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Access ISY remotely using Dyndns

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Another noob question...

I want to access my ISY remotely (both the Admin and Dashboard) using one of my established Dyndns "Hosts". I can't figure out how to input the "URL" correctly into a browser to make the connection to my ISY [port forwarding for both http and https are active]. Thanks for helping this noob out...:)

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Start ISY Launcher, click on "add" and enter:


Don't remember off hand if the button to click afterwards is save or add, but I believe even hitting enter works. If you entered the address correctly, ISY Launcher will find the ISY and add it to the Launcher listing.

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2 hours ago, DennisC said:

Start ISY Launcher, click on "add" and enter:


Don't remember off hand if the button to click afterwards is save or add, but I believe even hitting enter works. If you entered the address correctly, ISY Launcher will find the ISY and add it to the Launcher listing.

Thank you DennisC...that works from home, can't wait to try it on the road. :)

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