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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

ISY-26 Product Requests


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App window opens too big top to bottom: please make initial size smaller vertically so I don't have to collapse my toolbar in order to a reach bottom corner to resize.


In Schedules, when I click on a day (Monday, for example), how about including a shortcut feature where I can hold down Ctrl or Shift and click another day (Friday for example) and it and all days in between would be checked automatically?


Allow me to add multiple devices (and an operation for each) to a single Schedule.


Retain the most recent time entered in the Schedule programming window so that if I am programming multiple schedules, I don't have to re-enter it each time. (Not necessary if previous feature suggestion is implemented).


(I did not read all the previous posts, so excuse me if I am suggesting features that others have already thought of).




Please see my comments below.


Thanks so very much for your feedback.

With kind regards,


Some more cosmetic requests, and one functionality --


* A way to "reorder" trigger responses -- i have some triggers that when i hit keypad D it turns off a bunch of things, then shuts off keypad D at the end -- it would be great to be able to drag and reorder things so i dont have to manually move or rearrange.

It's implemented in 2.4


* A way to sort switches in the left list

Doesn't the sort button work? Or, are you referring to different sort orders?


* Improving the dropdown list for adding trigger responses to show whether it is a scene or direct switch... right now it just uses the name and if the names of scenes are similar to switches it gets confusing

I have to defer this to 2.4


* A checkbox (or dropdown) to indicate whether there is a "load" on a switch or if it is a "master" or not... When we have multi-way switches there are many without loads -- rather than having to name everything different would be cool to have it be a dropdown item that displays with the name somehow automatically and we can sort on it

Under what scenario are you suggesting to have this feature? Would you be kind enough to elaborate a bit more?


* The ability to name a keypad with a main name and have the -A -B -C -D etc. be separate -- maybe two boxes for renaming those -- you can put a main name in and also, if you choose, change -A,B,C,D to whatever you want or if u leave blank it defaults to -A -B -C -D etc. right now when u add a keypad or change its name, you have to rename a bunch of lines

YES. We all agree that the keypads should have their own node on the tree with the buttons hanging off from it.


* The ability to queue up switch changes -- if i am creating a new scene and adding a bunch of switches, right now i have to wait between each add for the system to do its thing... it would be great to do a quick "move to scene" on like 5 items and then say "GO!" and have it do its thing... maybe it checkmarks the order you do things and puts a big * on the page or something and u have to tell it your done.... another option is to have a special "Move to scene" popup that lets you select from a list on left to add to the scene on right and once you hit OK it does all the work -- i can go eat dinner.


It could also just be a toggle we "turn off" instant updates then when we turn it back on it fixes everything.


* The ability to highlight multiple items at once -- such as multiple switches to move to a scene or "fix" so again, we can have the system fix 5 switches and walk away...

All of these have already been implemented in 2.3. Please let me know if they satisfy your requirements.


Thought of something new... (I'm full of ideas! :)


My wife would never run the ISY software -- too confusing.


How about a way to checkmark on a switch, scene, or trigger so that it has an icon appear in My Network just like "My Lighting" -- then we can drag a shortcut to our desktop to turn that switch/scene/trigger on/off etc.


We just need an easy way to make a shortcut for any item in the ISY... either a new icon could appear, or possibly a second icon "My Lighting Links" and when you click on that you get a list of icons for anything you checked -- it could be done like an SMB File Server where the links are fake files that are created by the ISY -- when ISY detects someone loading the file it turns the item off/on -- then we can make shortcuts from any computer to do that item.


Two types of options should be available -- one to make a link that "toggles" something off/on and another to make a link that does one specific thing like always turn on or always turn off. Examples:


Bedroom Lights ON

Bedroom Lights OFF

Kitchen Lights (Toggle)


For security, nothing would appear in the list unless it was checkmarked...




* A checkbox (or dropdown) to indicate whether there is a "load" on a switch or if it is a "master" or not... When we have multi-way switches there are many without loads -- rather than having to name everything different would be cool to have it be a dropdown item that displays with the name somehow automatically and we can sort on it

Under what scenario are you suggesting to have this feature? Would you be kind enough to elaborate a bit more?





Well, I have lots of 3-way switches... one has the load, the other two have the load capped off.


