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Migrating Smarthings Z-wave to ISY Z-Wave

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Hi All

Wondering if anyone can offer any experienced suggests migrating an already existing Smarthings Z-wave network over to my ISY.

I also need to find a compatible Z-Wave extender that works with ISY z-wave module, as the ISY alone is unable to connect with devices at the far ends of my home.

Any suggestions appreciated.



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There's 2 ways. The first sucks but is best. Factory reset devices. Do remove zwsve device (something like that) in ISY then add Zwave device.

If you don't want to go through all that, in the Isy do remove devices from the furthest to closest. Then add devices from closest to farthest. This works if you have all zwave plus devices. 


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As already mentioned there's not fun/good way.

You will have to exclude the Z-Wave devices from SmartThings before they can be added into any other controller.  This is not specific to the ISY.

@lilyoyo1provided the nuclear option of resetting the devices :)

You can also exclude them one at a time in SmartThings and then Include them into the ISY.  Either way there's no quick or fun way to migrate your controller. 

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