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ISY hygiene


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I, like many of us I'm sure - have a collection of network resources and variables that are no longer used for some reason. Remnants of old programs no longer needed or used.

Has anyone come up with any strategies for cleaning this up - other than the *very* manual hunting?

I'm thinking ways to tell in a variable is not referenced in any program or folder condition. Ways to identify network resources not used for over a certain time - or not referenced in any program? I know it get's more complex as variables and network resources can be called thru the API - so better may be ways to tell when these were last modified? I know ISY has a last modified data for variables - but does ISY even keep track of when a Network Resource was last used?

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You're absolutely correct, it's not quick and easy.  I try to stay on top of it but it seems like later I always find things no longer in use that I forgot to delete. 

At the beginning of this year I took the time to do a comprehensive ISY cleaning Project.  For variables I copied and pasted the list into excel.  You can select all rows of the variable screens by clicking the top entry and holding and dragging down.  then type Ctrl-c to copy and click into cell A1 of a spreadsheet and paste.  Then delete: I deleted all the extra columns value columns because they paste as garbage, then I could resize the rows back to single line.  Then i deleted rows where I knew with out looking the variable was still in use.  At the end with the remaining row I used Find to search programs for that variable... I ended up deleting like 25 state variables from either not being used or as I went through this process either saying "Hmm, I know better now, I really don't need this variable" or "that really should just be an integer variable".  Then rinse and repeat with the other variable type.


Network resources I didn't have as nice of luck with making an external list.  I ended up making screenshots of the list and actually PRINTING (uggh), then the same method as above, I crossed off the rows that i knew where still in use without looking then used Find > Raw Text to search programs for all or part the name.   In the end I had quite a few to delete, I wasn't very good with ongoing maintenance of this list.

There is an Export button the the NR page that i hoped to use to Export all and craft a list from whatever it exported.. I never figured out how to make it export anything tho, the file created always seems to be empty.

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1 hour ago, MWareman said:

I know ISY has a last modified data for variables - but does ISY even keep track of when a Network Resource was last used?

Only call network resources from a program then use a variable to set day of the year ?


All kidding aside some of this should be easier from UD Mobile soon.  Although incomplete, basic program mapping has been implemented in UD Mobile for iOS (top bar in when viewing a program) testFlight version.  A simple query change will allow the same button will be added to all nodes/variables/network-resources to show a list of programs which include the referenced node/variable/network-resource.

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A simple query change will allow the same button will be added to all nodes/variables/network-resources to show a list of programs which include the referenced node/variable/network-resource.
That's awesome!   Thank you....

I'd love there to be a report to list network resources not referenced if it's possible. I have just over 600 NRs - and I'm fairly confident ~25% are not referenced. I guess I just hate deleting NRs that I spent so much time figuring out (but it's about time!)
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