Right now I am labeling switches like:


Kitchen Keypad Sink Lights Master BD


which means, Location: Kitchen, Type: Keypad, Handles: Sink Lights, Type: Master (as opposed to remote), BD = the one by the back door


For common type things like "Master" or "Slave", would be nice to indicate that in a checkbox rather than having to specify it in the name -- would make the lists clearer if they had their own colum or tag and make it easy to find masters when doing triggers etc or finding switches that were remotes for use for any purpose.


Also, icons that show what type of switches -- right now the same icon shows for everything, a 6 button icon -- how about a keypad icon, dimmer icon, relay icon, etc. and the icon can also have some color coding to show master/slave based upon the checkbox.


My kitchen has like 3 different lights with 3 switches each -- so thats 9 switches, 3 being masters and 6 being slaves -- sorting thru it based upon names is a mess.




i'd leave the gui skeletal and remove the floorplan function (i have not tried it yet) - leave all the setup and operational functions for the insteon network in the gui along with an interface (or port or socket - whatever you nerdlincs call them) for a scalable application that could run on a variety of hardware platforms


this application might be browser based or standalone (you can tell i don't know what i am talking about in this pc/mini/micro/pda/unix/apple world) - it would be cool if we could import a variety of graphical representations of our floorplans (from visio or whatever software to create it) - maybe even layer them so we could zoom in on a room - then we could place graphical devices (keypad, light bulb, fans) on the plan that would indicate the status - allow us to click on a device to control it or even see a graphic of the device config (maybe properties to represent the link relationships) - but make it pretty - none of the mathnerd lookin stuff


or - have the user nerdlincs develop an application as a group project through the developer's forum - open source style - i watched as a group of nerdlincs developed a proximity device on the homeseer forum - some focused on developing the homeseer plugin software while others located parts in hong kong and other locations, placed them in boxes and ended up with a box they could place in a car - when they arrived home, their house recognized them and took whatever actions they wanted


but whatever is decided, i hope we don't add a lotta complexity to the isy for presentation purposes - i have found that complexity increases the chance of encountering problems and possibly slows down the box - the most i would add to it is distribution of the client application to any pc (or pda or windows ce device or whatever that redhat stuff is those obnoxious nerdlincs preach about (KIDDING)) - but i doubt i would even place that load on the isy


i want job one for the isy to be reliable, fast control of my insteon devices when it is called upon - second is a skeletal programming interface - with the user manipulation of devices from a client independent of the isy - if you want to have the client software as a seperate, optional product, i'd go for that


then - my outletlincs with a built in dimmer function - screw code - if you plug the electrolux into it, you are too stoopid to live anyway and producing more carbon dioxide than the planet needs right now


then - a plmpluslinc - one that punches out some major signal - one that makes the gfi on the neighbor's blowdryer pop


sloop's an idea kinda guy :lol:




Thanks so very much for the feedback.


Please see my comments below.


With kind regards,



Thought of something new... (I'm full of ideas! :)


My wife would never run the ISY software -- too confusing.

True ... the applet's main purpose in life is for setting up and monitoring. It was never built for Users. That's why we experimented with the floorplan (soon to be removed) and we released Windows MCE Client (which you can also run without MCE). Have you tried it? If not, you may download it here


How about a way to checkmark on a switch, scene, or trigger so that it has an icon appear in My Network just like "My Lighting" -- then we can drag a shortcut to our desktop to turn that switch/scene/trigger on/off etc.


We just need an easy way to make a shortcut for any item in the ISY... either a new icon could appear, or possibly a second icon "My Lighting Links" and when you click on that you get a list of icons for anything you checked -- it could be done like an SMB File Server where the links are fake files that are created by the ISY -- when ISY detects someone loading the file it turns the item off/on -- then we can make shortcuts from any computer to do that item.


Two types of options should be available -- one to make a link that "toggles" something off/on and another to make a link that does one specific thing like always turn on or always turn off. Examples:


Bedroom Lights ON

Bedroom Lights OFF

Kitchen Lights (Toggle)


For security, nothing would appear in the list unless it was checkmarked...


Good idea with one problem: what happens if you have 100s of switches and you want to control all of them? Your first option makes My Network Places a little convoluted where you won't be able to find anything. The second option is much more interesting. Cannot guarantee anything but that we shall discuss it in our next weekly requirements meeting.




