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Please Note:  Due to reported issues, if you are not using a 500 Series Z-Wave board in your ISY then we do not recommend you upgrade to 5.1.0


The 5.1.0 (RC2) Release is now available.

-      New – New sensors and alarms have been added and some of the existing ones have possibly changed such that the value reports to a different node.  Please check your programs and scenes.

o   You may need to synchronize some devices to get the new nodes

NOTE: Synchronize has shown to be aggressive for some installations (meaning many nodes are deleted and recreated unnecessarily), therefore for now, it is best to synchronize individual nodes rather that doing the Z-Wave | Synchronize | All from the top level menu.  Always make a Z-Wave dongle backup and ISY backup before Synchronize.

-      New – Some changes to the Admin Console

o   You now have to press the button when issuing a command for a node on the device page (rather than just change a parameter for the command to automatically be submitted)

o   All commands are now shown on the device page

o   The Z-Wave top level and node level menus have changed

o   The device description for nodes now shows [S0] for devices using S0 security

-      New – Various miscellaneous changes throughout the code have been made for Z-Wave certification.  Please check your programs and devices and make sure they are continuing to operate as expected.


-      Upgrading from an ISY 4.x version to this version may require a lot of manual intervention including verifying scenes, programs and program settings are correct.  The 5.x ISY firmware and the data files it uses has changed drastically from 4.x.

-      If you are upgrading from version 5.0.10 or earlier then Devices and programs are migrated in the current version.

After upgrading:

o   Please ensure your device nodes and programs are correct; in some cases you may need to update them.

o   Wakeup your battery devices after the ISY has restarted and the initial query has finished

-      The old style of encoding node actions and conditions is no longer supported in the ISY, but these entries are automatically converted to the new format in the Admin Console.  Developers, anything that creates programs using the old style of encoding must change to the new format, or, you must instruct your users to convert these programs by loading and saving them using the Admin Console.

-      Developers, we encourage you to support HTTP chunked transfer encoding as soon as possible because we intend to make it the default option when 5.X is officially released.

-      If you are upgrading from version 5.0.8 or earlier, you will have to manually update the Adjust Scene entries in all of your programs.

-      Starting in version 5.0.15A, the event value for the Low status of Insteon FanLinc Motor changed from 63 to 64

Important User/Password changes:

-      If your current version is 5.0.7 or earlier, then after installing 5.0.8 or later your userid and password will be reset back to the system default.

-      If you restore a backup created from 5.0.7 or earlier, your userid and password will be reset back to the system default.

-      If you downgrade from version 5.0.8 or later to version 5.0.7 or earlier then after installing version 5.0.7 or earlier, you will have to Factory Reset the ISY and optionally install a backup taken in that version or earlier.

Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond)

-      If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE).

-      Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following:

o   -Xmx512m

-      Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes

Please review the known/recreated bug list to determine if this build is suitable for your installation.  If you are looking for stability, please continue using 4.6.x branch.

Fixes in this build:

0000739 - Support Fast On/Off for Insteon Hidden Door Sensor Heartbeat report

0000741 - Groups/Folders occasionally have the same node address

0000742 - Additional status values related to Weather

0000743 - Add units of measure VA, VAR, Date/Time NTP

0000744 - Precision conversion used in comparisons is incorrect in some Program Conditions

0000745 - Cannot change to Z-Wave external antenna

0000746 - Support multiple node status updates on a single REST call

0000755 - Z-Wave certification changes

0000757 - Show all commands on the node view in the Admin Console



  -  SSLv3 is now disabled. All models now support TLS1.2 and high grade cipher suites

  -  4.1.1 backups may corrupt Z-Wave configuration in case they are restored. 4.1.2 and above releases fix this issue

-  See our Wiki for additional information (e.g. Program Variables)


  -  You must use the 5.0.9 Admin Console or greater to upgrade to this release (5.1.0).

-  If you are migrating from 5.0.8 or older than in the Admin Console, you will have to manually close the Initialization progress bar

  -  The latest release of Java must be installed

  -  If you are using MAC Yosemite and Java 1.8.40, please follow these instructions

  -  If you are using Z-Wave, see Z-Wave prerequisites below

  -  If you have not already done so, reconfigure your Climate Module to point to HAM Weather Stations instead of WeatherBug. Without this configuration, ISY will not process Climate Information. This is especially important if your previous station didn't include a station close to you.


