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Cant stop motion program with Fast On


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No matter what I have come up with, I cant seem to keep the lights on in the garage. If I create motion, then walk over and and double click the switch up, the Event Viewer shows DFON, but after 1 minute, this program starts running when the Motion switches off. The Wife is telling me to put the old switches back in. Please help!



Control '12.37.CA.1 Garage tube Lights' is not switched Fast On

And Status '11.A9.C6- motion Sensor Garag' is Off



Wait 12 minutes

Set Scene 'Garage Lights' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Hi Fastbird,

Since your program must already have seen the motion sensor off before it runs activating a switch before that will not stop the program.


I would suggest using separate programs to watch for the Fast On condition. This assumes you want to switch the lights off manually after the override.


Garage Motion Off

       Status  '11.A9.C6- motion Sensor Garag' is Off

       Wait  12 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Garage Lights' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


       Control '12.37.CA.1 Garage tube Lights' is switched Fast On

       Disable Program 'Garage Motion Off'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


       Control '12.37.CA.1 Garage tube Lights' is switched Off

       Enable Program 'Garage Motion Off'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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In your "Garage Motion Off" example, what happens if the sensor status goes to "On" during the 12 minute wait? Will the lights turn off, even if someone is now in the garage? Or, does that change in motion status interrupt this program because the "If" condition is no longer met?


I guess I'm really asking about the processing/event/interrupt model for the IF/THEN/ELSE structure used in ISY programming. Are all of the THEN lines executed even if the IF condition changes during their execution?


Thanks much!

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Hi smithjoy,


Wait is interrupted if the condition becomes false.


With kind regards,


In your "Garage Motion Off" example, what happens if the sensor status goes to "On" during the 12 minute wait? Will the lights turn off, even if someone is now in the garage? Or, does that change in motion status interrupt this program because the "If" condition is no longer met?


I guess I'm really asking about the processing/event/interrupt model for the IF/THEN/ELSE structure used in ISY programming. Are all of the THEN lines executed even if the IF condition changes during their execution?


Thanks much!

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Ok that works PROVIDED that the motion sensor has not already turned on the light. So two questions.

1. If the sensor has the light on, but we want it to stay on, tapping the switch twice does not cause a Fast On. Is there away to disable the Motion, without shutting switch off first before Double Tap?


2. Even when we are walking around in the garage in front of the sensor, the light still shuts off after 12 minutes. No amount of motion kicks it back on for a while. Wife has got a stairmaster work out machine right in front of this sensor, but still light does go out which is why I have been trying to figure out the double tap?


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Hi fastbird1,


Actually those programs should work as is since the use Control and not Status. Control means that you will get the Fast On Signal regardless of the current state of the switch. So, even if you switch is ON and if you double press the switch, you WILL get the DFON signal.


I hope this answers your question.


With kind regards,



Ok that works PROVIDED that the motion sensor has not already turned on the light. So two questions.

1. If the sensor has the light on, but we want it to stay on, tapping the switch twice does not cause a Fast On. Is there away to disable the Motion, without shutting switch off first before Double Tap?


2. Even when we are walking around in the garage in front of the sensor, the light still shuts off after 12 minutes. No amount of motion kicks it back on for a while. Wife has got a stairmaster work out machine right in front of this sensor, but still light does go out which is why I have been trying to figure out the double tap?


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