an all-off scenario. Maybe this was enough to lose my link? Also, the all off scene doesn't allow me to set the switchlinc relay to 'off'. Am I doing something wrong?




I think the most important question is: why isn't your ControLinc recognized by ISY. If you tried to add the ControLinc using its address, then I know the answer. Would you be kind enough to try: Link Management->Link a ControLinc?


As far as the all off scene not allowing you to set the relay to off, that's a bug which shall be fixed (it's grayed out since ramp rate does not apply to relays).


With regards,


Sorry. I should have explained that I haven't even attempted to link it yet. Good to hear about the 'all off' scenario. I am still thinking about going down the path of having all my scenes set as triggered events rather than deal with the device link tables, etc. Using different controllers and seeing how each one deals with the currently programmed links, the limitations of including a KPL load in from a button on that KPL, etc. I think that I may be better off keeping these all set as triggers from the ISY.

Don't know if this will help (I am not sure if your using Java for the GUI code) with the tree but here is the docs on using the java built in tree class. They have a dynamic example that you would just need to add the drag and drop feature to. How to Use Trees


If a Java tree widget would help...let me know if your not working on this feature quite yet, because I might fiddle with getting you guys a working widget with the drag and drop built in. If your already working on it don't wait for me though.


Mark, thanks so very much for the offer.


That's precisely what we are using. The issue is not the coding; it's prioritizing ...


Thanks again,

With regards,


I know you guys are quite able 8) I am just thinking of how I might be able to help out.

Sorry. I should have explained that I haven't even attempted to link it yet. Good to hear about the 'all off' scenario. I am still thinking about going down the path of having all my scenes set as triggered events rather than deal with the device link tables, etc. Using different controllers and seeing how each one deals with the currently programmed links, the limitations of including a KPL load in from a button on that KPL, etc. I think that I may be better off keeping these all set as triggers from the ISY.




Please do not go down that path yet! At a high level, you should not worry about link tables/databases as they are maintained and handled by ISY. I concur that for triggering buttons in the same KPL, you would need triggers but for most (not all) other scenarios, scenes are much more optimized to handle the situations.


With regards,


Can this thread be moved to its own sub forum topic? I missed it before and wrote some of these thoughts in a separate posting.


I would like triggers to have some Time & Date conditions. eg. when switch 1 is on and time is =< 11:00. (<, >, =, Between,)


Also would there be a possibilty to have time delays between responder events and in the Schedule events?


Another intersting feature would be a Trigger or a Schedule that would happen for a set time and then reverse that condition. eg: turn On Switch 1 for 15 minutes and the set it back to Off.


X10 - I realize that you have been inundated with X10 request. But even if the software could just be X10 aware and able to respond to X10 triggers would be nice. I really don't need to send X10 siganls (being selfish here....Sorry).

Can this thread be moved to its own sub forum topic? I missed it before and wrote some of these thoughts in a separate posting.


I would like triggers to have some Time & Date conditions. eg. when switch 1 is on and time is =, =, Between,)


Also would there be a possibilty to have time delays between responder events and in the Schedule events?


Another intersting feature would be a Trigger or a Schedule that would happen for a set time and then reverse that condition. eg: turn On Switch 1 for 15 minutes and the set it back to Off.


X10 - I realize that you have been inundated with X10 request. But even if the software could just be X10 aware and able to respond to X10 triggers would be nice. I really don't need to send X10 siganls (being selfish here....Sorry).


C Martin, what sub-forum topic would you suggest?


With regards,


No more categories yet, please.


There are not yet enough topics to make a page 2. It doesn't take very long to peruse them all.


I vote we see what stays on top.




I was just thinking that an ISY feature request page would make a lot sense. I foresee a lot of post for this subject.

I was just thinking that an ISY feature request page would make a lot sense. I foresee a lot of post for this subject.


C Martin, this is precisely the topic! We are also thinking of doing something like bugzilla (for bugs) and another program just for feature requests such that everyone could see the state of each and everyone of the requests rather than having to go through everything every time.


Thanks so very much,

With regards,


How about a "Sort" button in the schedules and triggers areas on the bottom with the other buttons. Clicking it would sort the first column by a dictionary sort.



Everyday at 3:00 AM

Everyday at Sunset

Everyday at Sunrise

Everyday at 10:00 AM

Everyday at Sunset


Would be this after sorting...

Everyday at 3:00 AM

Everyday at 10:00 AM

Everyday at Sunrise

Everyday at Sunset

Everyday at Sunset


And if you hit the "save" button it would save the new order along with any new changes.


I would like to see a way to have a slow ramp that starts at something greater than 'Off'.


For example, a morning bathroom scene (probably a trigger or set of triggers) that sets the bathroom light at let's say 30% then continues to full on over 5 minutes. Wait for 2 minutes. Turn on exhaust fan. Wait 10 minutes. Turn off exhaust fan. Wait 30 minutes. Turn off bathroom light. If timing is added to triggered events, I am guessing that I can do some of the 'wait' stuff (similar to Houselinc Desktop), but I am not sure how to do the long ramp starting at something greater than 0%.