1.  Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)  - Do not backup from a version 3.1.6, or 4.1.1 system (there were bugs in those versions that caused the backup to be corrupted)

2.  Make sure you have done everything in the Prerequisites section

3.  Download firmware

  -  ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support

  -  ISY 994i ZW, Z, or ZS Series (Z-Wave/Zigbee and/or if you do NOT have a PLM)

4.  Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]

5.  Choose the file downloaded in step 3

6.  After the upgrade, You must clear your Java Cache

7.  Launch the 5.1.0 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link:

  -  https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp

  Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link instead:

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.1.0/admin.jnlp

  Note: MAC 10.6.x users must use the following links instead

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.1.0/admin16.jnlp (Admin Console)

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.1.0/dashboard16.jnlp (Dashboard)

8.  To launch the Admin Console directly from your ISY, go to the following link:

  -  http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp

9.  If you are using Z-Wave and upgrading from a 4.x.x or earlier version of the ISY, see Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch below

10.  Backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)


Z-Wave prerequisites
If you have not already done so, please ensure your Z-Wave firmware is 4.55 (Z-Wave | Advanced | Z-Wave Firmware Version). If not, you will need to upgrade the Z-Wave firmware to 4.55:

1.  To preserve your existing Z-Wave network:

  -  Shift primary control to a secondary controller (such as an Aeon minimote).

  -  Exclude ISY from the Z-Wave network

  -  Upgrade the Z-Wave firmware (Z-Wave | Advanced | Upgrade Z-Wave Firmware)

  -  Include ISY back into Z-Wave network

  -  Shift primary control back to the ISY

  -  NOTE: Even with this procedure, you may have to exclude your door locks and add them back in

2.  To do a fresh Z-Wave install:

  -  Upgrade the Z-Wave firmware (Z-Wave | Advanced | Upgrade Z-Wave Firmware)


Z-Wave migration from 4.x.x branch

All Z-Wave nodes will be recreated when migrating from 4.x.x. to the 5.x.x branch (they will retain the same Z-Wave address).  After the ISY has restarted with the new firmware installed:

1.  Start the Admin Console and do a Z-Wave -> Tools -> Synchronize Nodes -> All

-  Do not open ‘Programs’ tab until step 2)

  -  This will add back all of the ISY nodes that were deleted at startup.

  -  If you have multichannel devices, you will see more nodes added

  -  After sync is complete, restart the Admin Console and go to step 2)

2.  Open the programs tab

  -  Most old Z-Wave device actions/conditions are automatically converted to the 5.0 framework

  -  Make sure to visually check all programs that contain Z-Wave device actions or conditions.

  -  Programs containing nodes from multichannel devices will have to updated

-  Node addresses for multichannel devices change from ZW003_143 style to ZW003_002_143 (where _002_ is channel number)

  -  If everything looks good, save the program changes made by the migration.

3.  Make an ISY Backup

4.  If you are missing any Z-Wave devices you may have to exclude/include them again.  For battery devices, make sure they have communications turned on and try doing a synchronize again.

  • Like 3

I did the upgrade and this is what happened.  At first, dozens and dozens (maybe a hundred)  what I call "phantom"  and scene  nodes appeared in the AC. Furthermore several good nodes disappeared after performing a synch all nodes.

I then proceeded to restore the backup that I had made just before the upgrade and that seems to have brought back all my nodes and programs, without the unwanted phantom nodes. I will test everything over the weekend and report back.

7 hours ago, asbril said:

I did the upgrade and this is what happened.  At first, dozens and dozens (maybe a hundred)  what I call "phantom"  and scene  nodes appeared in the AC. Furthermore several good nodes disappeared after performing a synch all nodes.

I then proceeded to restore the backup that I had made just before the upgrade and that seems to have brought back all my nodes and programs, without the unwanted phantom nodes. I will test everything over the weekend and report back.


For most devices supporting the "Basic" command class, we now create a "Basic" node for it, primarily for use in scenes.  Are you certain scene nodes were created?

If you synchronize again, please do the following from a web browser both BEFORE and AFTER the synchronize and send me the output.



7 hours ago, TrojanHorse said:

Does this fix the issue where status of Elk Sensors aren’t properly loaded for program status - If conditions - at startup of ISY?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, unfortunately apart from the bug fixes listed, this build only has Z-Wave changes.


No immediate issues here with the upgrade.  It appears that there are big improvements to the device pages in the AC.

1 hour ago, Chris Jahn said:



When I enter these in my browser (I tried with Edge and Chrome) it does a Googlle search and loads regular webpages. See attachment.

As such, I will wait to do another synch all.  

There were indeed a lot of 'basic' nodes but  also scene nodes. Maybe some were from old switches that I deleted in the past ?