Got it. Thanks ... we can certainly implement some of your suggestions:

1. What if masters (switches that controlled something else) were in a different color (i.e. RED) all over the place

2. You could sort based master/slave


With kind regards,



* A checkbox (or dropdown) to indicate whether there is a "load" on a switch or if it is a "master" or not... When we have multi-way switches there are many without loads -- rather than having to name everything different would be cool to have it be a dropdown item that displays with the name somehow automatically and we can sort on it

Under what scenario are you suggesting to have this feature? Would you be kind enough to elaborate a bit more?





Well, I have lots of 3-way switches... one has the load, the other two have the load capped off.


Right now I am labeling switches like:


Kitchen Keypad Sink Lights Master BD


which means, Location: Kitchen, Type: Keypad, Handles: Sink Lights, Type: Master (as opposed to remote), BD = the one by the back door


For common type things like "Master" or "Slave", would be nice to indicate that in a checkbox rather than having to specify it in the name -- would make the lists clearer if they had their own colum or tag and make it easy to find masters when doing triggers etc or finding switches that were remotes for use for any purpose.


Also, icons that show what type of switches -- right now the same icon shows for everything, a 6 button icon -- how about a keypad icon, dimmer icon, relay icon, etc. and the icon can also have some color coding to show master/slave based upon the checkbox.


My kitchen has like 3 different lights with 3 switches each -- so thats 9 switches, 3 being masters and 6 being slaves -- sorting thru it based upon names is a mess.






Wow ...


My comments below.


With kind regards,



i'd leave the gui skeletal and remove the floorplan function (i have not tried it yet) - leave all the setup and operational functions for the insteon network in the gui along with an interface (or port or socket - whatever you nerdlincs call them) for a scalable application that could run on a variety of hardware platforms

Good idea. The latter part is already there.


this application might be browser based or standalone (you can tell i don't know what i am talking about in this pc/mini/micro/pda/unix/apple world) - it would be cool if we could import a variety of graphical representations of our floorplans (from visio or whatever software to create it) - maybe even layer them so we could zoom in on a room - then we could place graphical devices (keypad, light bulb, fans) on the plan that would indicate the status - allow us to click on a device to control it or even see a graphic of the device config (maybe properties to represent the link relationships) - but make it pretty - none of the mathnerd lookin stuff

:lol: Unfortunately, we are all mathnerdlincs here. But, I do get the concept and I see what we can do.


or - have the user nerdlincs develop an application as a group project through the developer's forum - open source style - i watched as a group of nerdlincs developed a proximity device on the homeseer forum - some focused on developing the homeseer plugin software while others located parts in hong kong and other locations, placed them in boxes and ended up with a box they could place in a car - when they arrived home, their house recognized them and took whatever actions they wanted

Now, this is an excellent idea the only problem is that the user nerdlincs in our developer sections consist of three people and three posts: me, me, and me. I am very much open to this suggestion. If there are those of you out there who are web services/.Net/Java developers and would like to contribute to slooplinc's idea, please let me know.


but whatever is decided, i hope we don't add a lotta complexity to the isy for presentation purposes - i have found that complexity increases the chance of encountering problems and possibly slows down the box - the most i would add to it is distribution of the client application to any pc (or pda or windows ce device or whatever that redhat stuff is those obnoxious nerdlincs preach about (KIDDING)) - but i doubt i would even place that load on the isy

The client does not put any load on ISY. ISY simply serves up the applet. Having local applications means that one has to go through an install process on each and every device and for each and every platform (UDMobile, eh?) which make ISY less attractive.


i want job one for the isy to be reliable, fast control of my insteon devices when it is called upon - second is a skeletal programming interface - with the user manipulation of devices from a client independent of the isy - if you want to have the client software as a seperate, optional product, i'd go for that

Yes absolutely agreed. Again, I have to emphasize that the client code does not impact the performance of ISY unless you are making/creating scenes etc. in which case it's immaterial which client is doing this operation.


then - my outletlincs with a built in dimmer function - screw code - if you plug the electrolux into it, you are too stoopid to live anyway and producing more carbon dioxide than the planet needs right now



then - a plmpluslinc - one that punches out some major signal - one that makes the gfi on the neighbor's blowdryer pop

Are you talking about UPB????? I don't think you will ever see a PPL since they've been known to overheat and deform


sloop's an idea kinda guy :lol:

Some are excellent ideas but now we need someone to implement them!


