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What does this mean


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Funny - when I get that message I don't get success.  The message doesn't get sent - or at least it doesn't get received at the other end.

When I get nothing but an 'HT' then I get success.

This error message went away after a short time.  I had searched it out but only found references to Cross Origin Resource sharing and that's above my paygrade.  I speculated that it was a problem with the receiving web page.



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You got it.

My network resources temporarily stopped working so I went in to the configuration screen and tested the one that I was suspicious of.  A normal response looks like this but for a few hours I was getting that other message instead of the HT message.    I was getting it with every resource, not just the one I was looking into.  I rebooted the ISY and my laptop as well but it persisted.  A few hours later it went back to normal.  I think the website that the resources were being sent to had some issues.


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That seems possible too.  It's the response I always get, though, and I have some 27 network resources that I test out all the time.  One would think that I'd get variations of HT, HTT, and all sorts of truncated responses if that was what was happening.  But it's always just HT.  It doesn't bother me - it works fine. 


I have a 1500ms timeout - which I thought was excessive.  Do you think upping it even higher might get the rest of the response?

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