Untitled 1.pdf

When I enter these in my browser (I tried with Edge and Chrome) it does a Googlle search and loads regular webpages. See attachment.
As such, I will wait to do another synch all.  
There were indeed a lot of 'basic' nodes but  also scene nodes. Maybe some were from old switches that I deleted in the past ?
Untitled 1.pdf

You need to replace [YourISY] with IP address.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Thanks 1
4 minutes ago, gzahar said:

You need to replace [YourISY] with IP address.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am a dummy.... and will do so now.

1 hour ago, Chris Jahn said:


For most devices supporting the "Basic" command class, we now create a "Basic" node for it, primarily for use in scenes.  Are you certain scene nodes were created?

If you synchronize again, please do the following from a web browser both BEFORE and AFTER the synchronize and send me the output.



There are 'Basic',  'Binary Switch',  'Scene Button',  as well as some other nodes. I am sending you the results with a pm


After the synch I noticed that several ( less than 10) nodes disappeared from my "room"  folders. So far I found one of these under its original ZW XXX name and hopefully  I will find the others. I moved all the 'scene'  and 'basic' nodes to a special folder and when starting the AC again, all or many of these nodes were added again, and then when doing another synch the same nodes arrived another time. Something seems wrong. I am a all Zwave guy and this seems specific to Zwave.


I now realize that the upgrade is a small disaster for me. Several nodes have disappeared and many programs no longer work. I will now try to restore a backup and if possible avoid synch. In fact I may first try to down grade to 5.0.16


Posted (edited)

I downgraded back to 5.0.16 and will wait for, what appear to be, bugs to be ironed out.

Edited by asbril
3 minutes ago, asbril said:

I downgraded back to 5.0.16 and will wait for, what appear to be, bugs to be ironed out.

I apologize for the issues you are having with the new build. If possible, can you please send me your 5.0.16 backup and the 5.1.0 backup after you did the synchronize.

6 minutes ago, Chris Jahn said:

I apologize for the issues you are having with the new build. If possible, can you please send me your 5.0.16 backup and the 5.1.0 backup after you did the synchronize.



Installed and running. ISY seemed a little busy for about half an hour with continuous "Busy" box? Didn't find any strange issues, programs or devices that were weird.

Backed up and all looks good.

Posted (edited)

Problem: LiFX bulb response time via Polyglot very slow - RESOLVED

Installed V5.1.0 this morning.

I have several scenes that have an Insteon controller (Dimmer) and a LiFX group and LiFX bulb as responders.  In the past, I accepted ~3 second delays from switching on the dimmer until the LiFX bulbs come on. Now, with v5.1.0, the response time is ~8-10 seconds. 

Is anyone else seeing this?


Otherwise, the new Z-Wave organization looks great!!! I only gained 7 Access Control Alarm and 7 Home Security Alarm nodes.


@Chris Jahn I looked into this further and the issue is becoming more muddled. It seems that there is some recent command caching going on but the effects are not consistent. After some idle time, If I switch on an ISY scene with LiFX bulbs I may see normal 3-4 second latency OR I may see an 8-12 second delay. If I then switch off, the lights respond quickly. If I now switch back on, the lights respond quickly.

I think the biggest part of my problem was with my Dome Window Sensors, Dome water sensors, and GE hinge pin door sensor. After the upgrade, the response time for these devices was 15-20 seconds and, when they activated, I received a can't communicate to the Notification Sensor node of each of these devices. This made everything slow. I tried a Sync but, even after awakening the sensors, could not make this work. I ended up excluding and re-including all of the sensors and these all sport two new nodes and are all working well. (and snappy)

I'm still on the hunt for the cause of the LiFX response time variability and noticed that since upgrading, the ISY error log has racked-up >28700 errors. Most of these are -170001. Is this a problem???  I gathered Event and Error logs.

The Lights I've been focusing on are: "c.L-MBRBath1L" - LIFX Group B.LG-MBR-Bath-" Controlled by "MBR Bath Light Switch" AND "c.L-GBRBath1L" - LIFX Group I.LG-GBR-Bath-" Controlled by "GBR Bath Light Switch"

Yesterday, I made a change. Instead of Adjusting Scenes to achieve Day/Night levels in these bathrooms, I deleted the scenes and instead call different Day/Night programs that explicitly turn on either "LIFX Group C.LG-MBR-Bath-Day" or "LIFX Group H.LG-GBR-Bath-Day" (Daytime) OR "c.L-MBRBath5" or "c.L-GBRBath4" (at Night)

Before 8/3 @ 6:31AM - ISY and Polyglot were running

At 8/3 @6:40AM - I Stopped all Node Servers

At 8/3 @6:50AM - I Started all Node Servers

Attached is a list of the NS in use. These are all on Polisy. There is also Presence-Poly  running on a separate rpi

EDIT 8/4/2020 - 

After excluding / re-including all of my z-wave sensors and restarting Polisy everything seems to be back to normal speed. In the first two days after upgrade, I saw >27000 errors in the ISY error log. I checked this morning and no errors have been logged in 17 hours. I'm not sure of the exact cause or solution but am posting a final error log.

