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Any one using leak sensors hs-ls100+

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Brad from udi was nice enough to figure out issues with adding switches, now a new issue arises, added several switches and have decent mesh. My leak sensor has so many functions when added besides leak, along with high temp low temp tamper, etc. Im only interested in high temp and low temp. I was able to change a parameter to make it actually display temp by enabling temp report interval. Now I can see actual temp, but want to send a alarm in case hvac is broken since I have a dog. I have tried 3 times to write the parameter, then the deice goes offline, eventually coming back but high temp which I set a a low 65deg for testing purposes does not change even though it reports 84 deg. Iv read that sometimes z-wave creates ghost nodes that are not supported. Im curious if anyone had actually set up other functions that pop up and how. Iv done search for the device in wiki and forums no luck. Is it normal when changing a parameter that the device is unrecognized for a bit then comes back , like a reset? 


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A device going offline can be Multiple things.

1) could be your mesh. While you may feel it's decent it may not be. 

2) are you properly waking up your device and is your Isy set to keep devices awake? If not, it could be timing out before it finishes updating. 

3) your device was setup in 1 location(or healed in a location) but you are trying to update in another. If so, you just changed your network so that could be it. 

4) verify that you're using the proper parameters. 

Zwave does have ghost nodes. Those are typically nodes that have no bearing on the device such as a door sensor having a glass break sensor node (yet has no microphone or parameters for it). 

If you're getting the data you want but your program is not working properly, then most likely your program is the problem. 

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The sensors work all 7 of them and the paperwork says they have these extra functions, They are not in any programs yet as im just checking status so I set high temp trigger  to parameter 20, value to 650 for 65deg update rate to 1 second and byte to 2 which is what it calls for. Push the button on device and click write to devices, the same way I did for parameter 19 for temp report interval which worked so I put device in boiler room where temp is about 85 but status does not change. So was wondering if anyone has used theses extra features or is my instruction sheet for general purpose. Aka I have per instructions there is a parameter for over heat but does not trigger yet I was able to activate the temp sensor. When in past I called homeseer they say they support it on there software but to contact udi to see how to make it work on there software, to my knowledge there is a universal certification all software companies need to go through to offer z-wave, and I cant believe that udi has any less functionality then homeseer. Thats not the standard udi was built on. Its a matter of setting it up if its even a option per the device. UDI obviously works because I added a temp parameter but maybeeee a bug with rest, most likely not will err on side of user error. or device error, I do have a ticket with homeseer as well to see what it actual supports.

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