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Another KPL Question


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In the Main Admin Console display, the KPL B-H buttons show status but cannot be set - even though we all know that they certainly can be set by follow programming - so why not have the main set function work by doing that?


Hi rlebel,


You can change the status of KPL buttons by putting them in scenes.


Please use the Admin Console to turn off the Everything scene again and let me know if they still report as on. I suspect that something else turns them on OR that they are not responding to the scene.


With kind regards,


Well, maybe two: in the Main Admin Console display, the KPL B-H buttons show status but cannot be set - even though we all know that they certainly can be set by Insteon commands. Further, in my system of the 80 or so unsetable buttons, about 5 are reporting in the Main display that they are on - even though they are in fact off, having been set to off by my "Everything" scene, which has every switch and KPL button in it.

Hi rlebel,


Thanks so very much for the update. I am very curious to see what other scenes/programs control those buttons. In no way should ISY be out of synch with the status of the devices unless it does not HEAR them.


With kind regards,


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