I would like to see a way to have a slow ramp that starts at something greater than 'Off'.


For example, a morning bathroom scene (probably a trigger or set of triggers) that sets the bathroom light at let's say 30% then continues to full on over 5 minutes. Wait for 2 minutes. Turn on exhaust fan. Wait 10 minutes. Turn off exhaust fan. Wait 30 minutes. Turn off bathroom light. If timing is added to triggered events, I am guessing that I can do some of the 'wait' stuff (similar to Houselinc Desktop), but I am not sure how to do the long ramp starting at something greater than 0%.


To do the two ramp rate thing would be a matter of creating two separate Scenes and using the timer to call the slow one as soon as possible after the quick one.


If the switch has the load, I would set the local level/rate to the quick, dim level and let the software interpret what follows depending on time, etc.




Really need a way to queue up or batch new links. As I had more and more scenes and more and more links, it is becoming unbearable to create or update a scene. Each time I add a link I have to step away or do something else while all the appropriate links are updated. At a minimum, make it so that the 'busy' box isn't forced to the top layer of the screen so that I can surf the web while I am waiting. :)

How about a "Sort" button in the schedules and triggers areas on the bottom with the other buttons. Clicking it would sort the first column by a dictionary sort.



Everyday at 3:00 AM

Everyday at Sunset

Everyday at Sunrise

Everyday at 10:00 AM

Everyday at Sunset


Would be this after sorting...

Everyday at 3:00 AM

Everyday at 10:00 AM

Everyday at Sunrise

Everyday at Sunset

Everyday at Sunset


And if you hit the "save" button it would save the new order along with any new changes.

Better yet how about the tipical sort by double-clicking the title on each column. Then you could sort any of the columns. And there would be no need for a "sort" button along the bottom.

Really need a way to queue up or batch new links. As I had more and more scenes and more and more links, it is becoming unbearable to create or update a scene. Each time I add a link I have to step away or do something else while all the appropriate links are updated. At a minimum, make it so that the 'busy' box isn't forced to the top layer of the screen so that I can surf the web while I am waiting. :)




Thanks for yet another solution!




We have already included an enhancement in release 2.3 so that the dialog is not "forced" upon you (stay on top).


With regards,


Michael, sounds great about the enhancement. Thanks.



Regarding Rand's suggestion on the ramp from a set level, is there another way to do this other than setting the local ramp rate to this low, 'dim' level? I am not sure if I can sell this one to my wife as she will likely get frustrated with the normal low 'on' level when using directly at the switch.


I would guess that I could manually send a command like 30% ,then timed subsequent commands, but this would look rather 'stepped'.

Michael, sounds great about the enhancement. Thanks.



Regarding Rand's suggestion on the ramp from a set level, is there another way to do this other than setting the local ramp rate to this low, 'dim' level? I am not sure if I can sell this one to my wife as she will likely get frustrated with the normal low 'on' level when using directly at the switch.


I would guess that I could manually send a command like 30% ,then timed subsequent commands, but this would look rather 'stepped'.




If you could wait for our 2.3 (or 2.4) release where we have "sequence based" triggers, I think most of your problems will be solved. Release 2.3 is due out by mid July.


For clarification purposes, we might make release 2.3 an intermediate release with some GUI enhancements/bug fixes (such as different color for controller), KPL on/off, etc. in which case the sequence based triggers/events will be in release 2.4 with the same release date of mid July.


With regards,


Michael, sounds great about the enhancement. Thanks.



Regarding Rand's suggestion on the ramp from a set level, is there another way to do this other than setting the local ramp rate to this low, 'dim' level? I am not sure if I can sell this one to my wife as she will likely get frustrated with the normal low 'on' level when using directly at the switch.


I would guess that I could manually send a command like 30% ,then timed subsequent commands, but this would look rather 'stepped'.



No, not timed subsequent commands. The ISY will see the trigger as the light starts to change to 30% and respond accordingly.


When an Insteon device receives a new command it executes it immediately, terminating the previous command.


One should only notice the light turning on quickly during daytime hours and ramping up at midnight.


For instance: if it is daytime then goto 85% at 0.1 seconds, during sleep hours take 9 minutes to ramp up to 85%.


It should take much less time for the trigger to respond than it takes the lamp to reach 30% so the quick transition to 85% should be seamless.


The caveat is that if it is midnight with a 9 minute ramp rate and the lamp is not yet 30% when the trigger is processed then the subsequent ramp rate will be slower than expected.


I think some experimentation is in order...




Okay. I see what you mean Rand. I am still unsure though how to call different ramp rates from the same button? Aren't I limited to one on level / ramp rate per button?

Guest bjcatlin

Are there plans to support the RemoteLinc soon? I just received my beta, and was able to set it up as a ControLinc, but of course, it only sees 5 buttons, and ISY-26 can't link it to anything (which is what I thought would probably happen). But, ISY-26 does see when I press the on or off buttons of the first five buttons! I guess I could set up triggers from those buttons to actually control the scenes.


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