The last few posts reflect earlier posts requesting a 'User' interface for the ISY, with control only and a quick login. Perhaps using a 4 digit PIN would be a good way to allow access.


I think UDMobile is useful this way. If you remove the Rename and similar functions UDM is a good start.


Break the devices and scenes into rooms (and virtual rooms), back to the FloorPlan. and you have a nice, simple, interface. Oh, and add a slider to lamp levels (with 256 steps :)


I don't know how difficult this would be to have more than one application in an ISY. Two icons in MyNetworkPlaces. MyLights and OurLights ;)






Yes, it's been quite evident that we are lacking a "user friendly" interface for the non-installers.


The idea of having two (but not more) icons in the Network Places is quite appealing, interesting, and I don't think it's going to be that difficult.


As far as the interface itself, I am thinking MCE look and feel but not within MCE itself (served up from ISY). It's precisely the same concept as UDMobile.


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,



The last few posts reflect earlier posts requesting a 'User' interface for the ISY, with control only and a quick login. Perhaps using a 4 digit PIN would be a good way to allow access.


I think UDMobile is useful this way. If you remove the Rename and similar functions UDM is a good start.


Break the devices and scenes into rooms (and virtual rooms), back to the FloorPlan. and you have a nice, simple, interface. Oh, and add a slider to lamp levels (with 256 steps :)


I don't know how difficult this would be to have more than one application in an ISY. Two icons in MyNetworkPlaces. MyLights and OurLights ;)




I have a cosmetic improvement that I would like to request.


... ... ... :wink:


Can we add the three dots "..." to all GUI menu items and GUI buttons that are going to open a configuration window (this doesn’t include “are you sure†messages for launched commands). This is a very small but very helpful visual GUI que that tells you if you’re going to open a window panel or launch a command. Then users don’t have to anticipate the outcome when clicking on something in hopes that they did not just launch something that will commence the countdown for “global thermal nuclear war†(Wargames movie quote).


Thanks guys!


Mr. Sanctuary,


Great idea. Would you be kind enough to send us a list of your top 5? I'd appreciate it very much.


With kind regards,



I have a cosmetic improvement that I would like to request.


... ... ... :wink:


Can we add the three dots "..." to all GUI menu items and GUI buttons that are going to open a configuration window (this doesn’t include “are you sure” messages for launched commands). This is a very small but very helpful visual GUI que that tells you if you’re going to open a window panel or launch a command. Then users don’t have to anticipate the outcome when clicking on something in hopes that they did not just launch something that will commence the countdown for “global thermal nuclear war” (Wargames movie quote).


Thanks guys!

It would be cool to be able to export a table of devices to .txt or excel. Something simple, name, address, type, firmware, etc. It's nice to have as a reference if needed.

Would XML work? If so, you can view it at http://your.isy.url:port/web/nodescnf.xml


Please let me know if this is Ok.



It would also be good if addressess showed up somewhere (i.e. when highlighting a device in My Lighting). Just to tell what is what.




This is simple enough requirement which I think we can implement rather quickly.




Is this file still updated by the ISY? I don't see any changes when I rename devices and the number of links hasn't changed in some time.


Thank you,


ISY 2.3




Yes. It's updated. The only difference is that in release 2.3, we derive this XML on the fly whereas in previous releases we had it stored in a file. So, what you might be experiencing is that your browser is using a cached copy. Would you please do a refresh and let me know?


Or, you could rename a device, close the app, and then restart it again to see if the name has been updated.


With kind regards,




It would be cool to be able to export a table of devices to .txt or excel. Something simple, name, address, type, firmware, etc. It's nice to have as a reference if needed.

Would XML work? If so, you can view it at http://your.isy.url:port/web/nodescnf.xml


Please let me know if this is Ok.



It would also be good if addressess showed up somewhere (i.e. when highlighting a device in My Lighting). Just to tell what is what.




This is simple enough requirement which I think we can implement rather quickly.




Is this file still updated by the ISY? I don't see any changes when I rename devices and the number of links hasn't changed in some time.


Thank you,


ISY 2.3




I tried all of the above, and in fact the ISY was reset last night due to a 3 hour power loss. I am still seeing the same old file... I am stuck at 182 links and I know I have more :D I renamed all my devices over the last few days, added a RemoteLinc, a few more scenes, etc.


