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All Echos offline this AM---Resolved


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Woke up this morning to find all of my Echo devices unable to connect.  Everything else in the house is working--wireless phones, tablets, other wireless devices.  My Edge router still shows their IP addresses and my TP-link access points remain accessible.  The Echo devices say they're offline.  The detect the house networks but indicate they are unable to acquire an IP address.  Hence all of my spokens are out of commission.  Anyone else seeing this?

Well that was flat weird. Tried disconnecting the Echo devices and rejoining the network to no effect.  Nests were connecting fine as were the Roku's  My i-phone and other devices were connecting but indicated 'weak security'.   Fiddled around with my access points (EAP225s) to no effect. Everything seemed fine when I logged into the access points and the router. Finally just unplugged my Edge Router 4.  Plugged it back in and bingo, all was well....

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52 minutes ago, keepersg said:

Woke up this morning to find all of my Echo devices unable to connect.  Everything else in the house is working--wireless phones, tablets, other wireless devices.  My Edge router still shows their IP addresses and my TP-link access points remain accessible.  The Echo devices say they're offline.  The detect the house networks but indicate they are unable to acquire an IP address.  Hence all of my spokens are out of commission.  Anyone else seeing this?

My Echo's have are operational, and have been since the last hiccup by my ISP.  Is your ISP unable to route the traffic?  Maybe unplug the Echo's for a minute and let them rejoin your network.

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2 hours ago, keepersg said:

Woke up this morning to find all of my Echo devices unable to connect.  Everything else in the house is working--wireless phones, tablets, other wireless devices.  My Edge router still shows their IP addresses and my TP-link access points remain accessible.  The Echo devices say they're offline.  The detect the house networks but indicate they are unable to acquire an IP address.  Hence all of my spokens are out of commission.  Anyone else seeing this?

Well that was flat weird. Tried disconnecting the Echo devices and rejoining the network to no effect.  Nests were connecting fine as were the Roku's  My i-phone and other devices were connecting but indicated 'weak security'.   Fiddled around with my access points (EAP225s) to no effect. Everything seemed fine when I logged into the access points and the router. Finally just unplugged my Edge Router 4.  Plugged it back in and bingo, all was well....

How many devices do you have connected to your router? Not just WiFi but your whole LAN count of devices? My ASUS AC68u (about 5 years old) would not handle more than about 52 devices. No errors, no complaints from the router. When I was running WRT-?? OEM firmware on that router the count allowance was even less. It threw NVRAM  shortage errors for a long time once I crossed about the 45 device mark, but I didn't understand why and their suggestions were not helpful. It turned out they upgraded that model's NVRAM from 64MB to 128MB and I got an old model on sale. Three years of anguish was not worth a few bucks.

Don't be confused by the range of the IP address table. It is not related. My problematic router could distribute 510 IP addresses easily, but couldn't actually remember that many.

When you reboot all the devices compete for an IP address via the DHCP server. When mine finally disallowed my ISY994 and polyisy fro getting IP addresses while in the Caribbean, I wasn't too happy with it, and bought another $600 in routers in order to sleuth the problem and look for a fix. ISY was attempting to send out commands using a address in the logs.

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Currently it's 54 devices and has been pretty stable plus or minus a phone or two.  The table, of course, would allow for many more addresses and my router can run two separate LANs though I haven't needed to set that up.  I used to have continuous router trouble when I was using a single device combining router and wireless access.  Finally got sick of resetting those devices and spotty wifi access after I went through 3 of them and installed and Edgerouter 4 and 3 TP-link EAP225 access points which cover the property nicely.  That was about two years ago and has run without a hiccup since then.  The only thing that happened in my system that was temporally related was the installation of avahi-daemon on my Hometroller SEL the day before in an attempt to get a new plugin that is supposed to communicate with my Envoy (the controller for my solar system) to work.  Hard to see how that would have done it.  In any case, everything is continuing to work without any problems but I'll keep monitoring more closely.

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As I posted before, the DHCP table is not related. The size of the WiFi, SSID count, or number of router or access points is not related either. Only the size of the memory space in the one router containing the DHCP server is important.

I found not all devices were listed in the "Connected devices" listing of the DHCP router and they would change total counts occasionally, as devices took turns having a connection and then failing. Usually it was devices that didn't affect me much. Until it was my ISY994 and my polisy once I didn't spend much time on it.

Power cycling the house gave me different devices connected each time, depending on what devices booted up last.

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