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Unable to restore settings


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@James Peterson

I upgraded my phone OS to Android 12 Beta1 recently. In the process, I attempted to reload Agave. Even though I've granted access to photos and media on my device as requested by the app during the recovery process, it doesn't appear to have correct access. I can't see my backup files that I placed in the Agave_Backup folder.

I tried to create a debug file but that fails so I suspect there's a permission issue, maybe with Android 12?

I sent an email to the support address last week and haven't received a reply so I thought I check in here.

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I'm having a similar issue with an Android phone upgrade from Android 10 to Android 11.  It looks like the Storage permission is for Media only and not the entire SD card.  Therefore, Agave can neither create the Agave_Backup folder nor can it read it if it's created manually and the backup file from the old phone placed there.


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On 6/7/2021 at 11:32 PM, Brad said:

I'm having a similar issue with an Android phone upgrade from Android 10 to Android 11.  It looks like the Storage permission is for Media only and not the entire SD card.  Therefore, Agave can neither create the Agave_Backup folder nor can it read it if it's created manually and the backup file from the old phone placed there.


I've reverted back to Android 11 and can confirm these instructions do not work: https://www.agaveha.com/docs/backup-restore/

I'm also getting concerned by the lack of response. Is Agave no longer supported?

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1 minute ago, DennisC said:

While you wait, if you haven't already, try UD Mobile.

I'm already using UD Mobile but I want to pull up my Agave favorites to recreate them in UD Mobile.

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I installed the UD Mobile app.  It's not near as nice as Agave, but I think Agave may be in it's death throes since support is difficult to get.  That's a shame since I paid for the lifetime family subscription.  But honestly, I only use it to poke one favorite button to tell the house to go to sleep "after" the wife is in bed.  I don't want Alexa mistaking what I'm saying and think it's the "both of us going to bed" routine and turn on the bedroom lamps.


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6 hours ago, Brad said:

I installed the UD Mobile app.  It's not near as nice as Agave, but I think Agave may be in it's death throes since support is difficult to get.  That's a shame since I paid for the lifetime family subscription.  But honestly, I only use it to poke one favorite button to tell the house to go to sleep "after" the wife is in bed.  I don't want Alexa mistaking what I'm saying and think it's the "both of us going to bed" routine and turn on the bedroom lamps.

I paid for the lifetime subscription too. UD Mobile is actually more flexible than Agave AND is still underdevelopment and Javi has been very interested in taking suggestions for future development.

Agave RIP ?

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