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Tags (Email Notification)


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46 minutes ago, smokegrub said:

I think the proble, is with Google. I will wait a couple of weeks and test again. Good luck with your problem.


Access your google mail account via the webserver and see if there is a flag or email stuck in there, asking for permision, you need to approve. Google keeps changing it's permision and security ideas and dumping crap on their users. Then if you don't constantly monitor their latest idea you are left behind with some broken service.

Google is a marketing company first, and doesn't really give two hoots about anybody's feelings or satisfaction, that doesn't forward their quest, at that moment in time.

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9 hours ago, larryllix said:

Access your google mail account via the webserver and see if there is a flag or email stuck in there, asking for permision, you need to approve. Google keeps changing it's permision and security ideas and dumping crap on their users. Then if you don't constantly monitor their latest idea you are left behind with some broken service.

Google is a marketing company first, and doesn't really give two hoots about anybody's feelings or satisfaction, that doesn't forward their quest, at that moment in time.

Will do.

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5 hours ago, smokegrub said:

No success with that Larry. Weird. The tags still say they cannot send an email to my gmail account because "it does not exist". Do you know if others can send email from tags to a gmail account?

I can't remember the details anymore but there is a flag in the setting for the gmail account available via the same gmail webpage settings that allows "foreign accounts" to use or access your  email servers. I don't know why this would suddenly give you problems, as google added this new security concept a few years ago, but it would be worth looking for inside the setup options of your gmail account. I know I had to enable the switch a year or two ago.

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6 hours ago, smokegrub said:

No success with that Larry. Weird. The tags still say they cannot send an email to my gmail account because "it does not exist". Do you know if others can send email from tags to a gmail account?

There may be some setting or clues in this setting realm under gmail webpage settings.


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I'm not sure how the emails are setup for the Tags, but are you trying to send emails from your own address to a Gmail address or using the Google Gmail SMTP? If trying to use Gmail SMTP make sure you're not using Port 25 (often default port for SMTP) as it appears to be blocked by Cox (and most other ISPs). It's that it wasn't a secure enough port option for people sending emails from ISPs and resulted in a lot of spam.

The new(er) port would be 587. There's also a suggestion to use port 2525.


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