BTW, I had to reboot the ISY (disconnect power) this morning as it was locked after the power resumed. It appeared as if all four lights were dimly illuminated. I didn't have time to look at it, but my midnight and dawn schedules had not run.


Thank you,





Are you saying that you have lost all the information or do they show up in the application but not reflected in the /WEB/NODESCNF.XML?


If they're all lost, then we have a more important issue to deal with.


As far as power loss, we have to move you to version 5.2 of the PLM. In version 46, when both the PLM and ISY are powered up at the same time, then ISY cannot reinitialize its ports.


Please do let me know; I'd sincerely appreciate it.


With kind regards,





I tried all of the above, and in fact the ISY was reset last night due to a 3 hour power loss. I am still seeing the same old file... I am stuck at 182 links and I know I have more :D I renamed all my devices over the last few days, added a RemoteLinc, a few more scenes, etc.


BTW, I had to reboot the ISY (disconnect power) this morning as it was locked after the power resumed. It appeared as if all four lights were dimly illuminated. I didn't have time to look at it, but my midnight and dawn schedules had not run.


Thank you,



The ISY recalls everything correctly, that's why it puzzles me. I know it's in that little black box :)


I have been using Firefox, I just tried it with IE and I get the same old file (dated today).


As for the power loss:

I suspected a start-up issue. I don't know how I could fix it when power resumes at midnight.. I want to give the latest PLM a bit more time to be broken (or not) before I bother to change. The 46 seems to work well other than this issue.


Thank you,





AH, it finally makes sense. It's our fault ... you see, the new code is looking for /WEB/NODESCNF.XML (case sensitive). I bet you're issuing it with mix cases. This is fixed in our next release.


In short, you are now retrieving the old file in the filesystem (dormant)! Apologies for the misunderstanding.


As far as startup, it all depends how they are powered on. 46 has a lag before it powers on which causes the problem. We are redoing our watchdog so that we could trap this and reboot after PLM has powered up. I understand your concerns vis-a-vis 52.


Thanks and with regards,




The ISY recalls everything correctly, that's why it puzzles me. I know it's in that little black box :)


I have been using Firefox, I just tried it with IE and I get the same old file (dated today).


As for the power loss:

I suspected a start-up issue. I don't know how I could fix it when power resumes at midnight.. I want to give the latest PLM a bit more time to be broken (or not) before I bother to change. The 46 seems to work well other than this issue.


Thank you,





No. Based on 52 nodes and 25 groups, you still have 255-77=178 devices/scenes available. Links are not considered nodes. So, go for it!!!


With kind regards,



Ah, the ALL CAPS did it!


205 links

52 nodes

25 groups


I think I need more groups...


Thank you,



I meant I need to create more groups :D


But are you saying the ISY will handle 256 Links as well as 256 Nodes + Groups? Cool 8)


Nodes (in ISY lingo) are each device, at least once. Multi-button controllers have a node for each button.


Thank you,



Hi Rand,


In ISY lingo, nodes are either a device (including a KPL button) or a scene. Each scene, could have up to 255 links. So, in short, the links do not decrease the number of node/scene combinations you could have. So, you could have 200 devices and 55 scenes each one of which have 200 devices.


With kind regards,



I meant I need to create more groups :D


But are you saying the ISY will handle 256 Links as well as 256 Nodes + Groups? Cool 8)


Nodes (in ISY lingo) are each device, at least once. Multi-button controllers have a node for each button.


Thank you,



I just noticed that none of my SwitchLincs have a Managed By in the tree view, only Manages. This is in the Navigation Pane – INSTEON Device Node.


I was confused as to why I was finding a light in my basement on at odd times and a Managed By node on the tree would have shown me immediately that I had inadvertently included the switch in a scene.


Not that it was really difficult to find, I was just surprised that there is not a Managed By node.


Thank you,





Wow ... you are right! I didn't even know about this myself ... good catch. It shall be rectified.


Thanks so very much,



I just noticed that none of my SwitchLincs have a Managed By in the tree view, only Manages. This is in the Navigation Pane – INSTEON Device Node.


I was confused as to why I was finding a light in my basement on at odd times and a Managed By node on the tree would have shown me immediately that I had inadvertently included the switch in a scene.


Not that it was really difficult to find, I was just surprised that there is not a Managed By node.


Thank you,



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