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Introducing INSTEON's New Dual-Band Lamplinc Module


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I understand that the dual band lamplinc receives both RF and powerline. I've read the manual at smarthome.com, but still have unanswered questions:


1. Will the device respond directly to an RF signal, w/o requiring a powerline signal? Logically, wouldn't this mean it could be plugged into a "dirty" outlet with a fridge and computer plugged in with it, and still operate fine using the RF? (I have one outlet in my house that no Insteon device seems to work in, including the dual band lamplinc).


2. Am I correct that the device will both receive and re-transmit RF signals, so having these liberally sprinkled throughout the house should bring insteon glory to places it didn't work previously?


3. It appears that the device receives an RF signal, then repeats it through the powerline. Would this mean that plugging one into an appliancelinc would effectively allow both to operate in more remote areas?


4. Will the device transmit over RF to other RF devices a signal received over the powerline? If so, would plugging one into the PLM effectively mean that the ISY-99i is broadcasting both by powerline and RF signal, and then every other dual band lamplinc further strengthens its signals by rebroadcasting it both over the powerline and RF?


5. Is this the beginning of more insteon devices which are dual band? Given that outdoor devices tend to be further away from the action, it would seem to make sense to have made the outdoor appliancelinc dual band.


Thank you for any answers. I have a couple of the dual band lamplincs, and except for wishing they had a pass-through plug on the front, I'm thinking these devices may, at last, deliver on the RF/powerline specification that Smarthome used to lure many of us over to Insteon.



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