EDIT 8/5/2020 - 

After another 24hr, my system is back to rock-solid. I am not sure but believe my entire ISY-SLow problem was due to the Z-wave sensors needing to be excluded and re-included. Checking the ISY error log this morning and it remains clean. Response time for the LiFX bulbs may even be a little better.

Nodeserver list.jpg

ISY_Error_Log_v5.1.0__Mon_2020_08_03_07_03_37.txt ISY-Events-Log.v5.1.0__Mon 2020.08.03 07.03.13.txt

Final - ISY Error Log.v5.1.0__Tue 2020.08.04 09.03.31.txt

Edited by gviliunas
49 minutes ago, gviliunas said:

Problem: LiFX bulb response time via Polyglot very slow

Installed V5.1.0 this morning.

I have several scenes that have an Insteon controller (Dimmer) and a LiFX group and LiFX bulb as responders.  In the past, I accepted ~3 second delays from switching on the dimmer until the LiFX bulbs come on. Now, with v5.1.0, the response time is ~8-10 seconds. 

Is anyone else seeing this?


Otherwise, the new Z-Wave organization looks great!!! I only gained 7 Access Control Alarm and 7 Home Security Alarm nodes.

Thanks for reporting this!  Please open the Admin Console event viewer to level 3 try this again and send me the results; it may identify the culprit that is slowing things down.

1 hour ago, larryllix said:

Installed and running. ISY seemed a little busy for about half an hour with continuous "Busy" box? Didn't find any strange issues, programs or devices that were weird.

Backed up and all looks good.

If you see this again, please open the Admin Console to level 3 and send me the output.

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Chris Jahn said:

If you see this again, please open the Admin Console to level 3 and send me the output.

I watched level 1 for about 15 minutes and the only major thing I see if my WC8 board variable stuffing  a state variable, time integer MMDDhhmmss every 20 seconds along with one or two other weather variables when they change more than X counts. The odd stat update comes in and ecobee NS updates every 3 minutes.

Nothing revealing but I will look for level 3 items next time I am in that area of town.

Edited by larryllix

I did the update and things went a little flaky on me at first.

I had to reinstall Java after the update and the second time starting the admin console because it said there was an issue with the java path.

After waking up the battery items they seemed to update fine then I restarted ISY and had to operate the battery items to get status but did not do the Insteon leak detector yet waiting to see if it recovers on it's own .

Alexa routines did not want to activate but I think they just recovered on their own in time with me activating them although Alexa was able to control the whole time  without issues.

My tstat running through the wireless tag node server had issues updating until I eventually hit the update button in the admin console.

I don`t know if it is true or not but things seem to take some time to sync up so I would suggest give things a little time after the update before you go chasing things that might sync up on their own.

14 hours ago, Goose66 said:

@Chris Jahn Any additional details for the Date/Time NTP UOM, like what's that? Here's hoping it's a timestamp.

One of the node servers needed it (I think weather?) , anyway, the ISY itself isn't currently using it.

Posted (edited)

Reboot has not corrected this issue.

Upgraded yesterday. After syncing zwave nodes all then renaming the devices back to my method most are functioning but the two Aeon Labs MultiSensor devices  I must perform a zwave synchronize to update the ISY..

Event viewer set to level 3

Log is only one zwave device but both exhibit the same issue.

Aeon Labs MultiSensor L3.txt

Message when only PIR enabled

Mon 08/03/2020 13:59:01 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW119_1] [20/01] Basic Set val=0xFF ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x77

Message after 20 second timeout

Mon 08/03/2020 14:02:11 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW119_1] [20/01] Basic Set val=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x77

ISY status for device does not update.


Edited by kevinkaz

Upgraded from 5.0.16C with little issue.  Needed to restart a couple of nodeservers to have them sync properly, and only my 3 Yale door locks changed anything during the ZWave re-sync.  Tstats and sensors remained the same, and all appear to work normally.

Total time about 8 minutes.

Posted (edited)

I upgraded over the weekend and all went well. My Zwave sensors have a few extra nodes but working fine. 


Edited by DaveStLou
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